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Everything posted by wy_kid_wrangler04

  1. She will be doing SOTW 2 next year so would that be the sonlight 2 advanced?
  2. OK... I have heard that alot. I have to ask because I am very curious. I though megawords was for vocabulary. What exactly is it and how does it work????
  3. I am torn on what to do for my dd for reading next year in 3rd grade. She will be doing SOTW2 and I would love something to go along with that, but that would work for a reading curriculum. I was looking into using story of western civilization but I am wondering how that would line up with SOTW2. Any suggestions a something that would work (even if its not a "curriculum" for 3rd grade reading? Im looking for her to do reading aloud (she does plenty of silent on her own time) and reading comprehension. Thanks
  4. I am the same way--- also I do lesson plans to start to move my kids towards independance-- that way they know what is expected of them everyday and know what has to be done. My 6th grader would be totally dependant without them! It also helps my 2nd grader work independantly when she can.
  5. They do have certain areas that they will have people knocking door to door and so your area might be one of those and maybe you wont get a form. When my husband was laid off he had applied for a job with them and he found that out during training (since he would be one of the people going door to door.) I dont know how they determine who will be visited and not get a form sent though.
  6. I make my lesson plans for the week ahead. I just put filler paper in a 3 ring binder and I write all our subjects out example from my 6th grader from yesterday: Bible: Matthew chapter 24 math: workbook pg 87 pgs 296-297 textbook (see mom when ready for textbook) english: pgs 245-246 geography- finish Africa book (monday you will start project on Africa) science- pgs 20-26- notebook the what do you remember questions. Do activity for older student with me history-- test (see mom) spelling-- do worksheets vocabulary-- use vocabulary words in a sentence Then at this age I expect her to be as independant as possible. She knows to come to me when needed but I still put it in
  7. We wouldnt spend that much on a guinea pig. My daughter just got one for her 12th birthday and we actually had a talk with her about that. We told her that if anything happened we would buy her a new one but you have to think how much more that would be than to just get another one. Im not a cold hearted person- and certainly would (and have spent over $1,000 on our pug that had PDE a year ago before he died) but I just couldnt justify that on a guinea pig. Putting it that way- my daughter understood! Good luck
  8. We are thinking about getting an air purifier thinking that my help my 5yo ds. What kind do you recommend? We certainly dont have $1000 like I see some for sale for. I am looking for an affordable but very good air purifier. Any suggestions? Thanks
  9. :iagree: What a mighty God we serve!!!! I hope this is a testimony many will listen to!!!!
  10. I read a small handful of responces, did you all get checked out to be sure the gas didnt do any harm?????? Just wondering! I am thanking the GOOD LORD for you for a long time for this!!
  11. Yes he does!!!!! Isnt it ironic that the bodyshops unorthodox painting actually cause you to still be here.... wow I have shivers :grouphug::grouphug: Just hug your dc and dh a little closer from now on!!!!!!
  12. I FOUND THEM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! They were in the bottom of the toy box (that 2 of my dc said they emptied one by one and checked EVERYTHING:leaving:)
  13. I do love him... we actually rescued him from the denver pug rescue so hes soooo spoiled.... but I truly think he is guilty :glare: does yours steal and hide things????
  14. checked dd cleaning it (although it was pretty clean) just to be sure:confused::confused:
  15. I am checking and rechecking (if i have checked before) everywhere everybody suggests-- my dd wasnt happy about me sending her dumpster diving but shes still out there looking
  16. Took the trash out already sending the kids out to go dumpster diving for keys :001_unsure:
  17. I have been praying actually-- and i have all 4 kids tearing the house apart (its not so clean anymore:001_huh:) I pray about things I cant find alot , and usually find them QUICKLY after
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