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Everything posted by cschnee

  1. http://www.periodicvideos.com/ This is the greatest site for studying the periodic table. Click on an element and you get a video about it.
  2. We did watch Roots this year (grade 6.)
  3. Here is a webquest on taxonomy. Looks like they focus on the history and then work on insect classification. http://www.schools.manatee.k12.fl.us/072JOCONNOR/zoology/taxonomy_webquest.html#Process Here is another http://www.personal.psu.edu/jxz8/Student_Webquests/Mulfinger/ED450am/questam2/index.htm this is actually the same as above but in a nicer format http://www.zunal.com/webquest.php?w=89895 If you google taxonomy webquest, you'll find others. I use webquests quite often! here's another I find when I googled classification webquest https://mail.nvnet.org/~muellerk/Classification%20WebQuest.htm this is for grade 3 http://wilsonmhes.net/animal_classification_webquest.htm This one looks good http://www.williamsclass.com/SixthScienceWork/Classification/ClassificationWebquest.htm
  4. Mr. Putter and Tabby by Cynthia Rylant. These are pretty easy to read, but excellent! The Cat Pack series by Phyllis Reynolds Naylor. The Abandoned by Paul Gallico (I loved this book as a child.(
  5. I think RS4K level 1 would be too easy for 6th graders. We did it in grade 3 as well. I love the Stop Faking It! series for grade 7, 8 (from NSTA.) They are supposed to be for teachers to learn more about the subjects, but they work great with a parent and kid working together.
  6. My dd (grade 6) and I used the Stop Faking It! Light book together this year. Even though it's supposed to be for teachers, it worked very well with the two of us studying it together. Very well indeed. We will be using the other books in the series next year.
  7. Beautiful work! I love it when everyone's work is shared. Thanks.
  8. The Reader's Theatre books are great! There are many that go perfectly with the topics in sotw.
  9. We've done Secret Formulas! It was excellent and we learned a lot and had a great deal of fun.
  10. 8am-9am breakfast 9am-10:00 history (sotw 4 with Modern History Through Canadian Eyes and Canadian geography using Our COuntry, Canada) 10:00-11:30 math (right now using an M3 product Factors and Multiples and Lessons for Teaching Multiplying and Dividing Fractions by Marilyn Burns) 11:30-1:00 break, dd does yoga, we make lunch, watch videos 1-1:30 french (Arc-en Ciel I - old program can't find it anywhere) 1:30-2:30 science (right now using Story of Science I by Joy Hakim and GEMS Earth Moon and Stars, The Real Reason for Seasons and Living with a Star) 2:30-4:00 LA (Read aloud, vocab (Super Smart by Prufrock Press), Grammar (GV by MCT), Spelling Power, Writing (various writing resources) DD is also involved in Girl Guides, a theatre program, competitive jump rope and competitive water polo
  11. Can you tell us what type of snake it is? And just how BIG is it? Can you get the kids to estimate?
  12. Here is an amazing resource using Historical places in the classroom. http://www.nps.gov/nr/twhp/descrip.htm
  13. One thing we do with primary sources is get excited about the fact that we are holding something (well a copy anyways!) that is x years old and was handled by x person. That's pretty incredible in itself and if you can pass that awe onto your children, well, that's pretty great!
  14. Depends what grade...For grade 5 and up, Modern History through Canadian Eyes http://www.solidoakpublishing.com/ is great. There are several options for book spines, (we use The Story of Canada and The Spirit of Canada) as well as the Canada a People's Hisotry dvds. We started right after finishing sotw 3 and will take a two more years to finish it interspersed with sotw 4 (which we started this year). We add in a lot of other resources (videos, websites, games, etc.) and I am happy to share if I can find what we used for the first part...
  15. That's what we did too and dd jumped two levels!
  16. Not me! I've given away and sold a ton of books this year; I use the library now. Our house is just too small too keep a lot of books.
  17. I have used several of Marilyn Burns' books in this series http://www.mathsolutions.com/index.cfm?page=wp18&contentid=115&crid=97&mcrid=108 Also, the Stop Faking It! series by Bill Robertson http://www.nsta.org/publications/press/stopfakingit.aspx And science books by Bryce Hixson http://www.teachersource.com/Books_SoftwareAndVideos/BryceHixsonBooks.aspx Super Smart by Prufrock Press http://www.prufrock.com/productdetails.cfm?PC=541
  18. We did grammar in the early years with Mad Libs, Brian Cleary books and Schoolhouse Rock. We started Latin in grade 3 and used that as grammar. We started MCT town in grade 5 as our first foray into formal grammar studies.
  19. SP can be used as early as 1st grade.
  20. Dynamic Literacy (Elements I) was a complete bust! After doing CE I and II, we are completely spoiled for vocab programs.
  21. That topic is pretty specific so you will probably have to put your own together. You can print off little booklets from homeschool share and have your boy chose what he wants to write or draw in each.
  22. Why did you switch from one to the other? Which one do your kids prefer?
  23. I was just going to ask the same question. We've used the free BBC Typing Mat, but need more than that. Have also tried Garfield's Typing and Timon and Pumba. Not very exciting!
  24. Same here. You'd be fine with CE II and if you finish that with time to spare, you could do CEI. I wish there was a CE III!
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