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Everything posted by Faith-manor

  1. Same. We tried that, but never got enough vegetables or variety to really make it work. We have to get more than romaine lettuce and cabbage at $35 a week. I have heard of other farms not local to us who offer a lot more, but the local one did not.
  2. I think Fairfarmhand is asking some really good questions to ask yourself in addition to how you see marriage being role modeled to your children. What is the relationship of the children with him? Does he also belittle them and make them feel unloved, unliked, is he indifferent? Would he parent better if he did not expend emotional energy towards you or would he be worse? Again, you can just explore these questions personally. You don't need to answer here. Truly, no judgment here. Life is hard enough without sharing the journey with someone who is emotionally and mentally cruel.
  3. I am so sorry you are going through this. 💓 My advice is to ask yourself what do you want to role model to your children. My husband's father did not like his mother so the marriage was very stressful and strained. Ultimately it had tangible, negative effects on the all the kids growing up, and on Dh's older siblings well into adulthood. His parents stayed together, but to this day all three of the kids will say that they wish their parents had separated. It is the same for my cousin with their parents. Now both parents need help, but neither of the adult kids can manage the situation with both of them so though 80 and 82, they are separating their parents, one parent moving in with each adult child, and figuring out all the finances is a bit of a nightmare. They really wish their parents had divorced and sorted out the mess years ago. Additionally, they are both scarred from their parents marriage and seeing how much their dad disrespected their mom. My male cousin subconsciously fell into some of the same patterns and ended up divorced from his first wife. He ended up in counseling and eventually worked it out and is now happily married. He also had to work at repairing some of that damage with his own son before the young man got married so history wouldn't repeat itself yet again. So definitely give some thought to how the relationship affects the kids. Also, side note, there was a three year period in which my in laws did separate and during that time, my father in law was a far better father with his children than he was when living with mother in law. She was a better parent as well. It was unfortunate when they got back together.
  4. For anything we have looked at, VBRO had better cancellation policies than Airb. We have a place in Arkansas already booked for the solar eclipse in 2024. It was exactly what we needed, and we didn't find anything on Airb that served the purpose as well.
  5. There is hardly anything on the use darker here right now so it has apparently fly driven the market to crazy level.
  6. Used car prices are insane! Everything local is in the $20,000 range and has 150,000 miles on it. That is nuts. Ds's car was totaled - deer hit - and can't be repaired (he couldn't swerve because of oncoming traffic, took the deer head on, and was on a little patch of black ice when it happened so he ended up in the ditch also hitting a small tree on the side. Twisted frame on am old 2003 Buick so ya, not much money from insurance.) We can't find anything he can afford. So right now, I share a vehicle with him. He goes to grad school in the fall, and really should have a car, but probably won't if prices do not subside.
  7. Oooooooooo says Faith as she runs off to take a look at them.😁
  8. Same here. I noticed that though I wasn't actively shopping for it. We live in a lower income area, and I wonder if the stores opted not to order very much of this stuff since inflation is causing folks to cut back a lot. Some of the local stores couldn't get rid of Valentine's candy until it had been marked down 75%.
  9. Chicken is not easy to find. Milk is sporadic, and often when it finally arrives it is at or past its expiration date.
  10. I have a couple of lightweight tunic dresses, just above the knee, that I would wear with capri leggings under those circumstances. I actually am more comfortable in the leggings than shorts. However if I was going on water rides, I would instead wear my swim capri leggings, and long swim top so that I would dry out faster.
  11. Wise, very wise. Says the woman who many years ago was gifted a bunch of jalapeno peppers and thought she would make several jelly jars of peppers that we could use throughout the year, and didn't wear gloves, and had never processed hot peppers before, and whose allergies were bothering her a lot, and who reached up to wipentears from the corner of her eye while wearing her contacts, and was quite certain she would go blind, and found it quite difficult to hold still long enough to instruct her never-had-he-ever-worn- contacts- husband how to remove her contacts from her retinas, going through an entire bottle of saline in the process of pursuing relief, and spening three days with one eye looking like the red devil eye of an albino rabbit. Listen to Bill. Wear the gloves. Don't touch your eyes
  12. I am so sorry that happened! Many hugs from me to you. 💓
  13. Rooting for green now, rooting for green, come on green!!! 📣🤸🎇
  14. That graph is scary! Hugs to Scotland!!! I think for us, masks in public places and mostly continuing with our immediate family bubble will continue, and only gatherings outdoors in small groups like wandering around the botanical gardens and farmer's markets/nurseries/greenhouses or going to the lake and hanging out on the beach. I am so tired of this though. The dumb virus has no mercy for the weary!
  15. I know!! Yesterday, it was 40 and it felt so balmy I was wandering around without a coat. Woke up this morning to three inches of snow. I.am.done. Meanwhile my daughter informed me that the daffodils have all bloomed at our home in Alabama, she has cleaned the leaves around the patch of irises which show signs of ramping up to bloom, and the plum trees have blossomed. Here is one of the plum trees. I told Mark that we have to find time to spend a week down there VERY soon.
  16. We went yellow! Feeling a little optimistic.
  17. Here they do not check them during the first round of interviews if they have enough applicants to thin the pool with other criteria. If you get a call back interview, then they check. Many companies only verify that you did or did not work there for X period of time. So you are supposed to have personal references from people who are not relatives and have worked with your in some capacity so often volunteer work, community stuff. My coworkers from my previous job are not prohibited from giving me references though so it kind of depends on a lot of factors. But usually it is round two when they check. If there aren't enough applicants to weed any out right up front, then I would imagine they check references up front before calling for an interview.
  18. We bought our house without seeing it in person. Our realtor and daughter toured it and streamed that on facebook. So I am pretty sure photos are okay
  19. Same here. A lot of people are unhappy about it, but the doctors are not relenting. Some still have their waiting rooms closed, and people are to wait in their cars, and will be called/texted to come in or if they do not have a cell phone, a receptionist will run out to the car. Admittedly in winter weather, it isn't fun sitting in the car. But it is what it is, and I don't blame the docs one bit for sticking with strict protocols. I do think between the 2 million plus who have had positive tests and the gargantuan number of people who did not test due to mild symptoms in addition to 50% or more vaccinated (some counties are higher, some are lower), we have a shot with warm weather approaching and everyone hitting the great outdoors, of a decent reprieve for a while. However, I am not counting my chickens before they hatch. Who knows what a new variant will bring. I think we are pretty much of the "permanently shunning large groups in indoor spaces" kind of people. Year two of not having colds, flu, laryngitis, stomach bug, etc. and most of that with cloth masks though KN95's were our mask of choice this winter, and I am kind of sold. I have really enjoyed feeling so much better all winter. We will attend an outdoor DSO concert this summer, and that will probably be the farthest I can stretch my comfort zone at this time. Our vacation out west to Badlands, Custer State Park, the big train yard in Nebraska, and the Danish American Museum and genealogy center is May 1st - May 10 which is NOT peak time so social distancing when indoors and masks, but mostly an outdoor vacation with lots of social distancing. Yesterday there were roughly 850 cases each day over a two-day period. So definitely Michigan is coming down. I am finally getting a hair cut, the 18th, and hope that cases are below 500 a day by then.
  20. Given that discretionary money is more limited than I would like due to a rather large and unexpected college bill for our youngest (which should be contested big time, but at the moment with 50 days to go to commencement, we are just paying in order to get through and then may go after the school once he has his diploma), the whole Vitamix or anything in that price range is not an option. Though there are aspects of the whole shebang that sound wonderful, that will be an expenditure for another day. I will probably go with an affordable immersion for now because it will do what I need at the moment, getting me through soup and sauce season because by mid play we will be in the thrall of grilling season and the blender will be rarely used. Y'all have convinced Mark that he wants a Vitamin in the future! So if I don't get a sewing machine replacement next year, I am blaming the Hive! 😁
  21. I would puree it because my family doesn't like cauliflower texture all that much so making a soup sounds like a good way to introduce it. Mark is the only person who likes roasted cauliflower here. I acute do not like cauliflower at all, but am trying to train my palette for a wider variety. A savory soup sounds nice to me.
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