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Everything posted by LaughingCat

  1. Only including the part of gardenmom5's post referencing my statement: My quote that she included "( I'm personally back to neutral on AH/JD after fast skimming UK case -- although I think my primary reason is more that it appears JD's lawyers 'learned' from that case and changed their tactics)" None of this has anything to do with why I personally have gone back to neutral based on the UK trial - my reason has much more to do with that the judge clearly says that JD was trying to prove that AH was a gold-digger and failed to do so enough for the judge -- it seems clear that JD's lawyers 'learned' from that and for the US case instead presented AH as having personality disorders. If JD truly believed HE was abused by AH, then why did he try to protray her as a gold digger at all? That seems a very strange strategy. At this point I personally believe they're both lying about a lot of things, and JD got the better lawyers (and AH's lawyers probably believed they had a relatively 'easy' case) Note: I have not read ANY of the minutes of the UK trial and only fast skimmed the judge's judgment.
  2. So because the lowest definition of mass shooting would include this shooting, that makes it ok for someone to declare it a mass shooting? From my POV, including things that aren't really mass shootings weakens the argument against guns instead of stregthening it. Yes, include other types of shootings in lists of shootings in the US -- I've no doubt that number is insanely high and should certainly be broadcast more-- but just randomly picking 4 people hurt and saying that is a mass shooting conflates multiple different types of shootings to try and make the mass shooting situation look worse than it is -- and that type of logical fallicy isn't going to convince anyone that believes in guns that they should give them up. FWIW Not a single news article referenced it as a mass shooting when it happened, and it was definitely not what the general understanding of mass shooting would be. It was what would be commonly called a drive by shooting not a mass shooting. One person died, 3 injured. Article on various definitions of mass shootings used by various private institutions and what they include or don't include: https://www.rand.org/research/gun-policy/analysis/essays/mass-shootings.html Article that include why using just the number of people doesn't really work for mass shootings: https://crim.sas.upenn.edu/fact-check/what-mass-shooting-what-can-be-done
  3. And mass shooting stats track mass shootings. Which is why some these stats been flung around are wrong-- because they are conflating shootings and mass shootings. For example, I've seen on Twitter, in a thread claiming "mass shootings since Uvalede" one listed for my city 😟-- then I couldn't find anything about it google... until I dropped the word mass. So it was a shooting stat included in a mass shooting stat post.
  4. You hurt your case with this kind of response rather than convincing anyone that might be on the fence, ( I'm personally back to neutral on AH/JD after fast skimming UK case -- although I think my primary reason is more that it appears JD's lawyers 'learned' from that case and changed their tactics)
  5. There's a new Asil story in the anthology Heroic Hearts
  6. Most people who put some other character in a word are trying to avoid being censored or searched on the internet, not trying to evade using the word. Since it actually means the person wants to use the stronger word rather than an euphemism, dinging someone for it as if they were using an euphemism sounds kind of odd (IMO)
  7. Regarding my comment above on my fast skim of UK judge's judgement yesterday-- one thing that occurred to me this morning is that it appears the UK judge believes JD's lawyers were trying to portray AH as a gold digger (and a liar) whereas in the US case, I would have said JD's lawyers were trying to portray AH as mentally ill (and a liar). Also, fwiw for anyone who cares to look at that doc, the UK judge does detail his thought process for each judgement, i.e. he lists the evidence he is disregarding and why, and the evidence he believes proves it and why. My overall feeling after the fast skim is to move back to neutral from leaning towards believing JD over AH.
  8. I was just thinking that I don't know if I can agree with Kareni on that "up-lift" list even though I love most of those books and also consider many of them comfort reads (the only one I haven't read is Quarter Share). Although when the question was posed, I couldn't actually think of any sci-fi/fantasy that I considered 'up-lifting' either, so maybe I am just being too strict with the word "up-lift"? I think of it not as just making me feel good but making me feel positive about my life, my future, the world's future etc. How do you all define it?
  9. Here is the judge's statement from the UK trial: https://www.judiciary.uk/wp-content/uploads/2020/11/Judgment-FINAL.pdf and minutes of the trial from some private person https://www.nickwallis.com/depp-trial-court-transcripts note: these links are from wikipedia entry -- which i finally found just now by googling "UK judgement depp" (yes, I know it's wikipedia but it has far more info about the UK trial than I had seen otherwise using other search terms) It appears at very fast skim of the judge's statement, that the judge decided AH was truthful and JD was not, and also generally too drugged out to know what he had done, then he disregards as being untruthful any testimony supporting JD and picks out any that incriminates him as proving he did it (which I admit could have been the right choice even though it seems opposite from the trial here -- overall it seems very much a he said/she said with very little 'evidence' one way or the other)
  10. It is state dependent -- In some states, someone else can pay the taxes and after a certain amount of time will own the property. Other states will auction the property off after a certain amount of time.
  11. My daughter has been in a public school classroom with 20 boys and 8 girls at that age -- so it is possible at least. Also regarding the 19 officers outside the door -- I think one of the points above about following orders got somehow applied by some in this thread to only to those officers outside the school -- but those 19 officers could also have been following orders (rather than too afraid to enter). And this would also explain the people who did enter -- since they were not in that 'command chain'.
  12. The thing I have seen written about this case is that JD wins either way -- because he did lose his career over her allegation that does not even name him -- and bringing all this (horrible as it is) in to the open gives him a chance to show that the person who wrote that is abusive and has lied multiple times -- which must seem to him to be his only chance to get back any possible future career.
  13. I think Saraha made a great move in stepping out of doing so much -- and the results are playing out (and obviously super hard to watch). She could certainly step out futher if she wants -- but she's already said these are people she cares about and wants to support and the majority of the issue is watching them combust instead. So saying stuff like " this was the last straw and that you are DONE helping" -- if my DH said something like that, my response would not have been "oh yeah, I didn't realize how bad it was for you -- I'll talk to my sibling and clear this up" -- instead I would have been beyond angry at him for not supporting me during a time when my family was combusting (heck, I have been angry at him for not supporting me -- and he hasn't said anything near that strong). I hope if his family every combusts like mine has over medical issues (although unlikely as his has far less communication issues) that I can support him with anything like the grace that Saraha has shown. ETA -- I think some of the stronger reactions to this come from thinking as if the sibling that is causing the most problem is like this all the time (like some of the NPD threads). In my own family -- it was more we all managed to get along for many years -- and then the family dynamics exploded when the medical problems showed up and our seemingly relatively benign communication issues became actual issues (which is how I read Saraha's posts as being)
  14. IME the type of advice given in the last few posts (make a stand/stand up for your rights) have been the opposite of helpful for me as one of adult children in a family with communication issues. I know Saraha is not the adult child -- but my DH has given me this type of advice (along with many others) and it has just made me feel attacked instead of helped and supported. I really admire Saraha for trying to help her DH come to terms while staying as calm as possible in an impossible situation. Note: if it were some acquaintance or guy at work, I probably would feel differently but not when it is my close family member that I really hope to have some kind of future relationship with, even though sometimes they seem to have gone around the bend...
  15. If you just need a little help, you can add a small amount of the magnesium citrate to lemonade and it just makes it taste like tart lemonade (which I prefer anyway LOL). The little bottle lasts a long time this way too (vs. the directions on it to take the whole thing at once 🤢)
  16. Yeah, if you all had pagers, that is odd -- the convience of ours was only whoever was 'on-call' carried it, and nobody had to keep track of who to call. Once we dropped the pager (went to cellphones) I got called plenty of times when I was off on vacation, and had to tell whoever "call Joe" (or whoever was on call) and then usually still got stuck spending another 20-30 minutes talking them through whatever issue while we waited for Joe to get on. I knew several groups who kept their pager for years after cell phones were common just to avoid that issue.
  17. I don't know if it was me -- but I did really like that book when I read it 😄
  18. I had one for work-- it showed a phone number. It was for developer support of an specific computer system -- and we passed it from person to person each monday. I was expected to respond by calling that number within a certain time (10 minutes to 30 minutes -- which depended on managment at the time, not on anything on the pager itself). Usually I was at home already when I was paged, but if out and about was expected to call from whereever possible to meet the time limit (don't think I ever had to call from a payphone tho). I believe later pagers did have ability to receive something more like a text message (but I never had one of those pagers)
  19. Moonwalking with Einstein?
  20. Just a second opinion, but I think you look younger in the picture with short hair 😄 I have the same exact issue -- plus I think my face shape looks better with the longer hair too, but in spite of that, I am sticking with short hair just due to the ease of it. I don't get mine cut every month though, I just let it grow out a few months -- and hack at it myself if it's bothering me (the bangs mostly). My hair grows pretty fast but I can usually make it 3-4 months. However, in this case where you're pretty much past the painful growing out part -- I would probably stick with it long for a while, just for that reason. Aside: interesting to see that some find it more work long and some when it is short -- when mine is long it is always work to make it look nice unless it's in a ponytail or otherwise up (in which case, why bother having it long anyway?) but short is brush and go (and by short, I don't mean a bob -- a bob is the most work of all IMO).
  21. We have Exploding Kittens and Sushi Go (which we play as a family) but the one my kids (19 and 13 now) pick up most to play together is Uno (we have some Emoji version -- but they've made their own rules). Current Family favorites are: Bohnanza, Sushi Go, Settlers of Catan, Codenames (Ticket to Ride but generally as online game with everyone joined in) Party favorites (i.e. when DSS and his wife join us): Wits &Wagers, Telestrastions, Backseat Drawing
  22. Actually, I have light brown hair and I have many times been asked if a woman friend I was with (different friend each time) was my sister. My conclusion over the years was that people were basing it on the fact that our hair colors were similar-- although later a friend, who was mistaken for me often (and vice versa) by multiple people who knew both of us but not well, made me realize it was probably skin coloring as well. In none of the situations did we actually facially (or body type) resemble each other. Also, I have been told to smile many times 🙄 -- so apparently I have generic features that are also generically frowning 🤣
  23. I did it in the garage on a long folding table -- used an oxygen generator (like you would have if a person in the house needed supplemental oxygen except not certified for medical use) and a tank of propane (like one would use for a grill) -- also had a small kiln nearby. I would not have wanted any of that in the house (and if I ever set it up again, I'll set it up in garage again. However my husband does something similar (working with metal for jewelry making, and not needing a long term flame and no kiln) in the house with small bottles of propane & oxygen. To me the difference is what he does is very short term - vs. the glass working, I could sit for several hours at a time at the flame -- so way more potential for vapors etc (plus that big propane tank! I would not want that in the house! his is tiny by comparison)
  24. I have done it in the past -- just as a hobby, not anything serious like CTVKath describes (still have all the stuff but haven't ever set up an area again since kids happend 18 years ago)
  25. Regarding the Bobbsey Twins - I remember reading quite a few of these at a young age, but when I downloaded one off of Gutenberg when my oldest was that age, I couldn't get past the descriptions and language used for Dinah the cook on the very first pages! Note: As an adult I think have only reread the first Hardy Boys book, and the first Boxcar Children book (another where I had no idea as a child that there was a whole series of mysteries) so can't speak to how any of the others might have held up (or not)
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