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Scrub Jay

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Everything posted by Scrub Jay

  1. And I believe it was the longest thread ever and reached maximum replies, right?
  2. I'm not an expert on either topic but the way it was being described did make me think that there was a cult-mentality included. I'm sure, at the very least, the mentalities tapped into to belong to a cult or a terrorist organization are related in some ways. Gangs as well.
  3. Constant Craver and they recommended Intermediate Dieting (or Fasting? I forget how they put it). Hmmmm....
  4. Exactly. Never mind there are plenty of conservative religious people who also think you'll go to hell for divorcing and remarrying. How about we all learn to live and let live if it isn't hurting us or others? Stones, glass houses, pot, kettle, all that jazz.
  5. In reading the wiki page now - I don't even remember that it was a novel! LOL
  6. James Redfield! That rang a bell and, voila, I read The Celestine Prophecy in college. :) I think it was my first self help book ever. I remember being so enthralled with it but I couldn't tell you one detail now. LOL! Thanks, everyone!
  7. No, it wasn't Christian. Maybe new agey?
  8. It definitely wasn't Doctor Phil. There are too many self help books!! LOL
  9. I believe so but it wasn't that. I've been Googling to no avail.
  10. In 1995 or 1996 I remember reading a popular self help book and filling out a journal for it. I am pretty sure it was new then and I also remember it not being written that well. LOL. But it was popular at the time. Any idea what it was called? Something just reminded me of it and I can't remember the title to save my life. I am pretty sure the author was male.
  11. Where do you live and how do you know these Muslims? How did they openly applaud what happened on 9/11?
  12. Heh. http://www.theonion.com/articles/obama-proposes-free-community-college-for-those-wi,37727/?utm_source=Facebook&utm_medium=SocialMarketing&utm_campaign=LinkPreview:1:Default
  13. I was born in 1975 and my father was NOT present for my birth. He was smoking a lot outside the hospital, per my mom. LOL
  14. This sounds like exactly what I want...
  15. Well, I know my questioning of god and children was based on you stating: "And if they don't like how you help them or if you have them learn to do it themselves or want you to help with something you think immoral/wrong? Is it reasonable for them to hate you, to say you didn't really care?" So that only applied to adults but not children? And, if so, what is the age or cognitive milestone for this to be applied?
  16. I'm curious if anyone has any BTDT stories with NovaSure? I am considering it for my heavy periods.
  17. Just read one gunman is dead and 2 arrested. http://www.aol.com/article/2015/01/07/gunmen-who-stormed-charlie-hebdo-offices-killing-12-identified/21126406/?icid=maing-grid7|maing11|dl1|sec1_lnk1%26pLid%3D594880
  18. How would this apply to a child being raped by a family member and who begs and prays for god to stop the abuse but it never stops...? What did this child do wrong or how were they supposed to follow god to stop the abuse?
  19. Some powerful photos here. http://talkingpointsmemo.com/livewire/vigils-europe-charlie-hebdo-photos
  20. OMG, this sounds divine. I grew up with a wood stove - too bad my parents don't live in my childhood home any more!
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