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Everything posted by MrsMommy

  1. The St. Louis Zoo just opened a Primate Canopy Trail that's pretty amazing.
  2. St. Louis Zoo and Chicago's Brookfield Zoo.
  3. I know people *do* but I'd never tried it that way before Portillo's. The obscene amount of frosting you use is probably part of it, too.
  4. It's the mayonnaise. It makes the cake richer and moister. My family thought it was weird, until I pointed out that the main ingredients in mayo are already in most cakes.
  5. It definitely would! Eli's and I are old friends...it's soooo good!!! When we were missing our yearly trip to Chicago early in the pandemic, I had one shipped...and then they contacted me, and said they wanted to send us another one! It was a rare bright spot in 2020...
  6. Portillo's chocolate cake isn't vegan, but it *is* Chicago. You serve ketchup with your hot dogs, though, and someone from the Chicago Food Commission is going to bust up your party! 🙂
  7. I grew up in Wheaton! That's what we usually did...parked at a Metra station and took the train in to the city. I have so many fond memories of traveling that way...riding on the second floor of the train was always such a treat!
  8. You should seriously publish these in a book...I love reading them!
  9. Look guys, I'm truly sorry I asked. I didn't realize that it was weird to ask for help here...she took care of the part of the assignment regarding minors, but she wasn't really sure where to go to get input from a wide range of mothers, so I suggested that I could share it here...it seemed like a normal thing to offer, but perhaps I was out of line. I'm really not in a place where I need to continue to be harangued about this, especially since she has gathered her data and I asked that we could just let it drop. Seeing notifications that continue to criticize not only her, but now me as well every time I visit the forum isn't doing wonders for my mental health right now. I do truly appreciate the help she received, and so does she.
  10. I actually did say something to that effect, but perhaps you missed it, just as you missed the fact that I asked you to please just drop it.
  11. I'm sorry you don't approve of the education she is receiving in college. As her professor approved her survey, I don't really see why your opinion should matter so much. And my daughter is not the one reading here...I am. So you are not helping her or teaching her. I shared a few thoughts with her, but that's it. I get that some people felt they couldn't answer the survey, and that's fine...no judgement from me. But I don't know how much work you think she should put into questions she had to come up with at the last minute, so she can figure out a way to cram the information from only the first 10 responses into a 4,000 word paper she's already written, and still turn it in on time. Please just drop it. Don't worry...I won't make the mistake of asking for help with something like this again.
  12. Let me rephrase...*I* wasn't looking for people to critique my daughter. I was trying to help her get the assignment completed before the semester is over because she was running out of time. Given that she could only access the first ten responses through the free version of the survey site, I don't really think it matters, and if she needs to do a survey in the future, she can figure it out then.
  13. Thanks again to everyone who participated! She has all the responses she needs now. She was very intrigued by how the questions were interpreted y some...she thinks maybe she was trying so hard not to include personal bias, she veered too far the other way. In general, though, she wasn't looking for a critique of her questions...like I said, it was a last-minute addition to the assignment and she had to throw it together, so it wasn't polished, but she's getting it done, which is her main concern with the due date approaching.
  14. Thanks for all the help so far! The survey part of the assignment was dropped on her last minute, and she's never had to think about survey questions before, so she did the best she could. She really appreciates all the responses!
  15. Thanks again for the help! I deleted the link to the survey since she had all the responses she needed...this has definitely been a learning experience for her!
  16. I'm so sorry for your loss. She was so blessed to have such a loving family!!!
  17. I'm so sorry...life is so unfair sometimes.
  18. I'm so sorry. You all continue to be in my prayers.
  19. The recipe I use calls for canned! They're one of my oldest daughter's favorite things.
  20. Our dinners actually sound like they'd go well together!
  21. Slow-cooked Lamb Italian Easter Bread Risotto Insalata Caprese Panzanella Roasted Cauliflower Breaded Artichokes Cannoli Italian Sprinkle Cookies
  22. I have Opening Day on the brain, and I thought this was going to be a totally different question! 🙂
  23. @MercyAI'm so happy your bird is doing better, and can I just say how much I've enjoyed hearing about her? I guess I didn't realize birds had so much personality, and it's been fun to get to "know" her!
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