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Everything posted by SonshineLearner

  1. For just peeing, set him free outside :) Have him "water" some bush you have? :) For pooping, only you know him and what the main "problem" is... I stopped using warm wipes and rinsed him off... BUT, my son was not terrified of going on the potty, he had just decided he preferred warm wipes and someone cleaning him than "taking the time" to go himself. He was over 3 years old... I don't know... I'm a patient mama.... nursed till he was almost 5, but changing a 3+ yr old was too much for me... (Especially because he could... he just didn't want to...) Change has always been a bit hard for him....
  2. Gosh, I could use the lottery :) I'd be happy to take any spillage from anyone having extra money... It's go straight to paying off debt, and I'm pretty sure Cards are evil ;)
  3. Wouldn't use tea tree on a pup. Seriously, it's hell if they get it in their eyes...etc... and it's so easy to transfer. (I have used it on myself.... I have got it in my eye... it was horrible... but good for my mouth sore)
  4. And if you're carrying a concealed weapon, (not legally), no one knows either.... Either way, as long as it stays concealed... no problem. When someone with bad intent has a gun... legal or not... that's where there's a problem :)
  5. I think that your church would be a good spot for someone who wants to come shoot the congregation. The person I'm thinking of packs almost 100% of the time, he's a person who preaches at many churches. He wouldn't even think of asking if it was ok. And, he's a good shot, so people at your church might be glad that the shooter would get killed, and your children may be saved... that day. (Not meant in a mean/snarky way) I really have an issue with guns around children or "mad men" otherwise I'm fine with them. Accidents happen, which is why it's hard to see them around kids.... but guns in good hands are... good.
  6. I don't know... there are the carpets... have fun vacuuming... After that, the bathroom needs cleaned.... Have fun!! Need more to do?? I can fill up the list!! :) (And while I may not buy your vacuum, my kids will love you for doing their chores!! :))
  7. Wish you were here!! We have the perfect co-op (potentially) for you... right here in Salem, OR :) (And we're on WHL this coming year, too!! :))
  8. I'm glad you do! :) I believe that the Bible supports that life inside the womb is the life of a human, and I also believe that value of the species does not change once they are "on their way" until their natural death. And, anyone who thinks that a human is first a fetus is using terms to disguise their desire to separate their worth. (Unborn versus Born) I mean... Animals that are pregnant have their own kind, of course, unless it's had human intervention :) (I know I'm gonna be wrong if I don't remember all the details :) Humans that are impregnated... have baby humans. (Again, the other view that I've heard is that it's living, but not a "God-breathed" human until it breathes it's first breath.) I totally believe that no one has a right to murder or stop the life of a human, at any stage of life.
  9. Wow... you've got offers from all over... I think Anne in OR lives around me... but if she doesn't.... I would sit, too. Seriously, a baby crying or happy for a day is no big deal :) (If nothing else, strolling around the mall till they fall asleep :))
  10. Well, kinda answering all at once, the church we're NOT going back to is the one that we actually agree with... on paper. BUT, it's not what the pastor is preaching like now :( (Although we LOVE the pastor... just not his preaching... He's a great guy... would be a great neighbor... Just not our taste for pastoring) So... we have visited the church that I think we'll end up going to... just never really suited my taste as far as sermon & music. The mission goals are a bit off from what I believe. BUT, I guess I am wanting to go back to hang out with some people who love Jesus! :) And... who are welcoming. I mean... at the other church I can't say it's warm and inviting. My daughter wants to hang out with Christian friends/at least acquaintances. She's going to public school, and this is where is where many of them go. So, I guess I'll listen to podcasts during the week, from people I find intellectually challenging... and hang out with people on Sundays that I find good to be around :)
  11. I feel the same way about families in our co-op who dropped out due to not knowing that a co-op is a commitment. They leave me in a lurch and then when I see them or they see a FB comment they "like" away on it like they've been friendly. Seriously people, don't act like you've had manners... when you haven't :(
  12. Dog sitter ;) That's a huge day, and I'd try to find a spot for my dog even though he'd probably be ok. You won't be able to take him to a kennel, because he doesn't have the kennel cough vaccine... (at least I wouldn't think he does... and I'm not sure how old he is...) If you're stuck with not having a sitter... then if it's not too cold/hot I'd take him in the kennel... in your vehicle.... (What's the weather suppose to be like) In this situation, that's what we'd do, unless it'd be too hot... or extremely cold...
  13. Because you have all girls, it looks as though it would work. I would think of breaking up the rooms differently. Depends on how your 17 year old is. Mine would freak at sharing with with 2 other siblings. Might be better to cram the 8 year old and baby together. (Or, the crib in your room...) Then you could give the 17 year old the little bitty room... but she could have her own space..
  14. Just get said baby use to an Ergo :) Then... have the sitter wear baby in Ergo.... It'll be really fine... I shared a baby at co-op and since he was use to being worn, after a minute he was fine.... (Never mind the mama and I weren't the same size or anything!! :)) Even if he/she screams for a bit, it's nothing compared to you being able to have the memory. Find someone who'll keep the baby safe... and go :)
  15. At least 15-20 minutes, maybe? But our town is pretty isolated. Once you leave our little spot, everything feels pretty far. And.... while we do co-op in the next town, as far as being involved... popping over for youth group... etc.... it just doesn't happen ;( And, then the kids aren't going to school with any of their "friends"... (We just hs our youngest)
  16. Hey There ;) So, we live in this little spot that has a few churches. Theology is important to me, as it's the Study of God. :) We have one church that we agree with Theologically and like some of the people, but we've gone and left a few times. It's just not a church that is gonna work for us, I guess :( So, there's another church in town that is friendly (good thing there!) I don't agree with some of it, as it has a different missions philosophy and also is kinda "Charismaticy" :) But it is "Christian" and the people there are friendly. My daughter was just saying yesterday that she misses church, she wants to delve into a youth group. She also was considering her younger brother and thinks he should experience "church". So, how do I just focus on the common and ignore the things that seriously bug me? I mean.... youth group that outreaches is good, right? I need something my kids can sink into... I just have to give up the "no church/church hop" thing and settle. As my daughter was saying, "No church is perfect" and if we don't go to one in town, we can't fellowship with the people... :( Friendly and actually Christian... the main two things that count... I can suck it up, right??
  17. If it was a bunny, I'd feed it to the dog. You know... better not to waste it:) I ran over a cat a few months ago. I felt horrible. Luckily it was a cat someone had left :( so no people to lose their own precious kitty :( It was... very sad :(
  18. Did you read the article about the little girl who grew up to be well educated, whose parents had read an incredible amount to her while she grew up? They read... and read more... above her level.... I can't give a link.. wish I could... At the end it commented that she had Down Syndrome. Seriously, it impressed upon me that I should be reading even more to my child.
  19. I believe that when egg and sperm meet... life is created. Of course, we may prefer to comment about them as the distant "fetus".... the ONLY thing my daughter got with Latin lessons was more of a 'tude. I can't wait for her to take health class and make sure that everyone knows what "fetus" is in Latin ;) She SOOOOO loves to make sure that others know that before she was born... she was a baby :) (Maybe they're really a fish or something else before they're a baby :))
  20. The debate is not whether life begins at conception or first breath. It's whether they have a spirit before the first breath, at least as I understand it... I'm not debating.. just clarifying... :)
  21. I tried to explain the kilt joke to my parents and brother yesterday. My brother had said that items like specialty kilts aren't in much demand during economic crisis.... Boy I wish I had a pic of all the ones on here :)
  22. My opinion is that if you find a playgroup with a couple other moms, that could be awesome! Meet at alternating homes or whatever... Take turns teaching a poem (1 poem a month?) or something like that... Enjoy the time you have :) Memorize anything and you'll keep that part going... and you can tailor it to your children. To make it through all the cycles 2x you just start at age 6. By then, you might have a small group to do CC material with... free :)
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