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Everything posted by frogger

  1. I've always been jealous of people who could focus on school. My husband lost his job when my second was 1 week old, well actually he knew it was going to happen before she was born. I have had tiny little breaks where I could think about school and excercise but mostly it's been trials of some kind: court cases, elder care with immanent death, job losses, illnesses (and no not the common cold) remodels due to earthquakes, it never ends. When someone complains about broken appliances I'm like really? That's a big deal but then I remember it's probably on top of something bigger. At this point I feel it's my job to teach my kids how to get through these things. It may be more important than traditional school subjects (not that I don't cram those in) but boy what would I think of homeschooling at the beginning if I knew real life would get in the way?
  2. I had never heard of the income share arrangement before. I'm baffled by parents not knowing the cost. I mean there are articles, news stories, things everywhere about the student debt crisis. How hard is it to look up the Cost of Attendance. My first reaction was, "oh no, none of my children will be able to go to school.". I suppose they keep hearing that isn't the actual cost of attendance and the will easily get a full ride scholarship? It is rather opaque which I think is wrong. Even my boy with a full tuition scholarship may end up with debt if he has to move off campus, buy a vehicle, etc. He works every summer squeezing in every last hour he can at his full time job and mowing lawns on weekends but he will still likely end up with a reasonable amount of debt. Without that scholarship he would end up with much more debt than you all think is reasonable per year so more than 4x the reasonable amount. With no community college system in our state and the governor wanting to gut the single University system I am worried that there will be no options for the next 2 but move to another state, work a job until you qualify as resident and then go to school in your mid 20's. The last child may manage to get scholarships but there seem to be less and less of them every year. My next 2 already are earning money but it won't make a dent in OOS tuition and room and board and fees and they aren't high stats. So we are looking at trade schools certifications and other things to make a living. I love my home but sometimes I ask myself what kind of future I gave my children by living here. I obviously don't run in the same circles as many others here but dang, it seems like DH makes decent money.
  3. I would let my sons have a sword at that age but you know your son's maturity and responsibility level and if he hasn't had blade training, it doesn't matter how old you are, you learn safety.
  4. I have to say this is how I feel. Not saying other people's traditions are just outright wrong, it just seems strange to me. My Grandmother kept my Grandfather's urn next to her. She died a little over a year after he did with no real ailment but they had been married over 60 years and their ashes were mixed and buried together. Pretty sure his death was the begining of hers so that feels different than parceling someone out. Grandpa wouldn't have cared if he thought it comforted Grandma. It's hard for me to feel anyone outside of that close of relationship has any right to someone else's ashes. I'm sorry Farrar that you are put in such an uncomfortable position. I have to add I find it very strange that people want scattered at very public places like Disneyland. Most of my family has been scattered on favorite mountains overlooking their homes or remote favorite properties. I forget the rest of the country doesn't have as many of those types of places.
  5. Sadly, one of my new patches that constantly likes to break out is on my eyelid. I've never found anything but steroids to be helpful. That being said, it can cause thinning of the eyelid and other problems. I would talk to a dermatologist.
  6. I'm teaching my third driver and all that I can say is, "If you find a way to relax, that's not illegal or unhealthy, please let me know."
  7. I wish people had the common sense (I'm not referring to your post but people in general) to distinguish keeping your mind semi-focused on a highway that just runs straight in the middle of nowhere and bores you out of your mind versus eating their burger while merging 20 below the speed limit onto a 4 lane freeway full of traffic going 75-80. I see that all the time though. That advice does not apply to populated areas where there are pedistrians, traffic turning this way and that, and directions to follow. It is highly unlikely that this thread is talking about carpooling across long unpopulated areas. Depending on where I'm at I'll pull over or peek at a stop light if no one else is with me to give directions. Google maps pretty much always works for me but sometimes I like to actual see the map too and so I pull over. My major issue is with actually paying attention to what is going on around you not hands on the steering wheel but I guess hands free laws do(if obeyed) keep people from texting and clicking through stuff which is also taking their attention off the road and their eyes off the road too. From what I can tell many American drivers are oblivious to everything around them. They can cut off a tractor trailer and be completely unaware and never speed up or modify their position or speed what so ever.
  8. Cars have been made safer and safer and passenger deaths have gone down. Making people in vehicles safer regardless of driver decisions has come at a cost to pedestrians though and pedestrian deaths and injuries has risen dramatically. Cars have way more blind spots due to thicker pillars that will support the weight of the car in a rollover, side airbags, head rests in the back seats that protect from whiplash but block more of the already decreased back windshield. Supposedly sensors are supposed to help but honestly any new technology has bugs that need worked out. At the same as we have decreased visability and made cars super comfortable so drivers feel completely safe and detached from outside world we have added distractions in the form of more buttons (rather than a few simple knobs for the heat or headlights which are quickly memorized and don't even need looked at) and stupid cell phones whether they are being used for navigation or something else. Consequently, pedistrian and cyclist deaths have increased dramatically since 2008. I realize that there are more cyclists now but even walking to your work from your parking area is more dangerous. This is one reason (among others) many parents drive their children ridiculously short distances to school and activities. I am much more concerned with my children simply being near a road, even on a sidewalk. The last 2 boys that got hit in our town just recently were actually on the sidewalk. Even roads posted at 20mph because drivers feel safe to double the limit while looking at their phones. Even at marked crosswalks because local drivers refuse to stop at crosswalks even with flashing lights. You have to wait for a space in traffic and dash across. Even when looking both ways, someone new could be turning onto the road.
  9. Hmm. I wonder if the moisture sensor being coated is part of our problem. The internet seems to imply that clothes will still be damp if it isn't sensing properly. Ours seems to overdry even though I put it on the lowest setting. I'm sure that doesn't help static problem. If I remember I will stop it when it is not finished but often I busy and it would be nice (and less wasteful) if it would shut off earlier. It can't hurt to try cleaning it. I always clean lint trap, and exhaust, etc but not specifically moisture sensor.
  10. I did not know I had PCOS until I had a sonogram for a pregnancy and had a bunch of cysts. I had always known I was irregular but didn't realize what was causing it. My symptoms were not extreme in any way. Although, it took a long time I would eventually get pregnant, usually right after I gave up. 🙂 I have 4 biological children and never ended up doing any type of medical intervention. Not that some people don't need to, I just never had to. I hope that's encouraging. There is no guarantees in life but I'd really hate for her to stress over it, especially since it may be a non-issue.
  11. I have not heard of using chalk before. That is something to try.
  12. Regarding how dryer sheets stain clothing: https://www.bobvila.com/slideshow/12-laundry-mistakes-you-re-probably-making-51385#dryer-sheet-stains I do think it must have something to do with our water reacting with the dryer sheets or the heat settings on our washer because it never happened until I moved to this house. I could use any old off brand of dryer sheets and no problem. Now it's a constant battle even with buying fancy dryer sheets. I'm pretty sure I've targeted it to that and it quit happening when I was able to hang dry when we had our wood stove going but I can't always do that due to moisture in the house. It really depends on the time of year.
  13. Or maybe we should design a bed with a slot that the extra arm can go down into. I voted curled in front of me which kind of gets in the way but if I put it under my partner it is asleep or in pain fairly quickly.
  14. So if you fill your dryer with them they work. Lol I do understand sensitivity to smells.
  15. Ok, that is helpful. I do find I can reuse a sheet 3 or 4 times before it quits working. Maybe I should keep a box to shove used ones in and make sure I only use preused ones for dress clothes. I used to buy the cheapest ones then I moved to name brand (currently snuggle but tried Bounce too) and they all seem to stain shirts. It may be something else but I check his shirts for pre treating stains and see nothing and then when he goes to put them on he will often find a clearish grease like stain that I can't get out again.
  16. So I'm pretty sure our dryer sheets are staining my husband's work shirts. I also am thinking dryer sheets aren't the most enviromentally conscience choice so I'm looking at dryer balls. The thing is we live in a climate that gets static horribly in the winter and that doesn't look professional either, when your shirt is clinging to you and lumping, wrinkling funny because of it. Has anyone used the wool dryer balls? Do they work? Has anyone found something else that prevents static?
  17. That is asking a lot. She would have to be an amazing teacher with no other real options for me to deal with that lack of flexability. I mean I don't expect teachers to teach on their day off or push other students for my convience but one opening with no notice is frustrating.
  18. Life is a little complicated right now. I really wanted to take him. I don't have a livable home and have to interrupt the person I'm staying the night with at 1AM, if I take him due to it being a redeye and then I find out my youngest child is sick. Earthquakes really complicate things. 😁 That being said I will take time to say goodbye.
  19. Congrats Lanny! Glad everything went smoothly. DS leaves tomorrow Alaska to Alabama. He is flying down. DH will give him a ride to the school as he is there for work so he will have a somewhat disengaged (focused on work) parent around. Which is good. You can figure things out on your own but can still call if you need an emergency ride or something. Now it looks like I won't even give him a ride to the airport. I suppose that is fine because I'm afraid I'll ball like a baby.
  20. We usually set up lessons in August because the teachers try to work around my daughter's other scheduled classes so we figure out the less versatile classes first. Even if they needed a specific day off we would usually have multiple other times we could work with.
  21. If there was an opportunity I'd ask the mom. Otherwise, things listed in order from most likely to be recieved well to more risky. Candy (although this can frustrate parents of children with special diets) Flashlights Gift certificates to Cold Stone etc Legos
  22. At that age it really depends on hobbies and interests. If I knew little about him, I'd go with cash. Though one of my sons loved legos until he was an adult, my second son wanted tools etc by then. Really, he was ready for adult stuff like real socket sets, knives, outdoor gear, or biking equipment and tools, or even clothes. Without knowing cash is the only safe bet.
  23. Ok, when I was visiting Alabama for the first time ever this spring, I was called Hon and sometimes honey by sales people. I took it just as just a friendly greeting and certainly didn't fret but there was a little question in the back of my mind, "Do they think I'm young and naive or not so bright somehow?" Lol I really wasn't positive exacatly who it was typically spoken to and it was usually in response to a question I had being so out of my element.
  24. I guess I just looked really old when I lived on base. Either that or the Southerners were always posted to our base. Could be I'm conflating the two. The military moves around a lot. I'm obviously not extraordinarily used to being called ma'am everywhere because I did notice it when the gate guard called me ma'am getting on base a couple weeks ago.
  25. I can't answer, even though I'm not a Southerner I have heard and used ma'am and sir but wanted to add I'm pretty sure the MPs calling me ma'am when I was a teen did not think I was above them in the hierarchy. It was obviously quite the opposite and though they were polite, obedience would have been expected if needed.
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