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Everything posted by Clarita

  1. I read it but never implemented it. Even the 4th isn't open and go at all. I had to read through twice before I wrapped my head around what I would be doing each day and what all the chapters were "about". I don't know what the 6th edition looks like, my library only had the 4th.
  2. Soon after we got married the in-laws declared no more presents. We were more than happy to comply. We don't get our kids any Christmas presents and now that DD5 realized she can write letters requesting things to grandma and grandpa I'm pretty sure they have a list of stuff from her. Don't worry we don't specifically get our children Christmas or Birthday presents, but we still spoil them. They have plenty of stuff.
  3. If you want warm veggies I like to do roasted/broiled asparagus, broccoli, cauliflower, brussel sprouts...
  4. I mean this kind of behavior bothers everyone that it happens to. It's just not always worth making everyone like you.
  5. From what you said about her she probably knows. The thing is she probably has to handle it in her workplace. In her workplace where it actually matters in terms of whether she gets a promotion, gets the deal, where people "liking" her equals dollars. It's a matter of do I need to do something about it or not, sometimes you choose not to because it's not worth it. (It also becomes background noise and your normal.)
  6. You can also consider solar panels with battery back-up. How useful and wonderful you think that set up is depends on our area (how much sun you get and how much sun you get if the power goes out). It's pretty great because I don't have to worry about it when the power goes out and as long as the sun is shining it could be indefinitely (caveat is that I'm not running the AC). The only thing we don't hook up to the battery is the AC. Other things I try not to use is oven, car charging, washer and dryer, and dishwasher. In a pinch I can run those but do it in the day when there is sunlight. The freezer, fridge, the lights, devices, etc. all continue running. I don't know how this energy source plays out in a snowy area.
  7. We have this same joke in our family. Dh has to wrangle all of the shopping for me since my hands don’t do big and heavy things anymore, and we inevitably end up in Costco at least once a week. But, seriously, who eats the chicken bakes? Whenever I go to Costco during lunch time I always have thoughts about diversifying. Most times I end up with the $1.50 hotdog, occasionally the pizza. DH will get the chicken bake.
  8. I think gluten isn't bad for you unless you have an intolerance. That said I think some people eat a lot of non-nutritious that also happens to have gluten. They go gluten-free, cut those out and feel better. Like some the examples people have cited here with bread. fresh bread made with high quality wheat (not processed until there isn't a shred of nutrition left) vs highly processed Wonder bread can make a big difference. The same with pasta and other foods with gluten.
  9. I think even in the US they aren't always removed just in case. We (my family not the whole of the US) have routine dental visits (2x per year) and annually have our teeth x-rayed. So, for DH and the wisdom teeth that were removed they saw on the X-ray that it would cause problems and then removal was discussed. In my case two of mine were not coming in right and I took them up on the offer to remove all 4 wisdom teeth instead of just the two and I opted for that. I know my oversees relatives see dentists less often (basically only when they have issues). It feels like it's less common in their perspective to see a dentist as often as we do, but we could also be outliers in the US too. People differ on their opinions of whether to get them all done and over with (with potentially longer recovery), or whether to do a little bit at a time.
  10. LOL!!! We did get a giant bow once, but the coolest thing was when Jaguar delivered a car and put a gigantic stuffed Jaguar on the roof. My ds was little at the time and he'd loved the big Jaguar on a car roof at the dealership, so it was very sweet of them to give us one. Ds couldn't have cared less about the car, but he LOVED that plushie (possibly more than I loved the car.) How do you get the giant bow? DH is due for a car, for sure it's going to be something we decide on, but I want the giant bow on it.
  11. I went to fancy dinners with my parents too. The problem for me was I made a decent amount of money in my twenties, so that time really felt like I could afford this meal and he was stretching (after the get to know you talk). At the same time we were on a date and it seems like men want to show off how they can take care of you (to you and the restaurant) and I don't want to rain on their parade. The guys who usually "splurged" on me, usually couldn't easily afford to. DH didn't splurge on me much until he basically figured I was "the one". All his major splurges on me happened after he decided he wanted to propose, someone should tell these women that.
  12. One of my problems with premade planners for my project-based job was there was never enough note space for me to write all the notes that I needed. I really needed a new notebook every 3-6months but planners are always sold annually.
  13. With that much stuff I'd use an online calendar of some sort and tie it to my phone. Since you already use one with your family I'd just also insert the work stuff there too and just categorize it and not share it with the family. If your work has a specific one they use, then use that for work meetings. It's good because it auto-updates when people cancel or need to reschedule. In terms of work tasks and the like I found bullet journal to be the best (I do see that you say here you don't like it because you have to "design" it). Mine had no design to it. It was basically lists of things with notes scattered in between. So at the end of day I spent a few minutes making a list of things I think I want to or will accomplish or do the next day. There is a page with lists out the dates/day for the month, big things would be listed there (conferences, all day events, major due dates, vacation time, etc.). All other work meetings go in the online calendar. As I accomplished tasks I'd check them off my bullet list. Notes for meetings went in the journal. If it's meetings for an ongoing project I'd place it in the "table of contents" and mark down the pages of notes there (also any other ideas or notes I had about the project would just go anywhere and I mark down the page #). One-off meetings where I would handle the issue immediately I didn't record the page. One-off meetings where it would be a while before I got to it gets a post-it note tab (if it's associated with a big thing on the calendar list or a calendar item I would note the page either in the online calendar and/or the month list). My work bullet journal was not beautiful and would not be pinterest worthy. No fancy writing, nothing. This really worked for my somewhat open-ended job that had a lot of personal work projects that didn't necessary have to go anywhere balanced with definite stuff I have to get done, but no one is going to check on for a while. Very project based work environment.
  14. I'd be stressed out at a high end restaurant. I would sit there and stress out about what to order, trying to save the guy some money and not order too extravagantly which means I might end up with something I didn't really want. Then I feel like I want to split it with him so I could just feel free to order what I want, but then that might send the wrong message like I wasn't interested... I'm that girl who much rather have the first date at a fast food joint, maybe a diner if you want to splurge. DH took me to the house he was house-sitting for after brunch at a diner. Some other guy to me to a higher end Italian restaurant and I chose DH, so... Better to go to the Michelin star restaurant after you are married. Then you can chow down, share your real thoughts about the food, and really enjoy the experience.
  15. I came to say sports event. If both parties are into the sport it's great but if one or both aren't then you have to deal with drunk people, and loud people. Although that list is weird because it lists a bunch of food places which should be places to bring a date.
  16. All day long in the winter time, but I realized I just want a warm drink. So I do substitute most of the caffeinated tea drink for warm water. Occasionally chicken soup because honestly that's what I really want.
  17. Zero from us. They are the only grandchildren on both sides of the family so way too much from the grandparents.
  18. Just expect 30-70. Don't plan for 200 you probably aren't ever going to get that number. If one year you do turn off your porch light when you have no treats left.
  19. I'm surprised flexibility isn't one of the reasons cited. A lot of my homeschooling friends cite flexibility as a main reason for homeschooling. It could also be that my little corner of the universe isn't that representative of the US.
  20. That is an awful prank is what that is.
  21. DH and I are not good at all about routine date nights (we weren't good about it before we had kids - in fact it was worse before we had kids). Same on vacation. We do have time every evening after the kids go to bed for time together and time apart (from 8:30pm to midnight). Interesting to read what happens after the kids start staying up later. One thing that I think has helped our relationship is that we've never viewed our current roles so definitively. Even though I am currently a SAHM it's not solely my role to run the house, teach and nourish the children; nor is it solely my husband's role to be the breadwinner. Day-to-day, yes I take on most of the run the house and child-rearing duties and my husband brings home the main income for the family, Those dynamics can change on a day or a period of time. So if there is an "out of the house" project (paid or unpaid) then I know my husband is there to pick up the necessary child-rearing duties. If a job thing comes up I step up to support my DH, advice or a listening ear that he needs; or I need to take over making the phone call/email or delivering documents to the CPA or financial institution/government. The biggest reason works for us because it's not all on me to make decisions regarding our children (so if it goes sideways whatever it was we decided and we take on the blame or fall out). Same with financial decisions. It makes us a team, always. My marriage comes first then my kids. (Of course, there isn't any abuse in the family or anything.) DH and I have open lines of communication to talk about our needs, wants, whatever. We are also fortunate that even though DH has a demanding job, he is also compensated well, so we do outsource stuff. DH will actually take the initiative to ask me if I need childcare help if he is doing a marathon at work.
  22. We don't get trick or treaters either. Our plan every year is just to figure out what snacks we have that will suffice. Good thing we do like sweets so there is always something. If not I guess we start giving out bowls of ice cream or be the fruit family.
  23. I don't think any shops and restaurants stay open over night in any major international airports (the ones I definitely know Seoul, Hong Kong, San Francisco). Even if flights are still coming in and out of the airport. Also note depending on local ordinances not every (even major airports) actually run flights through the night. This has to do typically with how close they are to residential areas. Personally, I opt to stay at a nearby hotel (usually there are some to chose from super close to major airports), because unless an airport is way overcapacity it's actually kind of empty between plane arrivals/departure. In the middle of the night they aren't arrivals/departure planes as often as they are in the daytime. A lot of airports separate their international areas vs their domestic areas so even if international flights are arriving and departing it doesn't mean the domestic side is seeing activity. I guess maybe domestic flights are different when it comes to hotel reimbursement but every time I needed to stay overnight my hotel stay was compensated. Although I've only done that on international flights and once was completely the plane couldn't take off and the second it was a total compensation package for giving up my seat on an overbooked flight.
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