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Everything posted by SonshineLearner

  1. There's at least one family in our town, that has chickens in town. It's legal here. It's a coop at night, and they have a large pen for during the day. It's pretty simple, she said. They looked happy pecking around. Here daughter had added some funny posters around the chicken house, and most of the materials were reused from something else. Carrie:-)
  2. Or behind the Math:-) I'm wondering if those of you who have studied this, or seen it in action, can tell me how I understand if my daughter understands the theory of the math that she's studying. I was wondering about pre-algebra and algebra on up....and my husband was trying to explain what I should be looking for in a math program. He's an engineer. He might as well have been speaking Russian. I didn't get a grasp of what he was saying. Then he tried to explain to my step-daughter who is doing Pre-Calculus. She didn't understand the "theory". Hmmmm I saw Ali in Oregon talking about being a math teacher and liking Singapore..... (I have a 5th grader and 5 yr old right now.) Carrie :001_huh:
  3. Thanks! I'm planning on purchasing it before next school year:-) Carrie:-)
  4. Government, Economics and Physics....I'm looking at TC for the Government and Economics. Specific courses that work for these and also physics would be great. She's been in PS until a couple of months ago. She's doing Classical Conversations, right now. She'll be doing Omni I next year plus whatever else we can figure out. Carrie:)
  5. Do you think that Omni 1 writing can be taken up to a Senior level? Thanks! Carrie:-)
  6. Some kind of co-op for next year is what I'd think. OF course, you have to think if that'd be more or less stress for you. We do Classical Conversations, which uses IEW for it's writing portion. It's a breath of fresh year having another tutor for my children and having other Christian families to surround yourself with. There are many other co-ops and you just find which one aligns with your goals. For us, I just love the fellowship with others who are serious about schooling. Carrie:-)
  7. That's awesome! I'm trying to decide whether to do Greek or Latin with my 5.5 yr old, first. I'll have to check this out! Carrie:-)
  8. There are actual doggy doo composting things you can purchase. (About $100.) You just don't use it for anything...eww...cuz of bacteria that it can have... Also, feeding a high quality dog food, especially with no grain...will make smaller poops that are easier to pick up. You have one bag on one hand, plastic bag in the other, and then throw double bagged into the trash bin. They burn trash here, in a big whatever it's called....I'm sure that there's a better way, but that's ours. I recycle and separate a lot of our families left overs (cardboard, glass etc...) but this is just where I draw the line, right now. And, because it's my dog, I usually clean up myself. I want it done well, with no contamination, and I don't want the dog tracking it in, by accidentally stepping in it. Carrie:-)
  9. I remember when my brother came home, he slept with his gun by him. I didn't like that, as he was on the couch...It's like you announced your entrance, because I was a bit nervous.... He took quite a while before he seemed like he was ok doing things without a set time. I'm not sure you're ever normal after you've shot people. The other day I said something about, "Have you ever killed anything?" Meaning....animals, because I'm thinking of raising rabbits for my dog, and as soon as the question left my lips, I had to say..."I mean animals." There was kinda a weird silence, because he has in fact killed people. You have to get use to the fact that kids asking for candy, might be trying to kill you. He had pictures on his laptop, that no one wants to look at....Entering a normal job, doesn't pay what his branch did, so that's tough, too. You come back to $10 an hour jobs....if that's what you're level of job pays in civilian life...and that's not very good. I think my brother is his normal now, after a while. BUT, I'm not sure that you can ever get rid of the effects. I mean, someone that has been in war, views life differently. I'm not sure what my brother thinks about most things....he's always been a little bit of an introvert about what he thinks.... My brother was only in for about 5 years, I can't imagine a life time of it. Carrie....
  10. Thanks for being sweet Soph....about differences:-) I'm sure you're a lovely vet:-) I drive my Drs mad, too, as I don't vaccinate, right now. (my children...) Just to let you know...I did try all the foods....they just didn't work for my dog, that's how I found raw...is looking online for what to do with my itchy, thirsty dog. Just a Funny:-) Maybe we should have a WTM dog group:-) For those dogs classically fed:-) Carrie:-)
  11. I aspire to be more than I am....what level am I again? I think like 300 more posts I get to be a Queen. I wonder if they'll change the points needed by the time I get there. I hope that I can teach my children as well as some of you.... You all inspire! Carrie:-)
  12. My husband teased me with this, before we actually "got pregnant" with our son. My daughter was just on her way to kindergarten, and he'd say, "In a year you could be at home, watching tv during the day, eating by yourself, enjoy lounging." Then he did it again when I wanted to homeschool, "You could be at home by yourself, enjoy naps, eating lunch out...." And sometimes I look at my kids when they're being naughty and think, "You could be at school, having a teacher deal with you....and I could be eating dessert after a nice lunch." But, somehow the next kick or punch from one of them to the other....breaks my daydream and I come back into this world:-) Carrie:-)
  13. If you like living math type books, you might enjoy reading Greg Tang's books and the Cindy Neuschwander's books including the Sir Cumference series. They are great books that you can get at the library. And I love the abacus that we got from NurtureMinds.com Not quite workbooks...but math fun:-) Carrie:-)
  14. That's awesome! Good for you. I'm interested in your thoughts about the copy, but also in how it compares to the free copies you can download and to the Greenleaf teachers manuals. (since it's so much less $$$) Carrie:-)
  15. Sorry, I messed up a bit. Shouldn't have put Challenge and Found. and Challenge and Found and Essen. together...since you can choose multiple programs. BUT, I don't think you can change the poll after you hit send.. Carrie:-)
  16. SO, I'm curious how many of you use Classical Conversations, something like First Class, your own program of say 4 or so families, SOTW co-ops, TOG co-ops. Can you tell me what won you over to the program/co-op you're part of, and if there's a cost, approx. how much money do you pay, total, for each year? Can you tell me how large your co-ops are? How many grades and students/ families you have? Does your Co-op lend towards Classical or Just general classes? Is it mostly memory with some activities? Lots of Science? Parents all take turns? Languages? (Latin??) Yes, I've read around the internet, but I'm wondering about this group:-)
  17. Hey Bill "A small amount of bad meat can infect large batches in processing plants. So while I am intrigued by the raw meat idea (and frankly enjoy eating raw meat myself) eating meat or feeding meat from a packing plant to a dog raw is something I need to inform myself about more before I go there." This is one of the reasons why I feed pieces of meat -v- hamburger (and don't really like to buy hamburger even for my family to eat, cooked...) I buy pieces that if you want to give a rinse, you could. For me...I'm fine with it just straight from being cut out...to being fed. If you peek into how some of the food that's not human grade is made (and I use to feed my dog...when I was a child) you would be more confident in feeding raw:-) Read about how they render the fat that they use in less expensive food...and what ingredients they use to melt for the fat. Clean Raw meat/poultry could be thought of as Sushi for animals:-) But less $$$$:-) Carrie:-) And I'm cautious, too! I still have my 5.5 year old in a serious carseat and can't see taking him out for at least a couple of years.
  18. I'm SO happy for you. I have to say that a bed to myself doesn't make me sad... Carrie:-)
  19. Pam:-) Who's Peek? And.....what did she want? Carrie:-)
  20. Your son should do just fine, you'll feel better if you can send him with a phone, even just a pre-paid one. My daughter has flown 3 times a year since she was 7...by herself. Even though it's scary, she could walk the airport...even if she was blind, she knows her path so well. She's kinda a show off that she is an "experienced flyer." And, safety wise...the airplane ride is probably more safe than the car ride to the airport. Carrie:-)
  21. I was thinking we do school only 3 days a week, but she does Latin (Henle) on Mondays between 3-5 hrs. Tuesday we try to make sure lots of History is done and IEW and such are ready for our Classical Conversations day. Thursday is more independent as I'm pretty tired from CC the day before. Friday we do school as well, although what is a bit up in the air, depending on what we need to get done. Saturday and Sunday, I try to get her Latin done and IEW again. If she's still having to work on Sunday, that's between 1.5-2hrs or so. She does Math, hopefully. 4-5 times a week. Not as much work as most students on here have, but 6th grade, she'll have more. Carrie:-)
  22. Because of wanting to network, and then also once I decided to do CC wanting to tell everyone about it, I think I'm on every homeschooling group that's ever been started in Oregon. Anyway, The Safari Sam's thing is advertised on several groups, I saw something about the person who's organizing it ....wanting someone else to take over that part. (her kids are older, now) Anyway, it's on one of the Fridays....can't remember which one. I'll try to find out and stick it on our SG:-) Carrie:-)
  23. Yes, it should be. I think that you, Heather, were someone I was gonna try to hook-up with and see Winterpromise...a long time ago.... Could that be? Anyway, I'm interested to see who's here, with what ages. Safari Sam's could be interesting to go to now that gas isn't $4+ a gallon. And bonus is...they already have a homeschool day set up. Carrie:-)
  24. I'm sure that you're a wonderful vet and that you love animals very much, so I'm speaking only from my personal experience and what I've read. I just don't see how the dogs system is like a human's. Perhaps it is, and I'm incorrect. All that people who feed raw can do, is be careful. I was very nervous about feeding raw, but after feeding this way for a few months, I feel very sure about my decision. I do not feed all bones, I've studied to find the ones that others and I agree are on the "safe" side. Of course, when my dog is out, he doesn't ask me what he can eat. I can only monitor what I give him. Also, bones cut by a machine are not as safe as those ripped away at by your dog. I'm careful that I have a clean source of meat. I buy it at a butcher's and they have good practices for how they deal with meat. IF, due to your dog's teeth, you choose to feed ground, I would choose to do that at home after you rinse the meat. Some use a diluted amount of grapefruit seed extract mixed with water.(I think this is the one) I don't rinse with anything more than water. Some people on the Rawchat group I'm on, do grind their meat for dogs without teeth. If you do this with organs (which is usually the least expensive, heart and kidneys) then you just need to get about 10% bone meal into their diet. So, the percentage that I do is 80% kidney and heart, 10% liver, 10% bone (or bone meal, you can get powdered, maybe raw, ground bone from your butcher??) Cost wise, if I was better at purchasing in bulk, I could get the meat in the bigger city for .60 a pound. I pay $1.00 a pound and it's good for me, as it's 3-4 miles from my house...and I get it fresh. If you choose to feed veggies, they need to be kinda cooked to get a bit of nutrition from them. For me, I feed some raw carrots, but just cuz he likes them. Just like the Vet says, no raisins, no grapes, these can make a dog die... (for any dog!) no mushrooms, no caffeine. No onions and only little bits of garlic (I don't give my dog...any) You can do a search for "ok food for dogs" I guess when I look at my dog, I see an animal that is still built like an animal. From what I've seen, zoo animals have started to be fed real food again, and zoo's swear by it. Their animals are healthy. I love my animal and I am really good to him. He loves lying on the couch by the fire and jumping up and down for his food. (All 68 lbs of him) Peela may be able to validate this, since I haven't dealt with it, but I think it's feeding the dog 2-3% of their suggested weight. I suppose you could feed more and slowly start to lessen the amount. You can kinda tell after a few times when they start to get their fill. It's not necessary or even suggested by some...but occasionally I give my dog goat's yogurt and a banana. This is when he seems like he got into the paper towels or other trash. This is something that doesn't mean that I love my dog less, or someone who feeds their dog kibble loves theirs less.... It's just a different choice... and I feel great watching my dog kinda tear into his meat. (And no, it doesn't make him more aggressive to the rest of us...just his chicken! :-) BTW, I make my dog eat in the bathtub for simple cleaning. It took a few times to train him. I also had to cut the meat into little bites for the first 2- 3 times....Now he can eat the whole thing fine. Carrie:-) PM me if you want, and I also have a book I can look up, if you wanna read about it.
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