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Everything posted by wy_kid_wrangler04

  1. I seriously dont know where else to look:confused: I have a pug that likes to steal stuff and carry things away, but I even looked in all his hiding spots. Soooo my question is where are some ODD PLACES that keys have been found:confused::confused: I have already look in the fridge, freezer, in my cupboards, in the dog kennels, under the couches, in dresser drawers, in the washing machine and dryer (I have been doing alot of laundry today):confused::confused::confused: Please ANY suggestions. Pathetic I know because you are all in my computer I just dont know where else to look. :confused::confused:
  2. :iagree: :iagree: :iagree: :iagree:we dont even have tv anymore. No video games! My kids now love reading, doing art and they are (believe it or not) more into school (but they will NEVER admit that)
  3. 8th grade is a good year to get in a government and economics course in before she will do high school government. My daughter will be doing this for 8th grade: Pre Algebra Applications of Grammer book 2 and Jump In writing together Skills for literary analysis (reading only, not english portion) what happened to penny candy (economics) 1/2 year land of fair play (government) 1/2 year wordly wise 8 Exploring Creation with physical science
  4. I started with Astronomy, but I started my daughter in 2nd grade. I am going to do zoology1 and botany 4th, zoology 2&3 5th, chemistry and physics 6th (those are coming out in 2011) We are doing the anatomy for health over 2 years
  5. What website did you go to?? I want 1 of each!!!!! Sorry I know that didnt help your problem LOL
  6. Im trying to work with my dc on this now :banghead: I just tell my 6th grader to write down how she thinks the word is spelled, and any other ways the words could be spelled and start looking them up based on how she writes the word.
  7. Spelling power is great for learning the rules! That is what we use. Also you could add in Apples daily spelling drills. I am doing that combo with my dc and the results are amazing! Now, 1 thing, do not do the apples in order that the book goes, do the rules in the apples books based on the rules they are on in the spelling power! Otherwise it will confuse them! http://www.castlemoyle.com/shopping/spellingpowermenu.htm spelling power http://www.cathyduffyreviews.com/spelling-vocabulary/apples.htm apples daily spelling drills. This comes in two volumes http://www.rainbowresource.com/product/Apples+-+Daily+Spelling+Drills+for+Sec+Stdnts/017131/1269628663-778062 volume 1 http://www.rainbowresource.com/product/Apples+2%3A+Daily+Phonics+Drills+Secondary+Stdn/025602/1269628663-778062 volume 2
  8. Im sending you a PM--- Still looking for the others!!!!
  9. Very odd question... I sure hope this isnt against any rules (:confused:) But I have a 2nd grader who completed 2 US history books, now we are doing a communities book. My question is are there any homeschoolers who live in Florida (Or Hawaii), In a desert region, Alaska (are there any on here from there??) and a new england state that would be willing to help us with a project? Please let me know! Thanks so much! (I would like with other second graders, but close to 2nd grade will work also! Thanks)
  10. !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! You just made my day!!!! Thank you!!! (can you hear my dc groaning in the back ground??? :lol:)
  11. Somebody asked earlier about who will and will NOT have to use the health care bill they signed into law. I found this article today-- http://www.foxnews.com/politics/2010/03/25/congressional-staffers-complain-double-standard-health-care-law/ I just wanted to throw this out here (dont kill the messenger please!) I didnt want to read all over 100 something posts. If this has been brought up Im sorry, I did not read the others! I just came across this article and remember seeing that question on here......
  12. I just found this. Says they still wont use their own health care bill. A brand new article since the bill "passed" http://www.foxnews.com/politics/2010/03/25/congressional-staffers-complain-double-standard-health-care-law/
  13. I was wondering the same thing because..... ah.... last I knew there is NOTHING romantic about a drug testing center parking lot :glare:
  14. Just out of curiosity. I asked a question last night, and some of the answers kind of led to this, and I had to laugh at all the others like mine. (I AM NOT ALONE!!!!!!) :grouphug: SO here is my story: We went for a walk and there was a bench at a drug testing place so he wanted to sit down there. I could tell something was up, I actually was bracing myself, almost in tears, I thought he was going to say he wanted to see other people the way he was acting. Then he says "so do you want to get married or what?" :lol: Talk about romantic:glare:
  15. My third had that same problem exactly he was 9lb 10oz :blink:. My 4th I had a c-section after 28 hours of labor and no progress (my body went on strike after number 3 I think) It took me about 7weeks before getting semi back to normal. I did have a bad reaction though (VERY RARE) to the numbing meds (It wore off when just after he was out and they were starting to stitch me up. It started with an EXTREME burning feeling beyond words) then next thing I remember I woke up 3 hours later. With a panicked husband, mom and mother in law next to me. So my overall experience was horrible. I had a friend who had a c-section with a 3 of her kids and she was fine with in 3-4 weeks.
  16. We have the first two books, fractions and decimals & percents, but will not use them until this summer, so I am getting aquainted with fred!! (Just read in the fractions where he stabs himself and had to go to the ER :sad:)
  17. LOL Ok, it is or it isnt a Christian worldview? (you said yes and no :lol:) Its getting late :)
  18. He just says "Honey, do you remember all those conversations we had about getting a hot rod and fixing it up as a hobby car?..." :confused1:HOLD ON.... I remember NO such conversations, and trust me, I WOULD have remembered that!:glare: So my question for you, has your DH ever tried anything like that on you???:001_huh:
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