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Everything posted by Shoeless

  1. We might be able to do all 3 sciences after all. I read through the first few geometry chapters and don't think we need a separate logic book, so I can take that out. And the geometry looks like he'll breeze through it, which lightens the math load. The physics lab book uses things we have here, so that won't add stress. I think if we reprioritize the astronomy and e/s labs, we can do all of it.
  2. Gah, DS15 asked if we could cover physics this year. Sure, but then we'd have to set aside Earth science or Astronomy. "Why can't we do all 3?" Um...
  3. I had the Honey Hill Bunch dolls, too! My DH bought several of them for me from eBay a few years ago. I was so happy to see them again. I had the Tony water games, too. Gosh, I had so many of them.
  4. Yeah, I would not answer that at all in this political climate.
  5. Someone close to me got a radically different and, (IMO), bad haircut and dye job. I am sticking with "Wow, look at that!" and "You look so different! I don't even know what to say!" Said with a smile and enthusiasm. That's the best I've got.
  6. I don't remember those, but I remember jump seats in the limo for my mom's 2nd wedding. I was really excited to ride in the jump seat. There were these dolls called Liddle Kiddles that came in a plastic locket. I had forgotten all about them until I picked one up at an estate sale. It wasn't seeing it that made me remember them, but physically holding one of them. It was such a weird sensation, sort of like activating a very old muscle memory from 45+ years prior.
  7. Have you heard the phrase "extinction burst"? If you ignore her, she'll ramp up the calls, maybe show up at your home, call the cops, and generally escalate the drama until she either gets a response from you OR she exhausts herself and finds a new person to hassle. If you hold the line, narcs will usually go away but they will raise all hell on the way out the door.
  8. Yes, shake out your shoes. I was stung on my toe by one hiding in my shoe. Not venomous, but it hurt like heck. It was like being zapped by an electric shock. We've killed at least 8 in the house this year.
  9. Some problems do not have good solutions. Sometimes, the only solution is the one you can live with. Different dynamic, but my ex was an addict with mental health issues and ADHD. There was no solution without his cooperation, and he was emphatic he would not cooperate. His life suited him just fine. Life became less stressful when I accepted him as is and stop striving for him to change or even see that change was possible.
  10. This may be a blessing in disguise.
  11. I knew an unschooling family where the kids begged to go to school and to learn to read, and mom kept saying no. There were 6 kids, and I think 3 of them eventually went to school, but mom is fighting with dad in court about it, again, (pandemic divorce). As for early college, the quality varies. The school offers DE in the high school, taught by high school teachers. I haven't been excited by what I have seen offered, but a few kids have been able to graduate with an A.A.S. and get jobs after graduation, so that's a good thing! Around here, early college seems like a way to bring vo tech back in to schools. That's not a bad thing, but if your plan is early college and then 4-year uni, I'm not sure the courses are robust enough. The 4-year uni near me is private and doesn't offer DE. It's too expensive for us, and I wasn't excited by their freshman test scores (19 on ACT gets you in). Nearest c.c. is nearly an hour away. I read there is a satellite campus opening nearby, but the target student is adult learners going back to school for career advancement. So, not a great fit for us, either. We'll probably end up doing some DE through ASU and CLEP via Modern States.
  12. I was driving to work when I heard about 9/11. I didn't understand the magnitude of what was being said. Something about a plane hijacking...and then I realized what the radio was saying wasn't just a "regular" hijacking. I raced to work, ran up the stairs, and met my boss as the door. "Is it gone? Is the tower really gone?" and he said yes, they both were, and I started sobbing. I was taking my 8th grade midterms when Challenger exploded. I found out from the bus driver after exams, and thought he was pranking us. "Guys, no. This is real, listen", and he turned on his radio. Quiet bus ride home that day. I was in high school when the wall came down. I was at my boyfriend's house, watching people dance on the wall, and thinking "No way". I never imagined it happening in my lifetime. I was in basic training during OKC bombing, so I don't have any memories of it beyond being very surprised when I found out later.
  13. One friend was able to pull away and see the light, thankfully. Her husband refused and it ended up costing him his family and life, (died of a preventable and treatable illness, but refused treatment from "Big Pharma"). πŸ˜”
  14. Yes, half the local homeschool group thinks it's fake. They also believe that we're being poisoned by chem trails, soy beans are turning men gay, and that there are secret symbols in Biden's campaign bumper sticker that prove he's a member of the Illuminati. I wish I was exaggerating.
  15. Whatever isn't eaten while fresh gets unceremoniously tossed into a baggie in the freezer for smoothies. Same for the stems from spinach. Bananas are frozen whole and defrosted as needed for banana bread. I have a zillion bananas in the freezer right now because everyone went through a phase of saying they wanted bananas but then not eating the bananas! I could make at least 8 loaves of banana bread right now. I guess breakfast is sorted for the next 2 months. 🍌 🍌 🍌🍌🍌🍌🍌🍌🍌🍌🍌
  16. @BakersDozen Ah, I didn't understand that they had access to funds after graduation. That isn't ok. The funds should be used while the student is still a high school student.
  17. Let me guess, they're comparing their gas expenses to the money spent bussing public school kids? "My tax dollars pay for gas for all those school buses, so why shouldn't I get reimbursed for gas?" Next they'll gripe that car payments and insurance should be covered! This is shady and predatory. It should be illegal. Some public-school students do get free community college tuition, though. There are some places where DE is free or dirt cheap for public school kids, but homeschool students are shut out of those programs. I personally would not rock the boat if someone was using ESA money for DE tuition, but the rest of what you are describing is not ok.
  18. 😱 So, they don't require purchases through approved vendors? That would cut down on some of this nonsense. Texas doesn't have anything like this but someone agitates to get ESAs, vouchers, etc every so often. I feel like it's a matter of time before it gets approved, though, what with all the California transplants here now. They're used to homeschool funding and can't understand why people push back against it.
  19. I think a note with a gift card would be really nice. You're so sweet to think of ways to help this new mom. ❀️
  20. This makes me so angry. If I had access to that kind of money for education...I don't know that I'd be be able to spend it all!
  21. Well, I only have one child, so I guess he's my favorite πŸ˜‚ My parents have a favorite. They also grew up with parents that had favorites. It's a lousy thing to do to your kids. My parents are still fiercely competitive with their siblings. It's uncomfortable and sad to watch.
  22. I think it depends on the community college. Some of them are good and the classes are thorough, other schools are not so great. It's also about the pace of the material covered: same material as 12th grade perhaps, but covered in half the time and minus the endless busywork.
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