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Annie G

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Everything posted by Annie G

  1. I’m inside my head almost all the time and rarely notice details like car color or whether someone has glasses or facial hair. We share a driveway with a neighbor who has a tenant living upstairs. At least four cars total but I couldn’t tell you what any of them are. Some people just don’t notice things like that. I’d be more concerned if she is forgetting previously known info, though.
  2. I’d keep it for at least another year before deciding to burn it. But I’d keep it in a very safe, private place. One day you might benefit from looking back at the tough time and how you came out the other side as a survivor. It might help you get through the next rough time, or it might help you work through unresolved issues from this time. But there’s a lot of value in burning it, too. Go with your gut.
  3. What makes that Mexican dressing? I was expecting cumin or cilantro or something. She notes that it is much more healthy without the 6 T of mayo but I think the sugar is worse.
  4. Thriftyfruglmom says she feeds her family of 6 for $225 a month. A recent menu featured made from scratch pancakes with syrup and chicken gravy, lettuce salad (she uses something called Mexican dressing and I wonder if that’s code for Taco Bell taco sauce packets), and applesauce. ‘That would not fly here.
  5. ‘I have the same magic house, but with an additional feature. Things like a full trash can, basket full of laundry that needs to be folded, a bathroom that needs to be cleaned are all invisible to my family. *I* am the only one who can see these things. Well, I’m assuming guests can see them.
  6. I might be able to do it for a week or two, in an emergency situation, but not long term. To do that we’d eat a lot of starches like beans and rice. We generally eat a lot of fresh food and a small amount of meat, but quality meat. $70 a week for five people would be $2 a day per person and we would have to radically change our diet to keep costs that low.
  7. It’s worth it for me, but I do small scale. I have three Patio Pickers self watering containers and an additional round planter. I grow tomatoes, both regular and cherry, red and orange bell peppers, and green beans. I have a love affair with fresh tomatoes so growing them is way cheaper for me. The two cherry varieties I grow provide an abundance during the summer AND enough to freeze so I can toss them into dishes throughout the year. The red and yellow peppers are the same- I freeze what I can’t eat. ‘The green beans aren’t really a big money saver but I am able to put up enough in the freezer for throughout the year. I mostly grow them because they are super easy and I get a lot of bang for my buck. Costs: patio pickers bought in previous years. every other year I replace the soil. I have a bag of lime that I’ve used for several years and when I buy fertilizer it lasts at least two years. A packet of green bean seeds lasts quite a while, and new tomato and pepper plants bought yearly. This year I replaced dirt and I spent $30 between dirt and plants. ‘But if a kid wants to garden, I’d do it. It is such a great experience and some things you pay more for just for the experience.
  8. With baby 1 (35 years ago) the doc did the same to me but said it was easier to recover from the incision than if he’d not done it and I had torn. I don’t know if I had the same thing with baby 2 but I think maybe so since I definitely had stitches. #3 and #4 were c section so stitches were in a different location!
  9. Beautifully done, and the label is the perfect touch!
  10. She’s so pretty!!! congrats on the new addition.
  11. Something local, whether it’s a food or product, is always nice.
  12. I’ve tried many kinds many times. I do not like it, Sam I am.
  13. Multiple methods here. We have different accounts and divvy up the money. One is household bills, and that is recurring things like utilities, insurance, cell phones, etc. Another account is for mortgage, property taxes, and household repairs. Then dh and I have our own accounts for discretionary purchases. ‘We also use Mint so we can we where money is going, Nd it lows us to set budgets so even though we are each ‘in charge’ of different things, we can see what’s been spent. I also dedicate a two page spread in my bullet journal every month to track my spending. For me, writing it all down makes me think more. When we travel I do a spread to track our expenses. ‘It all sounds like a LOT of tracking and it is. Dh is retiring within the next 12 months and we’re trying to be sure we know how much we’re really spending. We’re also transitioning from an end of the month look back to a more defined budget approach.
  14. Nope. But I’m rocking it with my adult children and with the grandchildren. So I guess that counts for something.
  15. Our county provides details of how the case was resolved (conviction or not) and it is helpful for a landlord to see whether there have been previous evictions or drug issues. In our city if a person is arrested for drugs (not convicted, arrested!) landlords are required to evict them. It’s an effort by the city to run off drug users. No way to predict whether someone will use in the future but we could find out if they were convicted in the past. (FTR it’s a stupid policy) I know some people who used it to check driving records of people they knew would be driving their kids, like daycare workers, coaches, etc. We wish we had checked the record of a roofer we hired. He ended up doing a criminally bad job and it was because he was in the midst of an alcohol problem. He got arrested about five times in a month’s time, and did our roof right after that. His wife called him in sick one day but we later found out he was in jail. Also he was racking up judgements for bad work even though our next door neighbor used him the previous year and loved his work. Had we looked him up and seen that we would have gone with another roofer.
  16. It varies. Our county uses a website that is free and has about a third of our state’s counties. But the next county over from us doesn’t participate in that and they have their own, designed for lawyers, not the general public. You could call the courthouse and ask them if they have that info available online and where-that’s how we learned about ours. We were doing our own background checks for prospective tenants.
  17. I would sew with the tv on in the background, nap at some point, and eat a meal that nobody else likes. probably something that included Brussels sprouts because EVERYONE has to comment on the smell every time I cook them. It would be nice to eat them one time without hearing any complaints. ‘There night also be a pint of Ben and Jerry’s tossed in there somewhere.
  18. Also, I LOVED the way the choir sang Stand By Me. It was lovely!!
  19. You are probably too young to remember pop up video but it was awesome. Little text bubbles would pop up giving info but without interrruption. I think it should be brought back for so many things- like this wedding! Political events! Award shows like the Oscars!
  20. Hope you feel better. Glad you’re going in to be seen.
  21. If that includes the veil I’m not surprised. It includes hand embroidery that was exceptionally time consuming- and they washed their hands every 30 minutes to keep dirt and oils from getting on the veil while it was made.
  22. I watched on BBC America and the coverage was nice. The flower girls were adorable. Camilla’s hat was....weird. Watching the royals react to the American who preached was pretty fun. Megan looked adorable and composed and happy. And what beautiful weather they had! I was interested enough to roll over in bed and turn on the tv but no way would I have camped out for days to catch an in person glimpse. Every time I hear God Save the Queen it makes me wonder why we used the same melody for My Country Tis of Thee (America). Why did the author do that?
  23. You’re so right. MIL had dementia w hallucinations and lung cancer. She was always a kind woman but oh how much more sweet and kind she became. It was amazing to watch.
  24. No way would I believe the other kid or other parent. Nope. I would tell my kid I’m glad she didn’t do whatever it was because I would be so disappointed, but i would give her the benefit of the doubt. And I’d distance myself from the other family. WHY would they tell you what the other kid said??? The ‘trash’ comment is disgusting. I’m sorry. It’s hard to unhear when people say unkind things.
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