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Everything posted by SonshineLearner

  1. Wow, incredibly scary and sad :( Very sad for all the families involved... The reach of this is huge :(
  2. Squash sauteed in butter with onions that oops... do the onions first so they are almost carmelized is my favorite... extra butter ... served in tortillas with a yogurt cheddar cheese sauce if you like that. I prefer without. Of course salt and pepper... Favorite!!! Squash casserole with... squash.. onions... and other "Stuff"... topped with... saltine crackers mixed with... you got it... butter!! You want the cracker mix to barely brown!! Incredible!! Yum!! :) We're gonna get some squash soon, in our CSA shares.... yum... can't wait!!
  3. This is very similar to what we're doing for third grade; my son should like it :)
  4. Wow, never heard of it; is there a link? Might be nice for my son, next year. :)
  5. Cancer Center B-Cell Lymphoma I sent you a pm, but then looked it up on the site. Also, wanted to mention that they have acupunture and Chinese medicine. Acupuncture can help with all sorts of pain, too. Long explanation by the Acupuncturist on Monday; basically there is no sham acupuncture. Just wanted to encourage that there is good, better, best treatment, and it's worth looking into..... hugs!!
  6. Year Four U.S./World History: Exploration to 1850 Year Five U.S./World History: 1850 to Modern Times Has anyone put together schedules for these years, for them to be done independently? We thought using these for our middle school might work out, but since we wouldn't be doing whole families, as it suggests... they'd need an independent schedule...
  7. If you do it, a reputable home inspector would be your best friend!!!!!! Don't do it without serious seeing if it's ok. Your expenses could be way more than the cost of the house if you're not careful. If it's a good deal, then great! ;)
  8. Well, when enough people misuse or mispronounce a word, it is sometimes changed in the dictionary. I wonder if that's what happened. :tongue_smilie:
  9. Irritates me when I hear "sherbert" especially when we're at an icecream store. Course.... enunciation irritations are earned honestly from my mom, who had a fit when people said "real a tor" when she worked at a realty company. :) She shared spelling and pronunciation with many "realtors" :) But, she worked her tush off for them and did their work carefully, so they loved her. (She had an in office job that she created, doing flyers and other "stuff" for them; lucky them, she didn't even charge for English grammar classes!! :))
  10. Hello!! Ever heard of covering your tush? I would never publicly admit to how many orders I place! ;)
  11. I was wondering why it's more your responsibility to remind the clerk, than their's to remember to charge what's in your hand.
  12. Remember to have fast melt Benadryl, too. :) We've never had to use ours, and we've had it for 10 years...so.... With peanut allergies, I believe it's best to avoid soy, too. We're careful... and lucky! Hopefully you will be, too. There are allergy bracelets with "peanut allergy" that you can get, too...
  13. I got my pup and cas from the Humane Society, but I have to say, next time I'm purchasing from someone who shows dogs. I had found a person who shows and then has their female have a litter. I'm pretty set on a Soft coated Wheaton Terrier. They don't shed, and you have to be an Alpha and there is grooming. Whatever I get will be a "non-shedder". I'm pretty sure that you pay for the animal or risk vet bills to get them healthy. This time, I'm going to pay. Of course, for me... getting a dog is probably 10 years or so away... I'm going to enjoy the dog that sheds all over, but is a wonderful dog. But, when I get another one.... I'm going to go straight to what I want... and not. stop. by. any. rescue! :) (Could be skewed by the fact that I can't even add up how much I've spent since my last cat from the Humane Society that brought some nasty infection home to my other cat... months ago... and I'm still having to go to the vet!!! Yesterday, $240.....and before that.... mucho money!!)
  14. You'd want to train, have a fence that is the "invisible fence" around the 2 acres... (even if you have another one, I would think) and also train with a shock collar. Not so you can shock them for everything, but rather so you could "pinch" them if they were running away. Much nicer than a squished dog! (or lost!) Make sure you're training them with someone who's reputable...someone besides a pet store socializer. I trained ours with someone who trained police dogs; it was extremely valuable... for ME!! (oh, and he got trained, too... but it's mostly the human that needs trained :))
  15. Ewww. sorry :( Give 'em a hug and tell them that you'll think about it later. Ask them if they'd like to save that money for college, as your children will need the help...then. :)
  16. Wow! All the best for you and your family! My mom is going through cancer treatments right now, she's done 18 weeklys and then will do a year of "every month" chemo. UGH!! I can't wait for when we look back. Congrats to you!! "Many healthy years" are my wishes to you and your family!!
  17. Then, for sure don't have him do the Latin or Math @ CC if they'll let you drop. I would not have him do it with CC even if you have to pay.
  18. Depends on what type of cheese :) But cheddar is fine when you grate and then have in a bowl with service something... (tongs?) Parmesan seems fine either way, but I can see grating it at the table... I'm not sure "gross" is what I'd think... now... when I see someone tasting the food out of the pot before serving it... that's gross to me.
  19. Well, if it breaks, there are some places that just won't take things back now. With it on the registry, maybe, without it being on the registry, they can be stuck with a nice. broken. gift. So, not like when you bring say... a baby blanket that you made.
  20. IF you're thinking just work, I'd do Omni. Are you ok with Ancients, first? I think I would be, but that's the only thing that would be a pause for me. I believe that it's the Teacher that makes the difference, and VP has trained people.... really trained. CC varies greatly, and the training they receive is different depending on where they are, and not the same intensity as you will find in most if not all, of VP's.
  21. Yup, funny, we were just talking about this yesterday, it's sugar... that is thought to be the problem now.
  22. Teechino? Is that how you spell it? It's the substitute, and btw, you really shouldn't make your husband. If you can agree, that's different. My husband drinks enough Pepsi, that it causes issues, including weight gain. He's not a child, though, and it's just not my decision. :(
  23. Don't want my kids to hang their b**bs out or let people see their tush. I do care a ton about my children not being gawked at; both of my middle daughters have bodies that have serious shapes. It's very hard to find cute clothes for them, that are what some would consider modest.
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