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Everything posted by SonshineLearner

  1. I am trying to swallow why the online classes cost so much... and why they seem to be close to "in school" classes. It'd be around $3500 each year for highschool... and they only meet once per week. That'd be like $14,000 a year for private school?? What am I missing?? Carrie:-)
  2. Pull ups forever here. BUT, my mom has a book that says raw, unheated:-) honey is good for everything:-) Carrie
  3. Have one notebook... or the computer.. where you list all your safe places... my very organized mom does this.... If you end up finding my borrowed Memory Work Resource CD ($30) please let me know. PS... I know I'll find them right after I pay the person back. Carrie
  4. Hi There:-) I have a step-daughter who is in 12th grade, very motivated and wants a writing program that will stretch her. I would have loved for her to follow a progymnasmata writing plan, but only have had her for a few classes. I would like a writing program that she can go through herself, and one that is "Classical" in nature. Who has some ideas for me? I'm going to Exodus Books, and hope to find something that is recommended... there. Also, if there is a writing class that she can join at this point, I would have around $200 or so to spend on that. Ideas?? Thanks!
  5. "Catechism" just means..... Questions and Answers, So... Teacher says, 1. "Who is God?" Who is God? God is the only living and true God. He’s the all-glorious, almighty, all-knowing Sovereign Creator and Lord of the whole universe. God is perfect and holy, infinite, eternal and unchanging. Who is God? God is perfect and holy, infinite, eternal and unchanging Our mind can’t comprehend the glories of our God and King Eternal, immortal, invisible, the only God, be honor and Glory forever and ever. I Timothy Chapter 1, verse 17….. be honor and glory forever and ever Amen. For example:-) We use Dana Dirksen's songs..... So... it's easy:-)
  6. This is a reason that Christians need to know: Bible Content and Bible Catechism. I was just looking at a Church site that was talking about Theology and Scripture Knowledge and one on "Christian Living". A Mentor of mine, believes that Churches should do an (anonymous) Test every few months to measure if their Church Members are growing in Grace and Knowledge. Grace and peace be yours in abundance through the knowledge of God and of Jesus our Lord." 2 Peter 1:2 It is one of the Churches duties to provide Bible Knowledge, hopefully at a scholarly level, to their congregation. Classical Speaking.... Pastors use to be the ones to tutor capable students... in their studies. It's a problem with our generation that it's more important to be "cute/fun" than "Biblical/accurate". I think it's prevalent in more than one area of Church Gatherings. :-) Carrie
  7. Well, perhaps they are being used to prune or sharpen you. :-) Carrie
  8. We have Dana Dirksen's cds which painlessly teach aprox. 6 + questions and answers from a Catechism book. You can look at her site... at the sheet music to see what the questions and answers are. Something I think is funny is most of us are teaching the Catechism of many subjects. Science... Math..... etc... but we've just not been calling it Catechism. Once you get use to the term.... it's easier to see why we'd need the Catechism of the Bible..... These cds are very affordable... easy on the ears... and are real truth:-) http://songsforsaplings.com/index.php
  9. I think that going through the different books of the Bible... just what the main thrust is... is a start... and then looking into the Bible for what verses you might like to memorize. I know that many Catholics are good at memory... and many Baptists and others are... and many of both are not. It's our time in history that memory hasn't been "pounded" into our heads:-) You really can memorize just a few and feel like you're on your way. As a Christian since I was young, I didn't have a good idea about the "themes" of different books. I think that this is important to go over.... before or while you're memorizing passages:-) In the Latin Centered Curriculum.... it has different books spread over the years. I have to check to see what he recommends... and btw... he's Catholic:-) Carrie
  10. Can you tell me where you do Singapore online? And... how much per year is it? Also, how's the Latin going? My daughter got through... almost... Unit 3 of Henle... and I need another spot for her:-) Carrie:-)
  11. I like it because..... There are Know Christian Speakers/Authors and such that speak there. My daughter attended and had a blast. She's 17.5 and she'd go back in a heartbeat if we'd fund it. You can gain 2 college credits for not much more than the cost..... I figured it out... cost wise... compared to our really good camp... and it's actually less per day. You are in classes, mostly, but they do 2-4 activities like rock climbing... etc.. for a small charge. This was worth a ton to our family. We paid full price... But, to let you know, my dad teaches there at least once per summer. Carrie:-)
  12. We can track if we want to, and we did when the kids were younger. I think the advantage is good if your child is always with their phone. On our phone you can have it so that you are "GPS able" or not.... It's on the set up of the phone. So, if you leave it on... the phone company can find you in an emergency. If you have a husband or wife that strays.... I would say they could figure out how to make it work..... I don't really wanna babysit an adult. When the kids were younger, when they were at their mom's ..... she didn't mind if they were gone for hours... with her at work... and no one would know where they had gone... for them....and us... it was great to be able to "know" that they were safe.... And... find them... if they went "missing". Carrie:-)
  13. Thanks for the "heads up" I was looking at the Prismas to see what I'd like to purchase...... I wanna order from DB's too:-) Carrie:-)
  14. I'm loving Singapore. Got it for my 11 year old... and then... even though I planned to do no formal math with my 6 year old... bought grades one and two for him. (mainly cuz I want to understand what we would have learned... and how.. in the younger grades:-) I hear I should get the workbook... but just going through the textbook is ok for me right now. i also have an abacus program from Nurtureminds.com... that's for grades 1 and 2... that I am trying to use a bit... He is mentally far above 1st grade, but formally...we're just starting. Carrie:-)
  15. Well, I wouldn't say Santa is real, as I don't do "real" with unreal things.... But... we "do Santa" and for those who want to know... We have the real Santa in Oregon. He lives in our town, and goes to the Church down the street. He comes with incredible Santa Hair..... and rosy cheeks! And... he has a Mrs. Claus, too!! Carrie
  16. I'd probably wanna add... "Wanna know what pregnancy control (bc) to avoid??" :-) Carrie
  17. There's No school like Home School.... I actually had a shirt that said that when I was homeschooled... My mom mad up the song.... went to.. "There's no business like show business..." Carrie:-)
  18. I think part of it is culture, intention and use. So, I was just beside myself that my dad took my 11 year old daughter to Italy. He thought, just a few days before they left, to call and ask me what I had told her about males. Wanted to point out that they would be seeing n*des in detail...sculpture and paintings... and I was fine with it. If he had been taking her to .... say .... the Playboy Mansion... that would be different... he wouldn't do that... I wouldn't allow it.... but to me... great sculptures and paintings are different. I may feel that they were ok .... even if done now... if they are done with reverence towards the body. Carrie:-)
  19. So are you just so frustrated with the printing thing in US schools? Or, did you teach your children cursive before the schools got them?? Carrie:-)
  20. Not sure if you would use prescription, but it sounds like Excema which can get pretty bad... and develop secondary problems like Impetigo if you let it go.... I would get some prescription hydrocortison... or go get some homeopathic meds that are like it (which I've purchased before...) and then try .....Coconut Oil.... or a witches brew of Coconut oil.... and Crisco. No joke... get out of the shower... barely pat fry.... put crisco on.... wrap in warm towel/bag..... watch some tv..... We've done this with my daughter with good success...... Also, shea butter helps some... Carrie:-)
  21. I wouldn't purchase a new guide.... I would keep the old one... just get revisions to add to the guide... And take a white out tape thing and make revisions. It will take you a maximum of 1 hr to make all the revisions. Also, if you have $$$ to spend, I'd purchase one cd each year... to make it the updated info.. which will match what you have... because you'll update your Foundations Guide.... Carrie:-)
  22. Funny, It was the right thread.... second page... and the part I read was about the light saber... but looking at the maybe 3rd page.... it showed the part about SWB and now I see:-) Thanks!!
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