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Everything posted by thescrappyhomeschooler

  1. *I* would go and love it. But, it would not be a family activity for me seeing as my husband and kids are Jews. It would not exactly be up their alley. :lol:
  2. Just saw this. Hope the mama in need has gone to the ER. Many hugs and good thoughts for this situation. Please get the help you need, dear one.
  3. I voted other, because I would help if I saw that they needed something, like a ladder or something to make the move easier. Normally, I just go over an introduce myself and tell them that if they need anything to let me know. Then in a day or two, I bring some food or dessert over.
  4. When my son was evaluated for an IEP after we had already pulled him from school, they did want to observe him in his learning environment, so they did make a home visit. They stayed for about an hour.
  5. What are your favorite Nook apps for 9-12 yr. olds? My sons just got new Nooks yesterday. They have downloaded a few games, but I'd also like to put some educational apps on there for them to use for school. What are your favorites? ETA: We will be working on Biology and Ancients this year. Any ebook suggestions would be welcome, too.
  6. What are your favorite Nook apps for 9-12 yr. olds? My sons just got new Nooks yesterday. They have downloaded a few games, but I'd also like to put some educational apps on there for them to use for school. What are your favorites? ETA: We will be working on Biology and Ancients this year. Any ebook suggestions would be welcome, too.
  7. This is also one of my pet peeves, too. I'm allergic to dogs, so if your dog comes up and jumps up on me or starts licking me, I'm going to have an asthma attack. Annoying. Another similar pet peeve is at our farmer's market. There are signs ALL over saying, No Dogs by City Ordinance. People still bring their dogs. All. the. time. Cuz they're spe-shul. :glare:
  8. Oh no, Cat! That is not the update I expected to see. I'm so sorry. I will definitely keep all of you in my prayers. Lots of love to you.
  9. Well, I went off to college in 1987, so things may have changed since then, but my boyfriend at the time had not been immunized as a child for anything. The college made him get immunizations before he could attend classes. That was before it was more commonplace to NOT immunize, so things could be very different these days. I'd check with the college to see what their policy is.
  10. So sorry to hear this. :crying:
  11. I haven't been on the boards much recently, and I missed all of this. I'm so terribly sorry for your loss. I'm happy to hear that you have lots of support, though. Hugs and prayers for your family.
  12. I don't have a daughter. I voted 11 because to me, make up is not worth arguing over. I personally don't wear makeup, but if my daughter wanted to wear it, I'd say, okay, as long as she's paying for it out of her own money.
  13. According to my oncologist, 1 in 8 women get breast cancer.
  14. When I walk into a house I was to see, feel, hear cleanliness and peace. What I like when I walk into a house - bright, areas of natural light I can't stand to smell pets in a house. ??? Depends on the house ??? gives a house a homey feel and I can see myself living there.
  15. My sister is in the process of adopting her fourth child from India. The first time, her husband couldn't get enough time off of work, so she went with her best friend. The second time, she and another of my sisters went, and her husband stayed home with her son. The third time, she stayed home with the first two, and her husband went. This time, they are planning to both go together, and my nephew has requested that I come and stay with them while his parents are gone so that he can play with my boys! :laugh: But, the time in India is only about 10 days, and both parents don't have to be there. Adoption from India is difficult, except that my sister has adopted all kids with very specific medical needs, so their process goes more quickly. Even then, it has averaged a year from time of making the decision to adopt to actually bringing their child home.
  16. Mine would not, but they are über picky. Neither one really likes cake all that much to begin with. One only likes white cake with no frosting. One only likes chocolate, but mostly eats just the frosting.
  17. I have no experience with ps high school, but when my kids were in ps for K and 1st grade, they watched movies all the time. Every day in the lunch room, they watched episodes of Curious George. Every day at naptime, a Disney movie was playing. While they waited for the busses to be called, they watched more Disney. Then, they also watched movies at random times. At my Christian high school, my biology teacher used to make us watch WWF wrestling on Fridays. I hated it.
  18. My ds in in the 10% for height, and has recently gained weight. He's about 74 pounds.
  19. I'd bring her a copy of Roget's Thesaurus and tell her that if she'd like to have a discussion about antonyms, to use some words that actually have antonyms!
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