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Everything posted by SnMomof7

  1. Just a thought :). You don't need to buy full courses all at once, you can buy 2 LU per course for example and get more later :). CLE is really a great way to simplify.
  2. We do really like CLE - just make sure you use the placement tests. Children often place 1-2 levels behind due to rigorous content and differing scope and sequence. It's all good, though! We use CLE for almost everything, but sub out the spelling for Rod and Staff after 2nd, and use ACE for social and science once reading is established.
  3. CLE also includes writing :). We've found it to be enough for us, but we do sub out the spelling for Rod and Staff. Super easy to cross out any sections you don't need and to use a substitute for them.
  4. I use CLE for LA and Rod and Staff for spelling. It's quick and easy to cross off the CLE Spelling portions.
  5. CLE does have very clear explanations. It is even written to the student in 2nd and up, so it is very easy to understand. It is also very traditional, so it's easier for parents with traditional math backgrounds to teach.
  6. I like CLE because it is written to the student in 2nd and up. Parents can sill be involved as much as they like, of course, but it is empowering for my children to not 'have to' wait for mom for help.
  7. Yes, CLE's grammar instruction is rigorous. I've also been happy with their writing instruction. In 3rd and up, spelling is organized more into topical/themed lists, without a strong phonetic emphasis. I use Rod and Staff instead. Generally, it is very easy to cross off any part of the course you want to skip, there are some LUs dedicated only to writing (a couple that I can think of), but you could skip those if you didn't want to use them.
  8. Abrightmom - did you use the placement tests before starting CLE?
  9. We plan on using CLE until the end of the 700s at least and see f we are ready for Algebra. If not, we'll do the 800s as well. Then transfer into Saxon for Algebra etc.
  10. CLE is the awesomeness!! We initially used MUS, then MM - neither worked well for retention. We needed CLE!
  11. We looked into SOS, but I had/have concerns about the grading algorithm. If you look around for reviews, if things aren't worded exactly right, or are misspelled, the software marks the answer as incorrect and you need to go manually check and correct the corrections, essentially. CLE is very independent, but do the free placement test first if you decide you'd like to go that route.
  12. It's enough composition for us. If I added something else, it would not get done. As a PP mentioned, there are two years of lit and 2 years of English for CLE in high school. Some people mix it up and do 1/2 of a lit course and 1-2 of an English course each year (they used to recommend that schedule, actually). We aren't there yet, though :).
  13. I think, for me, I can have a tendency to do the grass is greener thing. I seriously considered switching to Hake this year for some of those niggly reasons we share, but the writing instruction looks better in CLE. I ultimately decided to just keep on keeping on :).
  14. It apparently gets easier after the 600s! I know, they are WILD! Okay, so honestly, I also feel like CLE can be a bit jumpy and sometimes we need to go back and review something too if it hasn't spiralled around for a while. BUT, my children DO need spiral review, and CLE includes that. I do sub out CLE spelling for Rod and Staff in 3rd and up because I prefer more phonetic teaching. I cross off CLE's spelling portion, and Rod and Staff takes 15 minutes daily tops and is still very independent. Why didn't we like Rod and Staff for English, though? It didn't get done ðŸ˜. The textbook didn't work well for some of my children with sensory/paper type issues for some reason. They like workbooks better. They had to wait for me to help them with the teacher parts, and I have a lot of children's knit was very hit and miss. Those were our biggest stumbling blocks. Yes, CLE still needs me to hold the reins, but they can move on without me when they need to.
  15. We do use CLE and it is very independent and works well, but the grammar is rigorous. If you don't have a lot of formal grammar, you'll need to brush up for 5th and up for troubleshooting purposes (I'm doing that right now).
  16. We went the opposite way, Rod and Staff English never really worked for us, but CLE did. I agree with the PP, what isn't working/why would you like to switch?
  17. Finish KII, it does gear up, and is such good preparation for CLE grade 1 materials. When she's done, you can definitely start LTR, just go at a relaxed pace. There's lots to cover, even a 1/2 lesson daily is great.
  18. http://www.clp.org/store/browse/12_activity_books We really liked Always Behave Cheerfully, Happy Puppy, Easy Everyday for our 4-yo. My 6-yo really likes the Bible Dot to Dots.
  19. I really do like having a simple, consistent, overall plan in place for the children. I think, it's important to be realistic, and I sometimes do get distracted and have to pull myself back in mentally. With a bunch of children it really isn't possible for me to get life done and provide an idealized, custom learning style etc. education for each one and keep my sanity :). Solid and consistent will just have to be good enough for me :). In the long run, it's better than any/all of my idealized plans that fell through/didn't happen! We have been better late folks for my first two, but I'm really happy with the gentle, appropriate, earlier start we had with our third. We do take it easy, 1st graders always get my priority time. KII is the better program, but wouldn't have been enough as far as volume goes- it took us around 3 months at a pretty relaxed pace, slower than what they recommend. We did A-F, KII, and some of G-K, we didn't finish because I was more impressed with KII than the R&S (it's more spiral, has review built in, R&S is a bit more random). We did really like their Bible story/coloring book combo for K (B book) my first grader still remembers it fondly. We didn't do Before We Read so I can't say much about it :). My 4-yo has also done some of their small coloring books to help keep her busy :). Glad to help you think things through!
  20. Oops, I forgot to say, you can buy only 1 LU at a time per subject and see how it goes :). It doesn't need to be a lifetime commitment :).
  21. Yeah...sounds like a good plan. I really despise having to create review or add another program in to get it :). Have fun :).
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