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Everything posted by Vasha

  1. My same age son is getting a hoodie from his college.
  2. How about a murder mystery type thing?
  3. What are your best products, tips, and tools for cleaning grout in a shower (soap scum, mildewy, discolored)? My son purchased a home that wasn't well maintained and I'm trying to help. Thanks!
  4. What age? My son loves the Eragon series which is also a movie and soon to be TV series.
  5. A personalized dish with the ingredients for an easy meal - maybe a spaghetti basket with pasta/sauce/garlic bread.... https://www.etsy.com/listing/887814391/personalized-casserole-dish-glass-baking?ga_order=most_relevant&ga_search_type=all&ga_view_type=gallery&ga_search_query=personalized+dish&ref=sc_gallery-2-15&frs=1&sts=1&plkey=12d44fff62cfaf4069552342ef4507e566f97bd3%3A887814391
  6. And paper airplanes, paper helicopters, paper boats, cootie catchers, paper cups, other origami
  7. You all are a wealth of knowledge, thank you! You've given me so much to consider and I'm looking forward to trying some suggestions!
  8. For best tasting coffee, would you purchase a traditional coffee maker or a Keurig or other? Thanks!
  9. Fabulous input and so helpful, thanks!!
  10. Could you please offer me an opinion about how much cash you would give these people for high school graduation? 1. My sister's awesome boyfriend's daughter who we never see, have met like twice, lives a few hours away and we were given an invitation to her grad party. 2. My son's high school golf team competitor who has become a friend from playing against him all year and may or may not continue a friendship who lives an hour away and we also received an invitation to his party. Thank for your advice and help!
  11. Where words fail, music speaks. Hans Christian Andersen Where words fail, music speaks. Share this Quote Hans Christian Andersen Read more at https://www.brainyquote.com/topics/music-quotes Where words fail, music speaks. Share this Quote Hans Christian Andersen Read more at https://www.brainyquote.com/topics/music-quotes
  12. We lived there 20 years ago and I loved it! I echo that there was always something family friendly to do! I would have stayed if it wasn't too far from family.
  13. I'm a big fan of Notgrass for its Christian worldview and excellent history program. I agree with the opinion of Notgrass LA. I DO like the literature component and we supplemented Easy Grammar Ultimate and writing classes. I would 100% choose Notgrass again. Good luck!
  14. Check it out and see what you think: https://notgrasshistory.com/collections/exploring-america
  15. Notgrass has a literature component with their history program (that I've enjoyed).
  16. I’m also wondering if women just gain weight before menopause. I'm 49, so it’s getting close. Me too. Anyone have any ideas, advice or real life stories?
  17. Would you be willing to post your ten week routine? Thanks, I like the idea!
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