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Everything posted by SonshineLearner

  1. It's less invasive than other culturally acceptable practices. I wouldn't do it before the child could submit to it themselves, of their own desires. But, I don't circ or vaccinate my kids either, but I do them "permanent harm"... if spanking them upsets them for life. When I think about it, everyone does something that others can judge. I don't see why you shouldn't do it, but...well... other than it's a hole... that you don't know your daughter will want...
  2. Well, from years ago.... books like the Moore's books... (Better Late than Early) would suggest just not doing reading and writing yet.... For any child.... (I don't know what they say to do if the child is crying to read) Spend lots of time farming, coloring if she wants, playing with playdoh, etc. If you want to do phonics, I would pick up a set of phonics cards that are from Spell to Read and Write http://www.bhibooks.net/home.html or http://www.bhibooks.net/catalog/item/4154895/4031110.htm and http://www.bhibooks.net/swr.html Or similar from whatever company you want. I would just have her write in the air or in sand. NOW, if she insists on writing. I really think that Handwriting Without Tears is an excellent book and the letters aren't too small. We start with cursive for kids, which would be Handwriting Without Tears, 3rd grade. (and get the Teacher's guide, too) If you're into research, you can look and see that students were first taught cursive before printing. You revert to what you were first taught :) So, printing was for mapwork in later years. So, if you want to do that, then you just teach the basic letters on cards, for cursive, too. It's worked really well for us. :)
  3. Again... just jealous... we're all the way in Oregon... I just search on these threads... and through catalogues and dream of hearing good speakers. Something besides how to make sure my kids obey (even though that's important) I guess what i WANT to hear... is how people homeschool all the way... how they have children who look and sound educated... I want the have an "Academically Oriented Homeschool Seminar" :) It'd be nice.. but instead... I live through you all :(
  4. That sounds great!! I really like the part where food pantries can help to offer food that is good for the families. I think that classes in food prep with easy to attain food, would be great:) Our community has 3 churches that share doing dinners on different nights.... Which has perhaps helped to build community spirit. My family has gone without me... and my husband's ex-wife goes often, with her baby and my two kids when they're over there... :)
  5. Ok, this sounds totally weird, but if she's not vegan, or if she's willing to try it... yogurt... seriously!! Douche it.... more than once a day. I've seen it work on little kids for the yeast infections while they're in diapers... and also I know it's worked for my mom's friend. She said that literally.. it wasn't a day before she was feeling better... and the lady had been having problems for a while... A thought at least...
  6. I would think that she had purchased it for your daughter already, and it just slipped her mind... NOW, if she had sat and read it out loud to your daughter... perhaps??? Seriously, I believe in the husband being the head of the family, but is reading that book something most teens would want to do?? Mine wouldn't have any interest in it. I've heard great things about the book, and I might read it for the glimpses of gold in it.... but with some huge lumps of salt, too:) My poor husband is actually pretty great at serving me and not expecting much, but I could probably improve in that department :) Of course, I wouldn't do it if it were guilt... and I don't think marriage... or his faithfulness to me... is totally my responsibility.. by any stretch. I think a Home Ec/Powder Mechanic class (is that what the "light" auto class is called??) Would be a better type of class :) Perhaps you can get a nice book about how to change your oil etc... for her daughter :)
  7. Hey There, Just wanted to send some more hugs your way!! I vote that you get a year's vacation... but since I'm not rich... and can't care for all your animals :) I can't do that for you!! Seriously though, I'm really sorry you're having to go through this, too, but wish you success in being able to address the issues... perhaps make it so that he can feel better.... and a bit of comfort for your soul, which I would suppose needs that "rest" that everyone needs when overly tired... :( Praying for help, peace and comfort for your family. Praying that you'll feel God hold you in the palms of his hand... Sorry again :(
  8. I needed to laugh!! This made the cut for funniest post, so far!! :) Well, to me, but I may be weird :)
  9. :grouphug: Gotta be rough!! Praying for you and your husband for "Couple-Strength" and for your kids... :grouphug::grouphug:
  10. I'd teach my child to obey. I'd teach them to sit when asked. I'd read lots.... have lots of audio books... get rid of the tv... spend any extra money on field trips... science museums... and some phonics program.... I'd get things for them to play with like an abacus... set up some "fun/learning" tables... Spend lots of time on relationship... include them in chores... give lots of hugs... lots of time to just be young :) As long as when they get a bit older, you can say, "Sit and let's work on.... such and such..." I really think that if you can have a good relationship... and be "in charge" then up to 7 or so... there's nothing like ...just exploring the world together. Well... those are my thoughts :)
  11. Well, not an answer to your whole question, but "free will" can be something people disagree about. It may seem like it doesn't matter... but think about this... God gives you the will to choose... between the choices he allows. Kinda like a "these are what you may choose from" .... even if you think the choice is totally yours. :) And... here's the other... Believing in "original sin"... believing that we all have sin through our Father Adam.... "fair" would be automatic hell. Grace is being given the ability to accept eternal life. :)
  12. Very Nice :) My daughter will be arriving Monday :) (ok, in my dreams :)
  13. It's a Christian Science Book set, around $85. You can buy them as a set or individually. They are Biology... etc... Thanks
  14. Hey KJB :) What a kind hearted explanation.. and post :)
  15. Your's is fine :) Have you messed around with different recipes?? My mom's is 100% whole wheat... and my son's favorite bread... (we love it, too!) Works well for sandwiches and toast.... When I was a child, my mom did as you're doing... and then little by little... increased to 100% :) Just a thought... that way... when you do special things like pie crusts... well my mom still uses 100% whole wheat... but I like white ;)
  16. Because whole wheat (and other grains) get rancid after milling. So, you're actually eating rancid products. After milling, you should store your flour in the freezer :) Our Great Harvest isn't into selling wheat berries.... Find the LDS people in town and ask to order with them :) You can buy them from all sorts of co-ops, too. Frontier Foods use to sell if you came up with a name... (buying group) and ordered... :)
  17. You can use the feeding thing... by giving her a bit of special food.... so that you're feeding her half a can twice... or something like that... and it will work to have the kids help feed her :) Don't worry... your job will still be the litterbox... :)
  18. Like... you have lice?? or just preventively? Our front loader has a sterilizing cycle, so I know that one would work. I would think that through the washer and then dryer would work.... You know that there are things besides pesticides that work on little heads, too, right?? :)
  19. Reagan was the best :) I miss him being around, too :)
  20. Hey There, My mom was the health nut when I was younger :) I completely understand your daughter :) I started babysitting, got extra money.... and bought candy bars every chance I could ... It MIGHT have helped, if I understood that feeding your cells now, set them up for health... (and less cancer) later. That's what I'm going to try telling my family... as we're going towards an even "healthier" diet. I also think it'd be helpful to find a "candy" that she can have. If she likes dark chocolate... a piece every couple days or so can help cut your "want" down. I think you have to talk it through and compromise... without her feeling deprived. It may be sorta like tv... you want your kids to have some exposure if it's really important to them (depending on your beliefs) but you don't want them watching 24/7 :)
  21. Each Child... $100 extra because of "Extra" clothes needed.... (kinda the difference between going to work for us... it's their work:)) $100 for school supplies, $200- $250 for field trips. (we have 4 that are "optional" but the "reward" for "good acting" public school kids... so even more if we "Donate" for the children who are able to go... but don't have $$$) $2.00 a day for lunch, because she likes to eat there. (even if you pack it... it's more than eating at home, because of how you pack a lunch) Backpacks.... Extra supplies... after yours have been depleted... Occasionally running things to school (wow x7) You really need internet and a separate computer for your kids.... (so for yours at least 1 for every 2 or 3 kids that are in... maybe 6th and above...) This is just the kinda "base" of what ours costs....
  22. BTW, there's the regular one... and the healthier one with whole wheat... at least I think that's the difference :) My friend did them a lot :) I think it sounds like a great idea ;)
  23. http://www.middle-ages.org.uk/short-poem-kings-queens-england.htm This is the same one as Drew Campbell's book.. or very close. :) Willie, Willie, Harry, Ste, Harry, Dick, John, Harry three; One two three Neds, Richard two, Harrys four five six, ... then who? Edwards four five, Dick the bad, Harrys (twain), Ned (the lad); Mary, Bessie, James the vain, Charlie, Charlie, James again Will and Mary, Anna Gloria, Georges four, then Will, Victoria; Edward seven, George and Ted, George the sixth, now Liz instead.
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