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math teacher

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Everything posted by math teacher

  1. Call pharmacy for MIL Exercise Coffee Finish deep cleaning bathroom Clean floors Clean bathrooms Read Dinner-????
  2. More coffee-not sleeping well at night More exercise Try to work outside some Dinner-a chicken dish from Desperation Dinners Deep clean bathroom Try not to nap
  3. Our school nurse can't even send home students with lice anymore. They are sent back to the classroom, and a letter is sent to the students of that class.
  4. Coffee-need more Been to school and got copies ready for print shop 3 online meetings Laundry Dinner-?? don't know yet Floors Call my parents-I hope they're staying in more
  5. Couldn't pay me enough to do this. I can't imagine how hard it is with kids at home. I feel for everyone who does.
  6. Dh and I went riding around earlier. It's one of the things I really enjoy and only costs gas. I decided we needed dessert, so poppy seed bread is almost done. Then I will put the meatloaf in the oven.
  7. Coffee in progress Online church Cook-(what to cook?) Wash my hair Try to get outside-it's been rainy, but I need to get out Read Exercise
  8. I'm in Southwest Arkansas-oh I'll just go ahead and put it out there, may delete later. I'm in Texarkana, Arkansas and the company is Cooper Tire.
  9. Just got the notification the Dh's job is furloughing everyone starting Wednesday. He works for a tire manufacturing company.
  10. I've been playing Solitaire again.
  11. Had coffee but need more Cereal for breakfast-done Dh is asleep from working nights, so I try to be quiet. Clean bathrooms Floors Cook dinner-not sure what yet Need to exercise and personal care items Dust furniture
  12. My church went to online today-I am so relieved. I have 3 ARDs this coming Monday that will be online as well.
  13. I Just Had to Throw Away a Ham-I could just kick myself. I bought it 12 days ago and it's been in the fridge. Normally ham lasts that long. However, I forgot it was marked down. The date on it is March 13 and it was slimy. Wahhhh
  14. I found plenty of canned vegetables today at Cash Saver.
  15. Is it possible that they sent work for a couple weeks or more, and he is doing it all at once?
  16. In my district, we were at the point-at least in math-of reviewing for the STAAR.
  17. My students have IEPs and they will get work to do-chromebooks and/or packets.
  18. I've been on the ledge today. Our school is closed, but staff was there today preparing materials for pickup on Friday. One of the teachers just got back from California. LA/Disney-Oh my, couldn't believe she didn't self-quarantine.
  19. I just got a news update for my area that Wal-Mart will suspend grocery pickup starting tomorrow. Whaaat?
  20. I wonder if this will impact how many people are allowed into a store at one time. I know they aren't in there socializing, but I did wonder about it.
  21. Blessing in disguise? My church cancelled this morning due to a city wide water line problem.
  22. ((Stella)) I understand about not being able to isolate. Dh is at work at this moment-tires can't be manufactured in front of a computer screen. He is also immunocompromised (chronic leukemia). Thankfully, my school made the decision to close. My church, however, has not closed. It's such an overwhelming time. We have stopped eating out, I didn't go to the Home and Garden Show today, and I'm having groceries delivered to my car. I can't do one thing about dh's job. He has to be there. Everyone's situation is different-we won't all be able to do the same things. I hope your school closes soon.
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