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Everything posted by Murphy101

  1. I guess that's true. As long as you don't want to leave the reservation you are free to go anywhere. We don't have a right to a plane ticket, but we used to have the right to leave the country and move about in it! Maybe travel by boat or horse will regain popularity. It's got to be a more pleasant trip! Personally I'd be fine if everyone boycotted flying due to these things. As long as people accept this and even pay for it, it will continue.
  2. I thought I remembered something about volcanos in Oklahoma. The oldest known rocks in Oklahoma are Precambrian granites and rhyolites formed 1.05-1.35 billion years ago; pre-existing rocks were altered, destroyed, or consumed by igneous or metamorphic activity. Much later, during the early and middle parts of the Cambrian Period, a different group of thick granites, rhyolites, gabbros, and basalts formed in southwestern and south-central Oklahoma. Heat and fluids given off by the Cambrian magmas changed an older group of sedimentary rocks into metamorphic rocks. Precambrian and Cambrian igneous rocks underlie all of the State and are the floor or "basement" upon which younger rocks rest. And then here is a link from 2005. http://www.ubersite.com/m/81211 There's also Black Mesa which is very near NM's Capulin Volcano Monument.
  3. Well finally Oklahoma is getting competitive! By golly we WILL be the first to have every natural form of destruction available to our citizens by 2025! And we will do it without raising taxes much more than double we have in the past. I can see the ad campaigns now.
  4. Sorry baby kicked the phone while nursing and it posted before I was done. My point was that God is perfect but we aren't. He can love and guide perfectly, but that looks different for every child. Some dc just need more or in different ways. The problem with every book, whether secular or Christian, is that they all ignore this fact. They all want you to reduce your view of your child to what they view as the clinical median, hence the oft use proviso word of "most" rather than "all". But not a single one of my kids is "most". They are who they are. All if who they are needs to nurse every 20 minutes - then I have the choice to mother that dc how that dc needs me or not. I choose to meet that need.
  5. I have a very dear friend who follows GKGW to the letter and has since they found out they were pregnant with their first. I love her dearly. I love her kids. We would probably agree that my kids and her kids behave equally as well. (or not pending the moment! ;) ) But I really dislike GKGW. My God is a God of comfort and healing. He is also an awesome enginneer. I simply do not believe he created babies to be breastfed on a schedule or created cries just to cry out. I am okay with spanking appropriately and when appropriate. I just can't picture a crying baby Jesus in the bed some night and Mary looking at Joseph and saying, "I just nursed him 20 minutes ago. He'll have to cry it out because I need my sleep!" I have told her my problem starts with the very name of Growing Kids Gods Way. #1. What hubris to presume they know Gods way for every child/parent! #2. God only had two kids with no peers, tv, or grandparents to mess things up and He still couldn't make them obey. I'm sure he did his best to properly train them and was consistant. I can't expect to do better than God.
  6. Don't forget the 4 pointer in Oklahoma. They think it might be a new fault line.
  7. With the ideal goal of family unity, have you spoken to your dh about this? Would he like you to consider the Catholic Church? Would you both be interested in going through RCIA (adult classes teaching the catholic faith)? Although these classes are taken by those interested in converting/returning to the Church, many people take them simply to learn. Some stay and join the Church. Some don't. But it would be a starting point to explore these questions in an environment where everyone is exploring. There is usually not any pressure either. Just honest answers about church teachings. Whether you can accept those answers is up to you. My questions and uncertainty led me to the Catholic church. It wasn't an easy journey. Praying you find peace in Him.
  8. Sorta. Catholics believe in God. The Church says that IF Darwin was right, it does not contradict God. Whether an individual catholic believes in Darwin or not is up to them.
  9. Oh and if she is spending 40 hours a week just preparing and training - when exactly does she actually do any teaching? What blarney. I freely admit I put in a solid 40 as I have 9 dc. But I doubt I spend more than a couple hours a week of that in prep and research.
  10. How many parents spend all day at work pick up their kid(s) from school only to spend several hours every night teaching them how to do their homework? So according to this lady it is ridiculous that most parents do that while making dinner and getting chores done? Or is it only okay to home school after 3:00 using materials and schedules you have zero say in?
  11. I'm really rather ticked about this a bit. I don't think any kids below alg 2 should need a calculator, BUT the ACT expects them to bring one in, so their score is going to be seriously trashed without a calculator to give them speed and thus answer more questions on the exam. So because of that, I will start letting them use a calculator either a semester before they will start taking the ACT or 8th grade. I'm not happy about it, but I see my oldest is really going to hurt on this.
  12. I 100% support them in defining their group as they feel best for them. In fact, I think it can be good for a group to have one. I rarely feel comfortable signing the statement of faith bc it rarely agrees with my faith (Catholic, usually the sola scriptura thing) and I would feel dishonest to sign it. There are some SOF that make it clear that the SOF is to make it clear what the group as a whole believes and will adhere to, not a requirement that those joining must have exact personal SOF for themselves. I haven't signed that, but might if the group were right.
  13. I use my iPhone. *blush* there's even an app for that too! lol just be sure you turn off all the sounds on the phone!
  14. Also, if you are nervous you can write confession notes down and take that with you. Most parishes have the act of contrition on cards but you can bring it with you too. Maybe in a prayer book?
  15. Don't know what's going on. Sure are a lot of bigger quakes these days. I know there's thousands of little unnoticed ones every year, but seems like more than the usual bigger ones these days. Or at least more of them in more populated areas?
  16. We don't "answer for" this. It is not our crime to answer for. We seek justice. Some metal rods and a treadmill wouldn't be a bad idea for that couple. And no I don't think that because a minority of people claim to be doing something in the name of something else (whether it be God or homeschooling or love or safety or any other abused terms) means everyone should be policed.
  17. :iagree::grouphug: This is myself and one of our children. It's insane that we literally can't eat or drink anything without nearly sprinting for a toothbrush and it apparently does us zero good whatsoever. I can't even contemplate how bad our teeth would be if we weren't a bit OCD about brushing and flossing. And I've had 3 root canals and I've sworn I'll never have another. It's less pain and hassle and expense to just have the dern thing pulled. One tooth that has had root canal still bothers me a year later. And yes, I spend considerable on dentistry when we have insurance for it. I would love to have a beautiful smile and I will certainly want that for my kids. I grew up very self-aware of my smile and rarely felt comfortable with it as a child.
  18. This is temporary. You will adjust. One on one is over-rated. There's a lot to be said for being squished on the sofa reading a book or playing games. 7 is not all that old or needy an age. Relax. Enjoy. It's going to be an awesome adventure. Congratulations!
  19. That's the most I've had too. And that is only once I hit my 30s. And extra tired. I just want to sleep until it's over with, but that is more likely due to low iron levels than the PMS itself. I remember when I was pregnant with my first the lamaze instructor was saying that early labor felt like PMS cramps. I had no idea what the heck that meant. She said, with a rather unpleasant attitude, that it was like a charlie horse in your leg. What blarney. I don't know what PMS feels like for some of you, but I sure as heck know that not one moment of that labor felt anything like a charlie horse cramp in your calf.
  20. :lol: I instantly pictured a Dynasty cat fight. Go Linda!
  21. LOL I swear I had ONE before I went into labor with the newest heir. Then when I finally managed to shuffle my way to a mirror about 2 weeks after I delivered her, I pulled my hair back into a ponytail and saw this frankenstein streak at one temple. My second son calls me Rogue Mama. Apparently my 9th delivery was just like when Magneto sucked the life out of Rogue.:D At least you aren't my dh's best friend. He had white hair coming in at high school graduatation. He was the got o guy to get beer bought back then because of it.
  22. Oh. Well that stinks. Still though they take a huge chunk of your taxes on those advance loans. I bet if you were to figure that into the cost it wouldn't be that great a deal. And there are lots of places to get those used. Have you called around to refurbished medical supply places?
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