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Annie G

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Everything posted by Annie G

  1. That .01 would annoy me because an acre just sounds so nice. Hope it sells!
  2. Guess that explains why it keeps happening. Sheesh…got their money’s worth out of that battery!
  3. We love our stainless ones w the silicone tip. Easy to clean, lasts for years. My sister’s silicone ones are more difficult for me to clean. Dog hair sticks to them. Who knows how long she’s had them though,
  4. My house has never been cleaner or more organized than the couple of years that dh’s sister made our lives miserable. I don’t often get angry so having a long period of anger and frustration was something I didn’t know how to deal with. Cleaning and organizing was a better choice than strangling her.
  5. Way too long. About 6 years for me. Periods got much lighter and farther apart. And then BAM they suddenly were SUPER heavy, like leaking through super tampon AND super pad in minutes. Then for the rest of that period it was normal. But I never knew when the gushing was going to happen. It was awful, but especially after seeing them be so light for a year. There was a year or more where I was super irregular. Might be 15 days between periods, or 34, or 90. No predictability at all. I went 364 days without a period and then got one on day 365 and I was NOT a fun person to be around that day. Man, was I mad that I had to reset my clock. Never had another one. I believe dh was truly as happy as I was when menopause finally was achieved.
  6. We live in a small town and our service has been excellent until the past month when our carrier had a medical emergency while on vacation out of the country. She’s back in the US, but hospitalized in Miami and might never be able to work again. Our substitute carriers have been hit or miss, though it’s gotten better as they’ve learned the route. If we have a package too large for our mailbox the carrier brings it to our covered porch and puts the ‘regular’ mail rubberbanded together under the package so to doesn’t blow away. I always appreciated that and assumed it was to keep someone from having to walk to the mailbox- just a kind gesture. Our little post office is open all day M-F and half a day Saturday. They’ve almost always been friendly, though there is an occasionally a kind of crabby interaction. (I’m sure they could say the same about me)
  7. We love ours, and like mentioned above, have used Costco pellets. This spring Costco sold Traeger pellets for way less than I can buy them elsewhere so we stocked up. It’s been an excellent purchase for us and it’s SO easy to use.
  8. Dh retired at 60 and his employer doesn’t offer health insurance after retirement. We use ACA and keep our income low enough to qualify for excellent subsidies and the low deductible/out of pocket that comes with it. We’ve been very happy with our insurance, and next year he’ll be 65 and switch to Medicare, while I will stay on ACA.
  9. Thanks for the recommendation! Having trouble finding it…title?
  10. You can try an inmate search through the DOC. A friend’s dh did some awful stuff and I can see his charges and such by doing an inmate search. But that is IL, so Virginia might be different.
  11. Same here- the county rules don’t apply to the little town. The towns can make their own rules, but none are currently under an acre without special permission. Our county really wants to remain rural but the neighboring county is where our flagship state university is and that county is bursting at the seams and people want to move here. Top 15 for growth in the country?! Wow. Clearly a great place to live.
  12. That’s how it is in our county- used to be a half acre, then an acre, now it’s three. They are doing it to limit growth because utilities, services, schools are all stretched. In our neighborhood there are a few lots left and they are grandfathered in because they are just under an acre. But no way would a lot here that wasn’t originally zoned for a home be allowed to skirt the rules. And the strip next to you was never zoned for a home. Having said that, I’d probably buy it just to give you control over the space and eliminate any buyer hesitation, whether yiu sell now or decide to stack around a while longer.
  13. Since you’re stuck with her until October, and she’s the agent you’re using for the other house, I’d absolutely email or text her about the comment. I’m sure she’s feeling pressured to sell, and responded inappropriately. But if you don’t tell her, she won’t know. And you probably don’t want to sour a relationship w her in case a buyer is around the corner. So sorry the house sale isn’t going smoothly. What a hassle.
  14. We use LED bulbs in our fixtures and have never had one last more than a couple of years. With that in mind, when we moved here we sought traditional fixtures that we could replace bulbs as needed instead of replacing the fixture. No regrets. Dd moved not long after we did and installed three fixtures w integrated lights and has replaced them all.
  15. Do you have any friends or neighbors w a fenced in yard who might be open to dog sitting for a few hours? You could then go to a movie- if there’s anything suitable for Andrew to see. A kid movie would probably be fine for adults- they could drink soda and rest in the cool, dark theater.
  16. The biggest improvement in our area is that the transit system is now free for everyone, and they have on demand service at night and to a few key areas outside the county. This is hugely helpful to people without cars. I’m not talking about a large city- it’s where our state flagship university is located, and there are about 130,000 residents and about 38,000 students. But for a smaller area, it’s a pretty good system.
  17. I’m so sorry you’re injured. Glad no surgery is needed, and sending good vibes for a smooth recovery.
  18. There are times when a parent being overprotective or restrictive can be damaging to a child. But a kid doesn’t need any tv. Let the parent decide. However, if the child is being ‘babysat on a regular basis, it seems also unreasonable for the other kids in the house to not be allowed to watch tv. We had that issue with our two youngest. Ds had a friend who’s mom wouldn;t let him watch anything but Thomas the Tank Engine and when he came for a play date she demanded that our daughter also not watch tv because her son could be exposed to it. If became a problem when he moved four doors down and was at our house daily.
  19. 1. Nontoxic 2.nontoxic 3.toxic Scenario 3 is wrong on two levels- letting the kid watch a movie they know the parent won’t allow, and telling the kid to keep it a secret from the parents. Nope, Wrong. I actually wouldn’t label it toxic, though. To me a one time event isn’t ‘toxic’.
  20. End of month: the cherry tomatoes that I got were delicious. But it’s been in the 90’s so long and evidently tomatoes don’t ripen when it gets that hot. At least that;s what’s being said around my parts. Lots of tomatoes, few getting ripe. Tons more blooms so I have hope but August in Georgia isn’t going to be cooler. Green beans were a flop. Maybe a handful between 15 plants. Bummer of a summer vegetable wise, that’s for sure.
  21. @alisoncooks what is pink stuff? Impressed with your long term menu planning. Wish I had been that organized when we were raising kids!
  22. This is close to how our household runs, but I will say that my guys don’t care about variety and are thrilled if I make pizza every Friday night, tacos on Wednesday, etc. I modify my own meals to give me the variety I desire. On grill night the guys want burgers and baked sweet potato fries. I’ll make a big salad and toss on a piece of grilled chicken for my dinner. Not much additional work, but makes me happier.
  23. I censored youngest dd’s reading at times. She was reading chapter books when she was 5, and by the time she was 7 or 8 she was making selections from the YA section in the library. Several had themes I felt she was too young to be exposed to on her own. Now, I read aloud to my kids daily until they were high school age, and I did tackle some mature books as read alouds. My argument was simple…knowing how to read at an adult level didn’t mean she was mature enough to be exposed to adult problems.
  24. There’s a charge for the sticker? We moved here in 2019 and my car has the sticker but our other car doesn’t. I don’t recall a charge for the sticker, just them asking which way we wanted it. Like you, I didn’t want to advertise my county.
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