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Everything posted by Murphy101

  1. I think she is part goat. She eats anything and everything. A few months ago we paid money we really didn't have to waste to have a nerf bullet removed from her intestines. All nerf guns and bullets were rounded up and thrown away. But she still eats the dumbest stuff - erasers, marker caps, bread twisty ties, you name it. And this morning she is pooing bright red blood, I'm thinking lower intestinal.. no brown, just blood. She is playful and eating/drinking okay so far. but that's not good. zero funds for another vet trip. so. I need my kitty to be better soon.:crying:
  2. Oh that looks promising! And 10 minutes is about what I'm likely to get time for!
  3. a question.. what about warm ups? can someone recommend how to warm up and stretch before hand? my big goal is to get fit my big fear is to do more harm to my already stretched out, pull out, dislocated, blubber bum wreck of a body. I like the no excuses site.. don't own a sledge hammer lol put some of those strong women books in queque at the library... what about dvd programs? any suggestions? I might be able to netflix them... I like the no S diet and have added no drinking calories (with exception of morning coffee AFTER breakfast;) trust me no one ever wants me to miss my coffee) Thanks ladies!
  4. Ok here is what I need. I need a zero cost strength training option. Some thing that tells me what to do and how to do it properly and requires absolutely zero expense to impliment. No balls, no weights, no equipment. Either a website or a book from the library. I'd like to loose at least 25 pounds, but I can't do high impact stuff. I'd like to build muscle, but I need to be sure it's a good burn and not doing damage due to poor technique. I've culled my diet. I'm going on walks. Time to get serious. But dh is unemployeed at this time and absolutely zero funds can be wasted. So is this possible? Suggestions?
  5. As I get books, I've been thanking the sender, if I know who it is, and then I delete any related PMs to keep my PM box from getting full. If you sent me books and did not get a thank you, it is either bc I couldn't read the sender label or I couldn't match up sender name to board name. It's been raining and snowing a lot here and some of the labels were pretty smeared and torn up by the time I received them. Thankfully the books have all been in fine condition! Only one box might not have made it yet to my knowledge. I'm hoping it's just taking some time to arrive. If you want to know if your box has arrived, send me a PM with what you sent and I'll thank you for it if I remember getting it. It's been great fun to give it away! Weird thing to note... I thought I'd have to make some arrangements to get these to homes, but the majority of the time, either before or right after I've received something, I've had a conversation with someone who had almost exactly (or exactly!) that particuliar need. If it wasn't so obviously a good thing, I'd be a bit creeped out by it! Most materials have found a home within 24 hours of my opening the box.:D Thank you!
  6. any advice? Ds has suddenly developed testing issues. He knows the information, he studies in various ways and well, sits down and bombs and walks away feeling :crying::banghead::confused: anyone help me with this? had a kid like this? sometimes I think it is worry, but even when he isn't worried about the test this can happen. I feel terrible for him.
  7. Hot chocolate pudding. The cook and serve kind. I pour it straight to a bowl and eat it still piping hot.
  8. My dh and I would argue that any man using that method is more open to another than he claims. ;) really they come in an itty package and don't take up much room and ....
  9. :grouphug: Understand. The heart often doesn't agree with the mind.
  10. creams (vanilla as my mil calls it) and wine shades of purples and reds and navy blues in the downstairs upstairs cream in the halls bedrooms are pale pink (girls room), denim blue (younger boys room w/ cowboy theme that matches the cowboy mural in the hall bath next to their room), primary yellow and navy blue (music room off the older boys room that is all white (haven't painted that one yet.)
  11. Ok laughing my bum off watching this on the roku box on the blip.tv channel. Campy hilarious. So what do you watch?
  12. I am very different from you. I'd love their consideration and notice. The Psat and annual prom are always well known dates many months in advance. The Psat is listed at least 6 months in advance. Prom at least 3 months, and it is always the same month, so I'd certainly have a ballpark idea of when they are every year. If I said we'd do it, then we'd do it barring sickness or something like that. If I knew something was that month, but didn't have an exact date or there was some other consideration that prevented me from being able to solidly commit yet - I'd let them know when I could. Personally, if I don't get several months notice, my calendar is full. Between really needing to put in time on homeschooling during the day and various extracurriculiar, plus church/family obligations, there's only so much time left. I have the opposite problem as you, my in-laws want to just call Thrsday and say they are picking up the kid (never more than 1) Friday for an over nighter. They get really ticked when I say that won't work for us bc we've made plans either as a family or for that child. Yet, they don't have any problem saying they will be there a certain day and go shopping or whatever instead. They completely expect that we will rearrange our calendar for them and I refuse to do it bc far too often my kids are left hanging feeling hurt and missing things they could have done instead waiting for grandparents. Now the kids are getting older and they ae starting to decide they'd rather go do whatever, or dh is deciding he'd rather they do this with us instead and the g&g are claiming hurt feelings.
  13. love them and so do most of my kids. well worth owning.
  14. 2.5 cups flours 1/2 cup salt 2 packets of koolaid (generic is fine) bring to boil 3 tbsp veg oil in 2 cups water pour water over dry ingredients and mix until smooth. This makes 8 tennis ball sized balls. Not at all sticky - not even to cloth. Great smells and bright colors and so far the colors have never stained. We make a batch almost every week.
  15. oh geez. guess half this board are sloshers then.:001_huh: would they say the same about drinking anything else? pop, coffee, tea, milk, water??? does this rule only apply to liquids? maybe I'm addicted to salt and pepper or butter! it's there at every. single. meal. :ohmy: that's just so illogical it makes me wanna make another double shot of ouza.:lol: but I'm not gonna. because I don't wanna.:)
  16. well.... if you really wanna know.... a friend gave me a bottle of ... ouza... of which I am currently sipping a double shot of! :D
  17. Just want to say :iagree: anyone who doubts can just think back to the last time their computer crashed or a disk cracked/scratched or various other scenarios that happen too frequently for comfort or peace of mind. These things rarely happen to my books. And it's never happened to everyone of them at once. *shudder at the thought*
  18. Haven't read entire thread yet. ... But I love my books. Not as much as God or dh or dc but books are up there. Yes I plan to keep a home library to the day I die if at all possible. Picturing grandbabies enjoying it gives me the warm fuzzies.
  19. I can easily share similiar tales as Jean. So it's not at all hard for me to believe. I think that's the big problem too. Patents want to think it's too much to believe. Because if they believe it - they have to do something. And truth is very fee parents would be willing and or able to do whatever it takes up to and including quiting their to make sure things on the home front change even if it doesn't include homeschooling. Bash me for saying it, but it's true. Truth is most people don't give much thought to it.
  20. Swimming!!! In a heart beat. Unfortunately it is the one thing I absolutely cannot find anywhere near affordable. :(
  21. Wowza! That does sound divine! Count me in too. Very similiar style we have there. :iagree:
  22. Well I never want to see his nose or any other nose like in pirates of the caribean again. There's just some things they don't ever need to zoom in on or put in HD and that's one of them IMO. :ack2:
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