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Everything posted by hsbaby

  1. Lunch: burritos Wrench: my super slow pokey dd 13:( Glad it's over: math for today. I hate math.
  2. Prince Nine Inch Nails Greenday Bush Some festival with Kid Rock, Red Hot Chili Peppers, Linkin Park, etc. Forget the name, but it was lots of fun:) These are necessarily my favorite artists, but the concerts that I remember being really fun!
  3. We bought one a few years ago for our dc for Christmas. We bought new and got the warranty. That was money well spent:). We have used the warranty a few times (Once was a minor issue and once to replace the clutch after a friend of our used it despite exceeding the weight limit!). We all love riding the go kart and have definitely gotten our moneys worth!!
  4. Hs=homeschool and baby because when I joined I was just starting out and so a homeschooling baby....yeah, not very creative.
  5. Like a few pp's, we used ABF for our move from CA to TN. Great experience!
  6. We are part of quite a few. A hs group, a tutorial, and I host a small geography group. We have all made some great friends. We love the opportunity to go on field trips with other families, holiday parties, park days, classes, etc. I feel very fortunate to live in an area with so many hs opportunities with great moms and kids:). I haven't noticed a lot of the issues other people have brought up within our groups. There is never much talk of religion, curriculum, hs philosophies, etc. It's all pretty drama free:)
  7. I can listen to these all the way through (which is rare for me): James Blunt: Back to Bedlam Counting Crows: August and Everything After Sublime That's probably it. I love all different music, but usually only a few songs on each album.
  8. After throwing up tuna salad in 7th grade, I have refused to eat it or serve it to anyone I know. We do eat chickensalad sandwiches though:)
  9. My dd's are MAD..... No one has ever noticed or cared. Go withwhat you like. I wouldn't have thought anything about the initials you said!
  10. My mom only bought Miracle Whip when we were growing up and I thought it was mayo. So, I always thought I hated mayo. Once I had real mayo I felt so cheated:). I looooove mayo, but miracle whip? Ugh *shudder*
  11. My dd has special needs so we had to take extra precautions! We got her an electric razor. It works really well and it is impossible to cut yourself with it. She uses it on dry legs followed by lotion. Super easy and I don't have to worry about a blood bath:)
  12. Happyhomemaker25: you said it just feels like you being a little crazy. That's the thing about Anxiety....you know realistically you are not being rational, but you just can't control it. Even if you tell yourself you're over reacting or being paranoid, the physical symptoms just won't go away:( I hope you are able to get the help you need. It's no fun at all!! To OP: I saw a psychiatrist for my original diagnosis and prescription. Now I go to my family doctor for refills, dose management, check ups. HTH!
  13. I am so sorry you have joined the anxiety club. It is truly awful. I was always a worrier, but it just got out of control after my second child. Like you, I would get so nervous when driving. I would grip the steering wheel, sweat, my heart would beat faster, and I was constantly on the lookout for potential dangers and planning what I would do, if say, a huge truck swerved my way. It was ridiculous! I also had a lot of anxiety over my health and mortality. Often times I would be anxious, but unable to pinpoint an exact cause. I finally started taking Celexa and it changed everything. I know some people prefer to go another route, but like a pp said, I see it as a chemical imbalance that needs to be treated the same way any other medical condition would be. So, I chose meds as my treatment and they have been amazing. I have been lucky to have no side effects. I had to go off of them when I was pregnant and it was then that I realized I will likelytake them forever. I regressed right back into that constantly anxious state. Ugh...it is such an awful thing. Especially because you "know" you are being paranoid, but you just can't turn it off. So, hugs to you and Ihope you find something that helps you as well!!
  14. Congrats on the move! It is beautiful here and there are a TON of opportunities for homeschoolers. I would suggest you join SHAPE. Google Spring Hill Area Parent Educators for info. Though based in Spring Hill, they do field trips all over the area. They are also have a very active yahoo group, park days, special activities (in fact, there was a history fair today). Another group is the Williamson County Homeschool yahoo group. Not quite as active, but still a lot of great info. There are a lot of co-ops and tutorials in the area. Off the top of my head there is Shanan, West Harpeth, A Classical Conversations group in Franklin, SHARE (k-6 tutorial), SHINE (7-12 tutorial), Wise-Oak, Endesha....many more. It also might be helpful to check out the Middle TN Home Educatation Assoc. (MTHEA). Lots of great info. there. Feel free to PM me if you want any more specific info.:) ETA: I have a 7 yr. old boy as well! Maybe we will meet IRL sometime:)
  15. I have just finished crying due to the arguing, whining, etc. Kids have had all privileges taken away for the day. We have stopped school for the day and they will make the work up on Saturday. No, you are not alone.:grouphug:
  16. I grew up in San Jose!! None of the friends I grew up with hs though. It's not a cheap place to live, so most of them work! Wish I could help:grouphug:
  17. I also bought this to go along with Apologia Anatomy. The kids have enjoyed the "Try This" sections from the book more than anything in "The Body Book". They hate all the cutting....and so do I so there is no way they are pawning it off on me:tongue_smilie:
  18. My second grader was able to do number 2, but not 1 or 3. This was just with them being read aloud. I think he could do 3 if he wrote it out, but not number 1.
  19. By the time my kids are 7 or 8 they don't want ANYONE in there:) Guess it just depends on the kids and what you're comfortable with. If it were me I would probably start having them take separate bathes. This, coming from a mom that doesn't even change in front of her 3 year old:tongue_smilie:
  20. My husband would definitely stay home if he could! With my friends it's 50/50. I know several that would live the opportunity to stay home and others that work even though it isn't financially necessary. I worked for a while after my second was born (necessity). I would have done anything to stay home. Well, honestly, I did. We moved out of CA to a state we could afford so I could stay home!
  21. Going to agree with the "sounds pretty normal" crowd. I've caught my son playing with it out in the open....when his sisters were near. After a talk about "private" parts and the appropriate place to do things, he didn't do it again. I don't think a 4 year old is thinking anything but "oh, this is fun". Unless I saw other concerning behaviors I would really hesitate to call my ped. Or any other mandatory reporter. That can get ugly quick. As for the word "tickling", my 3 yr. old cousin always refers to thing tickling his penis...I don't think the use if that word would throw red flags for me.
  22. My oldest was in PS from Pre-K to 4th. She has special needs and was in both special ed. and general classrooms. Our experiences varied from year to year....often depending on the teacher. And I will say, she had 1 or 2 AWESOME teachers! My issues with special needs programs won't apply to you, so I will leave them out:) I will say however, that having a special needs child can really highlight that bullying and inappropriate behavior that goes on (usually unpunished) in ps. I was also surprised at some of the topics these young kids brought up...stuff I didn't even think about in 3rd grade. For example, we once had a 3rd grade girl call our house and leave a message saying she was so drunk. REALLY? I seriously don't think I knew what that meant at that age! We also had our middle in ps K. That lasted an entire month. He was SO bored. He also didn't care for the social aspects of school. Kids calling each other names, being physical on the playground, etc. It would bother him even if it weren't directed at him. I went to eat with him a few times and I couldn't believe how the teachers and staff let these kids get away with stuff. He now goes to a hs tutorial. These kids don't get away with much:) I like it that way....so does he. You act up...you go home. Simple as that.
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