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Everything posted by Beaniemom

  1. Other.....non jetted tub with interesting tile or at least accents. Jetted tubs are a negative for me personally but no tub in the master bath is a deal breaker.
  2. Yes. We are working with an OT and have been since ds was 3. His needs have changed and they have been freat at making sure he is working on present needs. He really has made great progress over the years. Hopefully meds in addition to all the therapy and work we are doing at home will help him. He has begun to realize how different from his sisters he is and it frustrates him.
  3. Thanks everyone for the encouragment. The appointment went really well. DH was actually able to come which I think is a first. The doctor was very warm and welcoming and really took the time to ask questions about ds and explain things to us. We ended up at a low dose of short acting generic Ritalin. This way he can take 1 after breakfast and then if it does impact his appetitite it should be out of his system by lunch and he takes another dose after. We already have a follow up scheduled at the end of the month and are armed with phone numbers to reach the nurse who will ccontact the doctor if we have any questions. They also gave us information on a feeding clinic that might be of use to us to help expand the number of foods ds will each. It was a mentally and emotionally exhausting day but thankfully dh and I are on the same page. Bonus: I got to spend some time this afternoon with my friend who was keeping my two girls.
  4. Do they add to the book information? Would my kids be misding out if we did not use them?
  5. So DS finally has his appt with the psychiatrist tomorrow. It is our first appointment with her and it is to discuss medication for his ADHD. We already are doing behavorial therapy. I'm suddenly feeling anxious about this appointment. Any helpful suggestions? Been there/done thats? Ds already is on thyroid medication and has trouble gaining weight so I worry about side effects of medication making that a bigger struggle for him.
  6. So far CTC math has been the one that stays. I like that we have access to all the grade levels at once so the child can work at the level they are at. There are quizes that can be used to gauge mastery. It also only presents one problem at a time so my adhd child is not distracted.
  7. Now you have me checking these out too! I have a Plum Paper planner but might get student planners from here. I can't tell the difference in the 2 customized student planners though! Do you know?
  8. We do not pay a belt testing fee. Belt tests are held one Friday evening out of every month. Regular classes are cancelled but there are opportunities to make up the missed class on another day of the week. We pay $290 a month for 4 of us to take class so I guess you could say belt test fees are rolled into tuition. Eta: You must wait 4 months after obtaining a new rank before tou test for the next one at this school.
  9. I don't think she'd mind (she wears boy's shirts) if we could find nice bright colors. I'll have to check it out.
  10. Dd7 wants board shorts this year. I'vefound some cute ones that match her long sleeve rashguard but looking at size charts it seems she'd wear a 2-3 year sizeby waist or a 6-7 by hips. Any suggestions? Other places to check where we could try them on? She specifically wants almost to the knee for length.
  11. Personally when we lived there I loved Balboa before the museums opened. It was peaceful and we could wander the gardens, watch the fish, and explore without the crowds. Another option is the area around seaport village. Shops won't be open but you can explore the sculptures (my kids loved the V-J day kiss sculpture. It's huge!), watch boats come and go, and just enjoy the harbor. There are grassy areas to play if you have a frisbee or something.
  12. I find mine slid between the sear and center consol of my car a lot when I think I have lost it. Try calling it....even if you don't have a landline to call from there is a way to call from a computer. I forget the exact name but type in call my phone and it should pop up.
  13. We've been covering Classical Greece recently and reading a lot of Greek myths. We started talking about Hercules today and aparently my children already knew all about his 12 labors. When I asked them how they already knew all that they explained that there was a hilarious animaniacs skit about it. TBH they also learned about Magellean this way.
  14. We have been using History Odyssey for Ancients this year. I've had all 3 kids together doing level 1. It's been great but my oldest has gotten into a habit of just get it done with minimal effort for a lot of her school work. She is also quite intelligent and I want to challenge her. She will be 5th grade next year. Her closest in age sibling, ds, will b 4th grade but has learning differences that make him closer in level to my rising 2nd grader. I want to use History Odyssey again for Middle ages but feel like I need to use level 2 with eldest and stick with 1 with younger 2. has anyone done this? Any pros or cons? I saw the lesson topics don't quite line up so I'm not sure what to do. Any suggestions would be appreciated.
  15. As a short refhead I always dreaded St Patrick's Day because if I wore green I got called a leprechaun butif I didn't I got pinched. My children are well aware of my stance on St Patrick's Day foolishness as well as April Fool's Day (I am not a fan of pranks but don't mind them participating as long as everyone is ok with it).
  16. Dh seems to not understand that if I must get up early in order to make it to an appointment for ds in the city that it doesn't just involve me getting up a little earlier but also waking children early and making sure morning necessities get done and one requires direct supervision for even little tasks. Ugh! I just want him to show some understanding.
  17. When I was pregnant and nursing I did not fast from food but did fast from another activity. Most times it was television. On days of fasting I would not watch television in order to fulfill the meanibg behind fasting but within safe parameters for myself and my child.
  18. Perhaps gift cards for food delivery would be welcome.
  19. I made a quick king cake (used cresent rolls) for breakfast. I'm from Mobile so I celebrate Mardi Gras and my kids just sort of go along since they have never experienced it in person. Pancakes have been promised for tonight and then fasting tomorrow.
  20. We receive rspite care as a military family with a special needs child. Respite is provided in our home I could ask a provider to act as a "mother's helper" type of job. The main restriction we have is the respite provider may not drive the children. Our respite providers are organized through Easter Seals though it may vary in areas of the U.S.
  21. Hugs! FWIW I am a Navy wife and I don't have any of those perfect homecomming pictures or memories. It really isn't that glamorous. I hope your week gets better.
  22. He parked in my drive last time too! It was strange!
  23. They look like modified Signing Time videos so yes they are ASL. I'm curious as how they came to be because is googling Rachael Cloeman ( the woman in the videos) I found no mention of an "English Time" series. ETA: We love Signing Time. My son is deaf and these videos are how we first learned ASL. Our library had a great selection.
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