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Everything posted by OH_Homeschooler

  1. Where is the entitlement in thinking that a gift that has been given to you is yours? And it's not exactly a gift, is it? It was a substitute for payment for valuable work he received for free.
  2. I'm guessing the guy is just acting like he loaned it to you instead of admitting the truth because he is having money problems. I would be very mad too, and unable to stop ruminating. To help myself get over it, I'd just have to declare him an a**hole in my head and be done with him as a person.
  3. It is! I can't really say if it's helped or not. Some of the reviews mention some stomach issues, so it's probably best to start with a smaller amount than the bottle says, and work your way up.
  4. I use this because it's good for dog and cat teeth: Oxyfresh Water Additive @Bambam, last year I had a lot of cat teeth issues and extractions, and the vet recommended a product like this. The advice was basically "you should be brushing your pets' teeth but if you're not doing that, at least use this."
  5. Heck no! My son had driver's ed through school (classroom and behind the wheel) and I also signed him up for 6 hours of in-car instruction through a driving instruction school, because I hate hate hate teaching kids to drive. So getting to sit back and do something I enjoy while he's learning how to drive was the whole point. I still take him out for driving practice (easier now that he's had all the other instruction) but I'm all for getting help where I can. I do understand worrying about anything inappropriate happening. Background checks do not catch people with no prior convictions. But usually the instructors would not go out with only one student at a time.
  6. Our organization is really pushing to go digital. There are some blood drives in rural counties (and even Amish communities!) that request paper but for the most part we lean heavily on the digital communications. We have a media guy in our org too-I forget his official title. I see him on TV every now and then and I always have to say "I know him!" (I'm a dork 😄)
  7. I had a checkup a couple weeks ago, and they regularly do a depression screening. So they're asking the questions like "Do you take pleasure in doing the things you used to do?" and I started crying. I was FRUSTRATED that I couldn't do the things I wanted to do, but I knew it just seemed like I was depressed. I was ramping up to get out and get active during the spring and instead I was sitting around all the time with no energy to do anything but eat chocolate (which I assume was because I was looking for energy in the sugar. And self-soothing). My bloodwork from the week before showed that my hemoglobin was low-11.1, but "that's not so bad," they said. And I was telling them all my symptoms-increased anxiety, shortness of breath, dizziness, fatigue, heart palpitations. They decided to switch my antidepressant, gave me an EKG (which was normal) and ran more bloodwork. Later that day I found out my ferritin was 4. Now I'm dealing with withdrawal from an antidepressant for probably no reason because I'm sure all my issues were related to low iron. Doctor recommended 325 mg of ferrous sulfate with orange juice each day. I'm actually trying to do that twice a day now, with a Vitamin C gummy instead of OJ. I have to take it with a meal because it kills my stomach. I did feel like I had a bit more energy pretty quickly after starting, but I definitely still have a lot of moments where I'm like, whoa, slow down. But at least I know I'm not just crazy/lazy now. I have more bloodwork in a month.
  8. One thing that sort of made me feel like crap...they called to remind me of an appointment and said there was a kid who was especially needing MY BLOOD, so be sure to get to my appointment (I never miss appointments). And wouldn't you know it, I was deferred. So then I was left worrying that the kid was going to die without my special blood.
  9. You know what's funny? I have a roadside assistance membership with them, and I went through a period of them calling all the time to get me to sign up for insurance. I wasn't interested at the time. So once my oldest kid started driving I decided to switch car insurance because I was paying too much. I filled out information online for AAA, set up a time for them to call me, and then they never called. 🤷‍♀️
  10. Yeah, I totally get that. I think they framed the whole thing as a question of whether she was an adult or a child until the final episode, and then the evidence was pretty clear that she was a child. And I would definitely be annoyed if I had a neighbor like that. But that is on the editors for including all those interviews with people who were not told the truth. There was plenty of actual content they could have covered instead. But you are correct that they were basically going for trash TV and not much else. Just more exploitation of an abused individual.
  11. This blows my mind! I can't believe they would tell you that. Our organization is always careful to avoid over-collecting when at all possible. During Covid shutdowns, we canceled many blood drives because blood wasn't needed in hospitals for elective procedures. We monitor local patient need daily as well, so we only push for more donors when need is actually high.
  12. I work for a regional (competing) blood center. I'm not in donor recruitment, but I have heard similar complaints out in the community. To be honest, we are always monitoring the situation and we do push for more donors when blood supplies are low. They tend to get low around holidays and over the summer, so it can seem like we are always operating in emergency mode. The FDA sets the rules about not being able to pay volunteer blood donors. There are rules about how much donors can be offered in terms of a thank you gift. Even when you "donate" plasma at a plasma center, they are very clear they are paying you for your *time,* not the plasma. You can always decline the gift. Our center offers the option to donate loyalty points back to the organization, or you can let them expire. We also frequently run promotions where they make a donation to a food bank or other charity on your behalf if you would like that. I have never been harassed as a donor, and I think that is because I always had my next donation scheduled right after a donation. I'm about to test this theory though, because my ferritin has gotten very low and I need a break from donating. With our organization, you can schedule a donation pretty far in advance (I can easily schedule into 2024 at the moment). It sounds like this may not work for all blood centers but maybe it's worth looking into.
  13. That's what I was thinking. Most of the comments I see are just a review of what they covered that quarter, nothing specific to my children at all.
  14. The show was so annoying. I can't even begin to deal with the father. And they basically gave the neighbors an entire episode to whine about what an annoying neighbor she was. Well yes, she was a child with no life skills and no way to entertain herself all day long. But when I think more deeply about this show I get so mad and sad. This poor child was mistreated in so many ways.
  15. It's Florida, stand your ground law. I'm not very hopeful. Remember the killing of Trayvon Martin and the acquittal of his murderer?
  16. For decades I've had this strange fear in the back of my mind when I had to to this. I don't know where it came from but I had a slight paranoia that I would be shot for trespassing. Now it doesn't feel so strange to be afraid. Also, now that there's been a shooting at a high school graduation, it reminded me of being at a high school awards ceremony a few weeks ago. And sitting in the crowded auditorium, I remember thinking that anyone could just start shooting all of us up. Life in These United States, I guess.
  17. My ex went to prison after pleading guilty to CSA. I'm still not sure his family believes he is guilty. He is out of prison and living with his mom. I have had no contact with anyone on his side, except for a couple phone calls during child support hearings when I had to hear his voice. I am sure he is lying to them, saying it was an innocent mistake and he just made the plea because *insert list of excuses*. I honestly didn't know where his family stood-but he was very convincing and if I wasn't actually raising his victims and didn't see the effects of his abuse every day, I might have also believed it was all just an innocent mistake. His family didn't ever try to contact me or the kids to get our side of the story, so I'm left believing they think he is innocent. I felt like warning my ex in-laws with kids that he really was guilty when he was released from prison, but I felt it would fall on deaf ears if an actual conviction wasn't enough. I just hope they are using common sense and monitoring their kids around him (or better yet, keeping them away). Thank you, OP for trying to protect kids. I hope they believe you.
  18. I've been doing the continuous super low dose pill for years now due to PMDD/menstrual migraines. I agree, bliss. I tell everyone who has these issues about Lo Loestrin. But now my stupid insurance company is forcing me into something with progesterone and I am not thrilled about that (past experiences on traditional pills-not good). We'll see how that goes. I'm also 48 so wondering if maybe it's not such an issue any longer.
  19. Can you call your doctor and ask for something for the anxiety as needed?
  20. Several people in my family have borderline personality disorder traits, and so my response is coming from this background. People tolerate bad behavior because confronting the person will not change a thing. Perhaps they have already tried. Confronting some people only causes a big blow up, followed by no change in behavior (or a worsening of behavior). The best you can do with some people is to know who they are so they cannot get to you, and minimize contact whenever possible.
  21. My work uses Microsoft Teams messaging and calling. Our account recruiters use their personal cells when dealing with clients, but I believe they get an allowance for that.
  22. Please share your evidence on the cannibalism thing. I have never hear that. Sounds fascinating. As far as vaccinating, yes, I am vaccinated many times over. I caught Covid last summer as a fat lady. I went a couple of days without treatment and it was uncomfortable but manageable. Then I took Paxlovid and felt much, much better within hours. I credit my quick recovery to science. But I don't wear masks in my car or when I shower. As I said, I'm a fat lady and save mask wearing for when I really need it, because it gets hot under there. Simply following people because they go against mainstream science is not the flex you think it is.
  23. "Many" is a vague descriptor. Certainly not the majority of scientists and medical experts believe this. This supposed belief of "many" scientists and medical experts was not the consensus.
  24. I did the free trial several years ago. I found it far too restrictive. I'm now doing calorie counting through LoseIt!. I'm not looking for fast weight loss, so I set my calories on the higher side, which helps keep me out of the diet mentality. You can search for TDEE calories online to confirm how many calories you need and adjust down for weight loss. LoseIt! will also calculate these for you, but the TDEE calculators are good to confirm the amount.
  25. Obvious drawbacks are the cost of the test and the time it takes. I'm not sure how it plays into college admissions, but I remember in an informal prep course for the GRE I took in college, the instructor stated they hated the "retake" mentality. They suggested putting all your efforts into taking the test once, and be done with it. I suppose thinking you can retake the test causes you to not put your best effort in. I imagine if you have an off day or know you can earn a better score, then absolutely retake the test. Or if you just realize you could have been better prepared, then by all means enroll in a course or buy a book and really prepare for the retake. But don't anticipate another retake after that. I'm sure the same applies for the ACT. Anecdote-that was the main test I took to get into college. I took it twice. On the first try, I scored really well on 3 of the 4 sections, and only okay on the 4th. One the retake, I scored really well on the 4th section but my scores dropped in some of the other 3. Unfortunately you could only submit your score from one test. I think I went up one point overall with the retake-not really worth it for me.
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