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Everything posted by SonshineLearner

  1. I would have done it with you, if I didn't have my co-op and I lived near you. Our kids are around the same age. I'd say one week you introduce and then the next week you have more of other work and a "review" of the work. Why don't you see if your co-op would add a memory time of .5 hrs. You could do half the work one week, half the work the other week. I think you could do something that would work out... Of course, I'm Protestant, but if you move to Oregon, I would consider doing parts of it with you!! ;) I actually would love to look at it, if anyone around here purchases it!!! I think this is a great competitor for CC and also, less micro managing, which is lovely :)
  2. My friend, just yesterday, was saying that Olive Nose Spray is the best and got rid of her problems when other medicines didn't. She said it was almost immediate relief. It's also available at Health Food Spots... etc...
  3. Don't correct their kids, unless yours are in the mix. If you say "kids, no running in the house" to me that's different than telling her kid to stop. If you haven't talked about discipline and telling each others kids what to do, that can be talked through before hand so you agree :) A quiet time for all the kids is good, too. Also, agreeing before hand as to what time bedtime is gonna take place. (You may think everyone does 8:30 and she thinks no bedtime at all... etc.) :) Have Fun!!
  4. Actually, be proactive when THEY look at your son; sometimes nurses or Drs have tried to retract it, which is an uneducated thing to do. You just leave it alone.... without pushing anything back or trying to wash inside of it. In fact, only if you mess with it, would there be a need to do anything with it. It's kinda got a connection to keep everything out. NOW, if by some weird chance he gets an infection, which my son did around 8 months... here's what to do. You get some Monostat (is that one of the yeast infection creams? that's what I'm going for) and put some on the tip.... you kinda "pull" but towards you... not towards baby...just gently... and do this how many ever times a day... (2?) It took care of the infection in a few days. (Literally, I gently squeezed towards me and out came green puss :( ) My Dr when I took him in, said a totally different way; later I commented that his sons must be cir'd and he said yes. I knew that because you can't rub it on the tip!! DUH!!! (and he said this right after looking at my son... HELLO??!!!!) Anyway, if there's ever a problem you want an uncirc'd Dr or someone who is pro intact, because other Drs can't see beyond their own noses, and imagine all sorts of reasons to circ. (stepping slowly off the box)
  5. This happened with my four year old, a few years ago. I had sent him, but just didn't think about him accepting Christ at VBS. Since I had my cell phone and such, I would have preferred a call. Of course, I suppose I should have realized :( But, I think it was totally real and such... just hard for me to fathom my child praying to accept Christ with someone else at ...4. :(
  6. Have another family do it with you; choose a day and time and plan for 3 hrs. Then you'll keep to it ;)
  7. Anyone dealing with Feline Herpes? My first cat, age 9, had NO health problems before bringing home a kitten. The kitten is now about 9months old and doing fine, but had been sick. The Vet said that what my cat most likely has is Feline Herpes. Poor cat! She has been through antibiotics, and now an antiviral and is still sneezing :( Anyone go through this? Did you have to spend a fortune to get your cat well? Just waited it out? She's not getting sicker, so I'm wondering how long the "sickness" lasts... and if her body can get better without hundreds of vet bills. :(
  8. I'd have a set of both!! It'd be great... you could do towels in one side... and the the quickers on the other. Nice idea!!
  9. I feel for ya! My daughter is allergic to peanuts, and she's visiting her bio-dad right now. I imagine him fixing peanut butter sandwiches right beside her food; he doesn't take it seriously, at all. She's made it to 13, so I hope all will be well. We would probably go with the "prefixed" foods. There's a lot of Annie's?? food that is available, canned. The have organic soups and pastas in a can. Then, dried fruit...etc... and don't forget the chocolate and marshmallows (and crackers) as the Hershey's chocolate made in bulk can have the peanut warning...Sorry about the soy, too. You know that peanuts & soy are related, right?
  10. I'll come over and taste it and tell you :) Powdered would be my choice... with a little pwderd vanilla or liquid if you don't have pwderd.
  11. I often look at the "will work for food" signs and think "I would offer you work, if you were safe and wanted it." I would drop Starbuck's treats and lots of other things if I could hire a maid. I use to nanny for a family who had a lady come in for 4 or 5 hours a day; I think 5. She would clean, and do "projects" for them; her house was a mess. No energy to clean after she worked at theirs :(
  12. This is part of why I do a CSA :) I let the Farmer do the work... at least he gets results! ;)
  13. Take Care! :) Hopefully you'll get it under control before you turn diabetic.... :) I've never heard of the "liver cleanse" either...
  14. Or, you could do the year of Geography, just to give yourself a "breather" year. Companies like MFW have one... :)
  15. Thanks... I don't think magic... like Harry Potter or something like that is a problem for us. We have read all the different Myths, so that's fine, too. (And lost of Fables, too) I think the Science may be the most "possible" issue... but maybe nothing will be an issue. I plan on doing Singapore Math and Latin, still, as well as at least the Jingles from Shurley Grammar...
  16. Hi There, I've thought about using Oak Meadow for a long time. I'm wanting a Classical Education for my son, but he's only in 3rd grade. We would still do Latin and some other things besides. Besides evolution, can you think of any other issues that I might have, particularly with the 3rd grade curriculum? Thanks!!
  17. Hi There :) Just a fun Question: Anyone still use the word "Writ"? My friend's son, while in England, used "writ" and I went to look it up. Is it something only used by older people? Do younger people still say "writ"? :) writ …archaic past participle of write…
  18. Yup, cancer sucks! European studies seem more progressive than here in the US. I've had too many family members die, to actually count them all. (My mom has had 8 siblings die of cancer) Just this Feb my mom had surgery to deal with her cancer, and is on week 18 of chemo; then she'll go to once a month chemo for a year. While I sound like a walking advertisement, http://www.cancercenter.com/ has better than average results. My mom's cancer is one of the "most dreaded" and yet it looks as though she might pull through. They also couple chemo with alternative, naturopathic meds with plenty of healthy supplements. NO ONE wants to join the "Cancer Club" but if you do, the Cancer Treatment Centers of America (CTCA) are awesome! Sorry for all of us who have family members with cancer! ;(
  19. I have to say, that given the work ethic I've seen around here, I'm just happy he wants to work! :)
  20. It use to be that they were half-price; did you ask? I think that purchasing a seat, at least at half price, is for sure worth it. At full price, it's maybe worth it. It seems much safer than if you are just holding them and if there's turbulence and the baby goes flying. Thanks!
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