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Everything posted by SonshineLearner

  1. Hope you can hear it well enough to enjoy!! Maybe if you get there early, they'd sit you up closer... after you explain? I'd try that!! :)
  2. Hey Everyone, This is the largest place I know to ask for prayer. A mom in our homeschool group <Rachael> is in the ICU because of having heart attacks... and then this morning she had to have CPR performed on her... She has a husband and three young children who really need her. Please lift up this family in your prayers. Right now her chances are 50/50 and I know that while those are her chances... God can allow her to stay with us here! Thanks!! Carrie
  3. Well.... it's a "Portable DVD Stereo System" ..... GPX..... it has two inputs for the mic.... :)
  4. Hey There, I have a large co-op class with about 20 kids and their moms. My poor teacher needs a mic. Anyone have any ideas? I have a DVD/cd player that has a remote with two mic spots, but I guess that's for Karoake only? I need something around $100... I'd love wireless.... (I'd love to be rich, too....perhaps that's about the same level of chance??) Any Ideas?? Thanks!
  5. Well, on the first one... anyone who is at least 85 or older... and not religiously required to have one... there's a good chance that they would not be circ'd... But... on the second... we agree!! It's harder to be fastidious about cleaning as you get older. I had to bring to the attention of the Director of the nursing home... that the elderly lady I had been visiting needed her nails clean.... Very obviously..... she really needed a hand scrub!! Poor lady... just couldn't tell... Perhaps if they ripped her nails off... it'd be easier to keep them clean. ;)
  6. It's not uncommon at 5 to not retract. I was concerned, even after reading this, that my son would never be able to retract. He's 7 now, no problems..... They say that it happens at puberty.... DON'T force it..... It happens on it's own. I just said... every few baths..... see if you can pull your f*r*sk*n back... and one day..... presto! :)
  7. :) Happy for you finding the hs community that everyone needs! (well, everyone I know IRL :)
  8. Well, my son is 2nd grade, like yours. He can't really read well enough to do the memory work himself. Help him at home? Duh! I guess I could, but at our church they help the children memorize it when they go, and a couple of times through and he knows it. Perhaps offer to stay with him the first couple of times to get the feel for it? I would point it out that he can't read, gently, so that they know he needs help. Also, I think they have cds for all the memory work now, so after the first paper, you'll be able to play the memory work before hand. I kinda get tired of it, but he loves it. UGH.... we're in the "Do we do Awanas again" spot :)
  9. Crazy if you just found her? Hmmmm, just crazy. Only problem would be if say... they found out. :)
  10. Very Good! Record it! You might need it later, just to remember what you he said. I wish for the day! My daughter, on the other hand, is saying, "You promised me that'd I'd only have to learn 3 years, and now I"m on #5" Oh well..... Calvin's a year older, perhaps there's hope, still for me. BUT, Congrats!! I'm sure he'll think the same about many subjects you laid out for him! :)
  11. I have your daughter's twin! He's 7 and a couple of months... I tried SWR/Cursive First.... I ordered the Handwriting Without Tears (mine!) Just today... 3rd grade, cuz that's when they start cursive. Student and Teacher's... because.. I don't know how to teach it! (and yup, I read the SWR) The HWOT seems to be more simple, and less "tracing back" over the letters... than the whole 2 o'clock thing. Also, I watched the video on how they teach cursive in France... Bingo... Easy Peasy... I'll be sure and tell y'all if I love the new program... So far... it looks much more simple, and more of the "joining letters/cursive" the easy way! :)
  12. It's just not fair! I'm sorry...... Really.... seriously sorry!!
  13. I'd love "natural" and the "medical" treatments... This is for my lovely friend who's nursing her baby. Baby had it a while back... What's the "quick way" and the "better for you but takes forever way" :) Thanks!!
  14. Oh My Gosh!! I laughed SOOOO hard when I read this! How many of us remember ruining Santa for someone? I remember ruining it on a carpool ride for my kindergarten friend. I staying behind after she got out, because I couldn't figure out why her mom kept lying and telling me I was wrong about Santa. I thought the MOM thought Santa was REAL and was very concerned!! The mom finally admitted to me, in hopes of getting me out of the car, that the "No Santa" thing... was our secret!! Here's Ester Maria's very smart Daughter... in years past... Today, 10:39 AM Ester Maria Hive Mind Queen Bee Quote: Originally Posted by bethanyniez While we've spoken with the boys about how other children believe in Santa, Easter Bunny, etc, and that it's not their place to 'correct' other children, it can be tricky. I actually had the following conversation with one of my daughters when she was 5-6 years old: Eva: It's the parents who are actually getting kids presents, right? Ester: True. Eva: But the kids are not pretending. Ester: What do you mean? Eva: It's not a game, it's not that parents are pretending and kids are pretending, it's only parents are pretending that Santa gives presents, but kids are not pretending, kids actually believe. Ester: It's because their parents don't tell them it's a game. Eva (shocked ): THEY'RE LYING?! Ester: Well, you may call it lying, yes. It's a custom by them. Eva: But why can't the parents give the kids the presents without lying abougt who gives them? Ester: They consider it a sort of game, so parents pretend there's also a Santa. Just like you sometimes when you play pretend there are things which there aren't, or you pretend the dolls are alive, and similar. Eva: But I KNOW I'm pretending and kids I'm playing with also know I'm pretending and we all know we're pretending and nobody is lying to anyone because it's a game that we all play. Ester: Well, "they" play the game the way only the parents know it's a game, it's one of their customs. Eva: But it's a bad custom. We don't do that. Ester: No, we don't. Eva: I should tell them their parents are lying. Ester: But you're ending the game that way. They can no longer pretend. Eva: They shouldn't play a game in which not everyone who plays knows it's a game! It's cruel! It's making fun out of people. Ester: Well, we view it that way, but they... Eva: We don't know how they see it, because they don't know it's a game. Ester: True. They believe it's not a game. Eva: So I should tell them it is. Ester: They might be sad to know it's their parents. Their parents might be angry because you ruined the game for them. Eva: But their parents know they pretend. They're not telling them about Santa because they really think Santa brings presents. Since they bring presents, they must also know that Santa doesn't bring presents. Ester: Yes. Eva: So parents have no excuse. They know what they're doing is wrong. Ester: Eva, it's a custom. That's how they do. Eva: But it's not alright! It's wrong! Ester: But it's a custom. Eva: But it's a BAD custom if it's a custom and it shouldn't be a custom if we know it's bad. We shouldn't do bad things just because other people before us did bad things and these people are doing bad things and know they're doing bad things when they lie to their children about who gives the present. I should tell my friends. Ester: But they will find out anyway, in a year or two. They don't believe it forever, you know. At some point they learn, so they all pretend from that point on. Eva: But I cannot not tell them. I have to tell them, because I know something they don't know which concerns them and which is bad and I MUST tell them. Ester: But it's their parents' place to tell them, they're playing. Eva: No, if I know something wrong is happening, it's also my place to stop it! If I don't, it's like I take part in it! And you always say that the one who is silent agrees. And so on and so on, pretty much like that. Tried to convince the kid it's really not her personal responsibility, but she was deeply troubled by both what's going on AND the idea that she somehow "shouldn't" tell. So she told. __________________ Wheelock's is likely the best Latin resource that the author of these lines has seen so far on the anglophone market, and the best introductory Philosophy textbook for middle/high school students is the one by Arno Anzenbacher and, as is the cases with many good and worthy German books, probably hasn't been translated to English. Sciences should be studied simultaneously in high school, not in one-year blocks.
  15. I have friends with an Evangeline and their daughter's nickname is Eva, pronounces "Ay va" :)
  16. Oh, Thanks for explaining that to them; I wouldn't want them to be afraid of anything. I don't think that they made what we're doing clear, though. We're homeschooling until they go to college, or at least highschool. Thanks!
  17. My kids aren't allowed to open the door, unless I'm home and they can see who it is. With me not there, I don't want them to answer at all. By the time they look to see who it is... the other person knows that they are there.. but not answering. I do like to leave my dog out while I'm gone so he can bark. Think... big 65lb dog lunging towards the window. Love that "biggness" of the dog... He's HUGE & BIG and I hope that the other person on the other side thinks that he'd rip their head off... and he just might as long as they don't have a dog biscuit. :)
  18. I agree with the Emma-Leigh Ruth option. Of course, she'll have to explain the "Emma-Leigh" part anyway, but I think it's easier. But, I notice Hadessah& Gideon, so you're not worried about people asking... right? In that case, just do what you want... and like I've offered for my daughter that doesn't like her spelling... I'll change it when she's 18 if she still wants it changed...
  19. I wouldn't ever ever ever own a pit.... although I'm sure...they can be decent dogs. BUT, last time Hornblower put this bit about pits, it's weird, I was out about town and started noticing the pits. It's not "in" to neuter pits, I guess!! I counted maybe 5 or so.... and they all looked well endowed! Walking around town, when you're 19... seems to be in style... with an unneutered pit. UGH.... BUT, at some point those huge chains they have around their necks.... are being clung onto by some precious 3 year old... SO.... I'm sure a ton of it is the training... and the not wanting a neutered pit. :(
  20. Was he saying that because of "Indian" or because of spices that stick around. (do they happen to stick around in cars??) I mean, I hate to think it's seriously because of the race of the person. I am always one to over think things. I know that once an owner rented to someone Indian in NJ... at the time I was there... they basically couldn't rent to anyone else. (because of the strong spices like curry...) Could it be something like this? I actually think that I could just go crazy if I had to look at everyone... all the time... and they looked exactly like me. I was SOOOOO wanting to see some people of other colors after moving to where I now live. I was just basically staring because it was so much more like home... when I had some diversity. I know... kinda silly.... Anyway, I have always thought it'd be great to adopt a young child... and I would just look for the "right child" versus the "right age". I don't want to be color blind. I want to see the beauty in all of us :) You have a lovely family Heather!! (And good decision to not let your husband have another motorcycle!!!)
  21. http://fortis.heritageacademies.com/ I think this is a Classical School...lmk if I'm right :)
  22. I know I saw a Classical Charter School in Ypsi... that'd be close, yes? Perhaps I could find it again... I googled it. :)
  23. We do Awana's at our church too, but Awana's is a huge drain on a church! It simply takes all the volunteer time of most of the church, it seems. Though I understand it's good for the children, it's a very hard commitment for the adults. At our church they are begging for volunteers until even after they've started.
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