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Everything posted by Ailaena

  1. Hi! 1. There are definitely basements here. Our neighborhood has houses with honest basements and garden-level things. 2. I am coming out in public to say that summers are mid-May through mid-November, and by summer, I mean 95+ degrees for 3+ days. I do not turn on my air until it has been 100+ for 3 days in a row and that is usually by the end of May, but high 90s linger forEVER! 3. I PM'd you
  2. Just in case you were not aware, in addition to being a great antioxidant, açai is a stimulant. A fairly potent one if you ingest enough, which I found out the hard way before I knew that it was one. Probably contributes somewhat significantly to the weight loss:D
  3. DD (13) said the same thing! If we are talking about things, then 50. If just numbers then 100. I say 10,000 and I'm 31.
  4. Once upon a time, I used the book Fundamentals of Physics by Halliday, et al. It was fine, I'm sure, I just hated physics. At least they have a decent support website! Later, I used Physics for Scientists and Engineers: A Strategic Approach with Modern Physics by Randall Knight and I actually enjoyed it! I used the previous version, this one comes with enhanced online stuff. HTH!
  5. I know it's not homeschool, but one of dd's friends took AP bio and HS chem last year, and this year is taking AP chem and zoology. So it's not unheard of!
  6. You just described Prescott, AZ. I don't know if it made the list of places NOT to live, but I cannot imagine that it did! I do not live there, but we visit there occasionally (from Phoenix, one of the worst places) and it is just fantastic. The people are always friendly, there are community gatherings and it is beautiful! There is a LA college, as well as Embry Riddle, plenty of restaurants/shopping (I was actually surprised by this) but it is about 100 miles from the airport. Good luck!
  7. I have no ideas for an 8 year old read-alone, sorry. Essentially, any science fiction taking place in the Victorian Era will do (especially if there is an airship involved). The Time Machine, Jules Verne, etc are good places to start. Really, I have quite a few books in that genre, but I see nothing that would would be terribly interesting for an 8 year old!
  8. The modern language department at the CC uses these for lab practice for the first 2/3 semesters, but every teacher hates it. DD's French teacher says that the only reason they use it is because it was free for them and fun enough to get people into the lab to do their required practice time. I spent some time playing with them when DD was using them last year and liked it better than Rosetta Stone, but still cannot figure out how you actually learn with them. A language course is supposed to have a balance of reading, writing, listening, oral and cultural elements, and I suppose you can argue that this does, just not in a format that I am used to. In the Japanese one, there was no intro or explanation of sentence structure or the need to memorize katakana/hiragana/kanji, it just showed me random symbols that I needed to memorize to move the program along. I know someone just said because it was not complete beginner, but the German one did the same thing. In the French one, there was no explicit explanations about conjugation, especially advanced conjugations. Unless you have someone in your house with prior knowledge of the language, the lack of explanations would be frustrating. So, in my meaningless opinion, it is a fun, supplemental program that has great listening and vocabulary practice. At the end of the day, any practice of a language is good practice!
  9. :lol::lol: He's so happy, he doesn't even seem to mind that he was caught! The look on his face is just priceless; the epitome of perfect contentment!
  10. I have heard of people having some complicated formula about how to translate college hours into high school hours, but I don't care enough to deal with that! With some exceptions in the math/science area, I would list a one semester college course as a one semester high school course and give 1/2 credit (or however you work it). At this point, dd is still officially in middle school, but I have still done the same thing on the transcripts I have had to prepare for various reasons. The 5 credit physical science class received 1/2 credit, French 101, 102, 201 and soon 202 will each get 1/2 credit even though each semester is 5 credits and the equivalent of one year of high school, and the four credit Art in Ancient Egypt class will also receive 1/2 credit. For two semester college science courses, these are equivalent to a full-year AP course, so would receive no more credit than a typical AP class. I have no interest in weighting grades because so many colleges just convert to unweighted grades anyways. My exceptions would be one semester pre-college courses like fundamental chemistry/biology/physics or anything below college algebra. These are usually equivalent to one year of high school, so could receive credit for one year of high school work. Of course, I say that, but just gave fundamental chemistry credit for one semester on the transcript! I will have faith that a college is able to determine that these were college courses, and won't need any extra information from me other than which semester she took it and the grade she received. For us, there will be no need to convert. Of course, if you have to track hours, and thats why you were asking, sorry I didn't answer the question!
  11. It's one of the warnings on the Pedi Paws' package. Along with, "do not insert into any body cavity.":blushing: I really wanted to take a picture of that warning but never got around to it:lol: Seriously, though, you have to work it in short bursts or else it does get too hot. If your dog's nails are overgrown, you will be using it every day a little bit at a time and eventually, they will be normal length and you can just maintain them. Although, fwiw we have a 125 lb dog with huge nails, so a smaller animal may take much less time.
  12. If you are looking for beginning French readers, I have bought TONS of them off of eBay for super cheap from Canadian sellers. Then, within the mixed-bag lots, I can determine which ones I want more of! It's good to know about amazon.fr, though, because I was wanting to buy a couple of textbooks for next year. Thank you! Oh! Babar books! Those are good, and Goosebumbs books for older kids/levels.
  13. :blushing: I tried to buy some... Not because I am totally attraced to beef, we are vegetarians here! Just for posterity's sake, plus it was CHEAP, but they were already sold out by 7AM my time:glare:
  14. You beat me to my own question!:tongue_smilie: Unless the house was purchased as-is?
  15. I really agree with everyone else on this in every aspect mentioned. HOWEVER, I have a friend who leaves her kids home alone very frequently. Her daughter is 10, the son will be 8 next week and she has been doing this since her daughter was 8. Yes, I said 8 (well, I typed 8, but you know what I mean). In her opinion, her daughter is mature enough to handle babysitting. This summer, she began leaving her son at home alone for about an hour or so while she picked up her daughter from gymnastics. Not only that, she is an overnight nurse, so she sleeps during the daytime and even when her kids are off from school, she will be sleeping in her room (with her door shut so they dont wake her up). So I would not, but there are people who do!
  16. So exciting!! Congratulations! :cheers2: :party::party:
  17. You just made my entire year At this moment, MIT is dd's first choice, but I told her she couldn't even consider applying unless they followed Harvard and the rest with their free tuition. Of course, the odds of her making it in are incredibly slim, but at least now she can try! Although who knows what four years may bring (from both ends).
  18. 175 people and I am the ONLY one who thinks of vomiting?? Does that make me special, or just lonely:lol:
  19. That's so funny because I thought it was quite a deal for the week-long camps (especially since they actually use cadavers). I am clearly looking at camps that are WAY too expensive!:glare: ETA that the prices of the classes are ridiculous. $980 regular price???
  20. Figi's is just like Swiss Colony (but my mom likes it better).
  21. Once upon a time when I had a class of kids I used to let them do proofs any way they could. Of course it is important to know the different ways to do them, but sometimes it is easier for a kid to do a paragraph proof then the two-column. Or even just orally explaining the proof proves that there is logical thinking going on (and I am not going to write that proof out:lol:). Seriously, though, I have always considered geometry to be the first step in learning to think sequentially and logically using rules to determine relationships. No, proofs are not needed for standardized tests, but logical thinking definitely is. Sometimes there are tricky problems that use the theorems and postulates and you have to remember how they are all related.
  22. I am finished, but am still trying to find a way to send such a huge file! It is too big for yousendit even though it is compressed!
  23. If you want, I can just make a zip file of everything after I have it all and just email it to you? Since we are both planning on doing biology and I am just saving instead of printing! That way you dont have to print out everything all at once. I should be completely finished with biology by tomorrow afternoonish, just let me know!
  24. I was planning on spending the next few days downloading everything I could! I never even knew these things existed, they would have been so helpful through everything else. I will probably even download stuff for the chemistry dd is taking this semester, the stuff looks at least somewhat helpful!
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