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Everything posted by OH_Homeschooler

  1. Sorry, but I consider myself highly educated and well-informed on science issues and I believe the "mainstream hype". Not because it's hype but because from all the evidence I've encountered, it's based on sound science and not hype. And yes, I believe Al Gore but I've done a lot of my own research. And I have a huge pet peeve with saying "well it's very cold here today" or "it's very hot here today" as evidence against/for global warming. The trends they review are much longer than a day, week, month, or year. There will always be minor variations, but the trends are real. Now, can someone please tell me the motivation to deny that this is happening? That's honestly what I'm most confused about. I enjoyed the book "The Republican War on Science" that I read over a year ago, but I can't remember the main arguments presented for denying man-made global warming. Let the negative rep points roll in!
  2. I'm glad to see this, I've been getting concerned about this as well. My periods used to be as regular as it can get, but lately it's been off. Not by much, but it's just unusual. I've been getting more and more exhausted with each period. And my PMS is going off the charts. Is PMS affected by this? Um, the bathroom trip...#2? Because I have been doubled over at times and then felt much better after that. Thanks for all the info!
  3. I hope they can work it out, but I really believe that in situations like this, everything happens for a reason.
  4. Good luck! I know the only thing that helped me was trying to nap (which gets harder as you add more kids on!).
  5. I, too, think it's a little harsh to tell kids that people who believe in evolution don't believe in God. Scientist and Christian are not mutually exclusive categories. I think it's a disservice to tell kids that, IMHO.
  6. Hey, it's great that you love your house! I've had people who hadn't seen my house or even heard much about it assume it's a starter house, and I'm in my 30s! But I've learned it's their issue if they want to walk around making insulting comments all the time. And that's what I've found...if they throw that comment out without thinking about it, they're just plain oblivious to many other social conventions too. :p
  7. Honestly, I would never call something a starter home. It implies that the home isn't good enough to live in for the rest of your life and you only bought it because you can't afford better. My parents' friends have lived in the same houses through 50 years of marriage and if they were to go on the market they'd probably be called starter homes (they're small ranches by the way, without even basements...in one case, they raised three boys and it gets so crowded still at Christmas with all their families...we're part of their family too in case you couldn't tell). So I think it's an insulting phrase that should be banned from the vernacular, and that's why I wouldn't use it. (Also, is it any wonder so many of our generation are in so much debt? Nothing is ever good enough, big enough, etc.)
  8. You made a mistake. You're busy. I'm guessing this isn't actually the first time a long-term customer has forgotten to give notice. I don't think the customer is always right, but in this case, the inn isn't right either. I would just pay the first night's bill, apologize (briefly), and say that while you've always enjoyed your stays, the messages they sent to you were inappropriate and not the kind of customer service you've come to expect. Therefore, you will take your patronage elsewhere in the future. And follow through. It's not worth it. It really was inappropriate of them.
  9. I had my tonsils out as an adult due to strep infections, and I've never had it again! Sorry you have to deal with this. :(
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