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Everything posted by hsbaby

  1. I guess I'll just taking her. Maybe I'll make some not so quite remarks about my poor baby and her Asthma:)
  2. I try to keep these things in mind: 1. People tend to exaggerate how great things are. Just look at Facebook. You would think mist everyone has the perfect life. 2. People tend to leave out the negatives when talking about a decision they recently made. Most people want to "prove" how great/right/perfect their decision was. 3. What makes one family/child/parent happy isn't necessarily what will make me and mine happy. 4. There are pros and cons to everything. If I was to rave about all the pros of homeschooling to ps parents, they just might question their decision as well.
  3. My dd3 has really bad allergies, along with Asthma. With everything blooming she constantly sounds sick. She tends to cough a lot, along with the typical stuffiness. I feel so bad taking her places because I know people assume she has a bad (and contagious) cold. So, she's been coughing all day and has gym tonight. Do you guys just take them anyway? Should I say something to the teacher? Ugh....I feel so awkward when I know other moms are probably irritated thinking I brought my sick child around their kids!
  4. My dd3 has really bad allergies, along with Asthma. With everything blooming she constantly sounds sick. She tends to cough a lot, along with the typical stuffiness. I feel so bad taking her places because I know people assume she has a bad (and contagious) cold. So, she's been coughing all day and has gym tonight. Do you guys just take them anyway? Should I say something to the teacher? Ugh....I feel so awkward when I know other moms are probably irritated thinking I brought my sick child around their kids!
  5. It's funny....we moved from CA to TN and I haven't noticed that the cultures are all that different. The only noticeable things to me were: people wave at you when you drive by, kids call me Miss (my name), kids say mam and sir, and it's not as diverse. Other than that, I don't feel like I moved into some foreign land or culture:). I never felt unwelcome....in fact, Floridians and Californians seem to be the majority here.
  6. Don't panic! You'll be surprised how many people are willing to help. I fundraised 10,000 for a service dog for my dd when she was younger.
  7. We send two of our to a traditional, week long day camp. Fortunately my parents help with the cost. It's about 250/child for the week. They absolutely love it!
  8. Oh yes!!! I have a cryer and it happens to be my ds as well. He is 8. He cries multiple times a day. Not just about school (though he does that daily), but also about things like taking a shower, cleaning his room, coming in from playing outside.....pretty much whenever he has to do something he did not come up with on his own. He will calm down after a few minutes and apologize. It's exhausting. And I thought girls were supposed to be the emotional ones!!! I'll be watching this thread for advice!
  9. Yup.....but not by choice. My SIL, her dh, and their three kids will be moving in next week. I think they will be here a few months. It's going to be insane. Wish me luck!
  10. Coming in late here, but wanted to add my thanks as well. I was so lost when I started homeschooling. I read many if the recommended books on getting started, but nothing really "spoke" to me. I didn't know what direction I wanted our homeschooling to go in and really floundered for an entire year. I finally discovered the Well Trained Mind. I found myself saying "yes!" and "exactly!" throughout the book. I finally felt I had found an approach I loved. We started implementing most of the recommendations and haven't looked back. So, thank you Susan. You are an inspiration to me and I appreciate all you have done for the homeschooling community!
  11. I freeze pancakes, bagel sandwiches (egg, diced ham, and cheese), breakfast burritos, and muffins. Since I've started making breakfast ahead of time, mornings are so much easier!
  12. Last week was book 16. I read Red Riding Hood. Not so great. I think the movie will be entertaining, but not a quality novel by any means. This week I am reading Seeds of Vengeance by Sylvia Nobel. Again, not a classic....just fun, light reading. Maybe I'll look for something "deeper" next week:)
  13. I'll have to go check my settings. THANK YOU! This has been driving me insane!!!
  14. So, when I go to upload photos it always put them at the top of my blog. I can't seem to just insert them where I want them. Say, for example, I write out an entire paragraph and then want to insert a picture following it. It will always put the picture at the top of the page and then I have to drag it down where I want it. No big deal when there is just one picture, but it's annoying when I want to add a few. Am I doing something wrong? Is there a way to get them to just go where I want them?
  15. Nope....sounds just like the way my teen dresses (she's 14).....and i'm the one that picks out the clothes:)
  16. Heck no! If I can't get it online, I will just wait!
  17. Oh, oh wait! I have to add another. We bought two pet Alpacas. They live in our backyard. In our subdivision:). We thought it would be a great hands on experience for the kids. Turned out to be a hands on experience for dh and me! But, we love 'em!!!
  18. Hosting 17 kids for a geography group every other Monday. The fact that it often involves paint, glitter, glue sticks, food, etc. makes it even more crazy. I have had to train myself not to stress over the mess and enjoy having a group of great kids getting together, having fun, and learning (at my carpets expense!)
  19. We have had more than our fair share of mice around here! We even had one greet us Christmas morning. DH tore the house apart before we even opened presents and ended up masacaring it with a dust pan.\:lol: The only thing we have had success with is the old school snap traps. Gets them every time. I'm sorry, I can't do the live traps. I just want them gone.
  20. I finished Without Pity by Ann Rule. I usually enjoy true crime books, but this was a little boring IMO. I started the Kite Runner two weeks ago, but have only read a chapter or so:( We were on a cruise and, despite convincing myself before we left that I would do some reading, I did nothing but play:)
  21. Yeah, I second Old Navy. It's cheap (and sometimes doesn't last forever), but that's usually not a problem since they grow out of it in one season anyway. We love Old Navy.
  22. :willy_nilly: OMG!!!! Sorry.....no way would I have come over. Let alone leave my own house! But, I would have called! That is just crazy....and funny:)
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