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Everything posted by dsmith

  1. Mil just got a phone call from what looked like a local number, and from what she is saying they were going to send her new Medicare cards, and they gave her name, address and medicare number. They were asking her for something, not sure what, and she had someone come get me. When I got on the phone and asked who was calling, she said some pain relief something or other, so not from Medicare like mil told me, and I hung up. That's when I found out whoever called had given her correct medicare number. This was obviously a large call center - I could hear a lot of voices in the background. She says they gave her the correct info, she did not give it to them, but I can't be 100% certain that is true. She would probably not admit to giving out her medicare number. (There is a culture of 'I didn't do it' with the elders around here that drives me nuts!!) She also said they told her if she didn't do something, not sure what, they would call every hour, so a threatening tone was used. Either way, it's concerning that they already had, or now have, her number. I'm not sure what I should be doing, contacting medicare? It's insane the number of suspicious calls each week. I almost feel like no calls should actually be answered. She's always calling me upstairs because Amazon is on the phone about a problem with the credit card, the home warranty is expiring, etc. And every time I tell her these calls are BS, but it doesn't sink in. She doesn't have dementia, but has had a few head trauma incidents. She can be very gullible! Our neighbor is the same way though. They are both the perfect targets!
  2. Stress eating is a big problem for me. I've taken up cross stitching to keep my hands busy, or exercise. Really, any kind of distraction helps. Sending good thoughts for your ds!
  3. I would be interested in something like this also. For now I'm constantly on nutritionfacts.org. Sparkpeople used to have a separate app that listed the different nutrients in foods, benefits, etc. I think it was only for fruits and veggies. I also subscribe to Dr. Fuhrman's site. Sarah Ballantyne (The Paleo Mom) is doing something called a nutrivore score for various foods but I haven't looked into it.
  4. This is a sensation I deal with somewhat often. I was diagnosed with MS and have some permanent dampening of sensation in my feet, but I will get the sensation of warm water being poured down my leg, or back/neck area. I also will get a loss of sensation in the back/neck area but not my legs unless I'm having a relapse or get really hot, have a fever, etc. These sensations are transient, will last for a few minutes, hours or days. I also have an exaggerated response to heat or cold. If dh has the heat on in the car and it's blowing on my feet, it feels like it's actually burning my feet, but when I check my feet only feel slightly warm. It's really annoying!
  5. Plenty of eggs at our local ShopRite, starting at $3.99/doz for free range.
  6. I don't know what your medical situation is, but if you have any medical reason whatsoever for the electric to stay on, your utility company should have a program where they can't shut you off for non-payment. We've had to take advantage of this program for the last year. We haven't been able to pay our utilities at all, and that eats at me, but we won't be without power. We were approved because mil needs a stair chair and a nebulizer. She will literally be in the hospital if she doesn't do her treatments 3 times a day. Sending good thoughts/prayers your way. We're not quite at your current situation, but we're close. It's very stressful!
  7. Running our business. We have shows that we watch together, too many lately. And a few people we like to watch on YouTube together. Food shopping and making the shopping list. Cooking meals together. Going to certain stores like Bed, Bath and Beyond. The weekly Aldi run. And Sunday morning we have a date in the dining room to fill pill boxes for his mom and our elderly neighbor. It’s very romantic lol. We used to have a Saturday morning diner trip but we haven’t done that since Covid started. We will probably go back to that in the spring. We spend a lot of time together!🥰
  8. We had a scary incident tonight! Dh had a flare up in the frying pan from some fat igniting, and it went really high! He immediately put a lid on it to contain it, but it went so high that the flames hit the range hood. The filter caught fire, and if dh hadn't reacted immediately it could have been a disaster! We keep meaning to buy new filters, but always forget. We won't forget to replace them ever again!!
  9. I wouldn't want anyone doing my personal laundry, or my husband's. I would probably be ok with a child's laundry from a grandparent. I also don't like when dinner guests want to do the dishes, because I don't expect a guest to do work while they are visiting, and they often do a crappy job in my experience.
  10. I had shingles in high school, and it was absolutely the worst kind of torture! I thought I was protected, but I guess not? I'd better investigate the odds of getting it again and just get the vaccine.
  11. I really want to make the move to a small tabletop tree, but I am always vetoed! Someday...
  12. I'm so far behind on decorating this year! I finally had to replace my tree after years, and I'm a maniac with putting lights on, so it will be a few more days until it's done. I did help decorate the mantle in the living room. This is usually a group effort, and we always have a lot of fun doing it. We usually do tall pillar candles, but we found lanterns that we loved at Aldi for about $9 each. We usually get the boughs from trees in our yard but we couldn't reach them safely this year, lol. The local vegetable market had some very reasonably. I miss the holly we used to get from the yard of our old office though.
  13. That's who I was thinking of, Book Samaritan. It's a shame they're gone! I don't know of any used book stores around here, but I forgot about the thrift store near me. I'm going to see if they'll accept what I have. I've never been part of the homeschool community in our area. We stuck with special needs groups. I'll check out Craig's list. I haven't thought of Freecycle in years! I'll have to investigate that. Thanks!
  14. I didn't think of the library, thanks! I used to donate to Goodwill but they closed our local store.
  15. I would definitely get in to a cardiologist. I still think that doctors overlook cardiac issues in women, even after seeing various awareness campaigns over the years. And I think it's easy to brush off things as being Covid related. Not to say that you couldn't be experience long covid, but I think this warrants further investigation.
  16. Title says it all. I just don't know if I'm up to listing all of the stuff I have for sale, but I don't want to throw it away. I have a vague memory of an organization that would accept curriculum donations, but I don't remember anything about them or know if they're still operating. Also, I don't do any social media. Any ideas?
  17. I've been using Amazon music for a few months now, and it's pretty good. I'm lazy about making my own playlists. I listen on an Echo Show in two rooms in the house. I turned off the camera and loaded up some family pictures, and the sound is decent. I like that it shows the lyrics for most songs, too. If I want better sound I use a Bose speaker with my phone. We also have Pandora. I'm using the free account, but I used to pay for it. I never changed the credit card when I reported the one on file lost. (Laziness again!) Ds likes Spotify, but I haven't tried it yet. Dh has a Pandora station for every event - Talk Like a Pirate Day, Italian food for dinner, St. Patrick's Day, Greek food for dinner, polka music when we have breakfast for dinner (??), etc. Anyone who walks into the house can usually tell what kind of food we're having on any given night, lol.
  18. I would not be able to use all of that! If you had some non-dairy chocolate you could make some hot chocolate bombs, too. I do love Ghirardelli, but dh bought me this one year, and I love it: https://smile.amazon.com/stores/page/15FF5A7F-8597-4E20-8460-E22D5327F4F1?ingress=2&visitId=2c741696-6143-4f92-a439-03cbc5f8c3e2&ref_=ast_bln I
  19. Vitamin C, zinc, gargling, neti pot, elderberry unless you have an autoimmune disease, get enough sleep, eat healthy in general. Hopefully you'll avoid anything. I spent a few hours in the ER with our elderly neighbor, and they were overflowing with respiratory illnesses. We ended up in the hallway in the pediatric ER for an hour, and then in a room in the ER in one of the hallways off the main nursing station instead of one of the curtained areas. Between that and wearing good masks we didn't bring anything home. I couldn't even tell the ER was overflowing where we were. So many kids with RSV, though.
  20. I prefer colored lights on our tree. My mil always has white lights on her tree and it's much more color coordinated with ornaments, and while it's beautiful I love having lots of color and all different kinds of ornaments. I have ornaments that she wouldn't dream of putting on her tree because they are too old or don't fit in with the style of the tree, like the ornament her mother made her when dh was born, a little brown drum made of cardboard and felt.
  21. I don't know how I've never heard of her before! I watched this weekend, and she lives (or lived) a few towns away from me. The place where she's getting her MRI near the end of the documentary is a 2 minute drive from my house. I take my mil there all the time. The practice she had near me seems to be permanently closed according to Google.
  22. What brand of vegan collagen are you using? I wish I could do more raw, but at this time my stomach can't handle it. I also have swallowing issues which have improved now that my thyroid is smaller, but still there from the MS, so I have to be careful with certain foods. I've been doing a lot of smoothies and soups. I also love Dr. Gregor and Dr. Fuhrman. Your seed/nut mix sounds like it would be good on oatmeal!
  23. Thanks for the links! I've never heard of Dr. Stancic before that I remember. And I have enough kindle credits that the ebook is only $5. I guess I know what I'll be doing this weekend! 🙂
  24. I'm pretty sure my joint issues are auto-immune related, but WFPB diet has made a big difference. I'm more likely to go off-diet when dairy is involved, and that really causes me a lot of pain for a few days afterwards. I started taking low-dose naltrexone for Hashimoto's and hoping it will help with MS. My joint pain is pretty much gone, after just over 3 weeks and two instances of dairy. (Damn you fresh mozzarella and peppermint stick ice cream!!) I was not expecting that at all, especially so soon after starting.
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