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Everything posted by imhim

  1. We are moving to Nashville next year and was wondering if anyone here knows of a Classical Conversations group there. We will be close to Hendersonville, NE area. Also, what homeschooling groups are there in Nashville? Did not find much on the web. Next year we will have a 9, 7, 5, and 1 yo. And what about umbrella schools? Thank you for any info you might have on these.
  2. My oldest (dd 8) is NOT an auditory learner - so I quit FLL after level 2 for GWG3 - which is working great, and plan to finish quickly and to MCT -ISland next. She likes WWE, we are finishing up 2 and starting 3. My ds6 is an auditory learner, and he does very well with FLL1 (is too easy, we can easily do 2 lessons), but he is not big on writing. We'll what happens when we start WW1. I did not see yet problems with retention in GWG - she does well on her tests. The kids get memory work done with CC.
  3. We really like Real Science 4 Kids Pre=level 1 chemistry - the experiments and the pics, the collection of data, the hypothesis - all in the student book - and all. I did not know anything about the author. But I am glad to find out she does not believe in evolution as it is a still un-proven theory according to the evolutionists of today.
  4. Thank you. How do you use this site? I do Song School Latin - How would this help me? Thank you.
  5. I always through a "back to school party" - the night before we start back. I decorate with what I have or buy 3-4 baloons , bake cookies with school theme and give the school supplies/new books to each of them, new crayons, etc, PLUS a wrapped gift for each of them. It is always fun and they remember the back to school party we have :-) Do something fun, make an icecream cake together, or whatever they like, and let them decorate it. I hope you all will have a good day.
  6. Rarely, not more than 10%, and you still have to pay shipping. Maybe you could find it used.
  7. I don't have my catalog anymore - what's the movie, people??
  8. Thank you very much, you are very helpful!!:001_smile:
  9. I am teaching my 3rd grader to proof read using daily grams - old version. I need a guide, though. Thank you.
  10. We start in 2 weeks and I will have a3rd, 1st, preK and baby. What has worked in the past, when I was teaching only 2, was a "round robin" thing - while older did her own handwriting - cursive- I did LA with the K. Then K took a break and I did FLL or WWE with older. Then she took a break and I did math with the K. Then K took a break and I did something with the older. Did history while K and the others took naps. Science was reading for all, only older did copywork or such. This year it will be more complex, but something of the same nature. I will try to group together Science, History, Latin and Spanish. The rest has to be done separately. It takes all day... and I am tired. I do not know when I am going to the cooking or the cleaning of the house...
  11. Keywords have not worked fine for me for a couple of months now, when they did the other update.
  12. I really didn't worry much about science at 5yo. Whatever my 5 yo overheard from 7yo was good enough for us. The main things were reading and Singapore math and handwriting. Now ds is almost 6 and reads very well, and insiststo read by himself directly from the King James Bible. But he reads anything. Anyway, I would not stress out about science - watch some animal dvds from Netflix (Netflix has some good creation-based nature dvds) or some from your local library - make it fun. It seems to me maybe it is a little too much and he might burn out or get tired of school. Or just have him draw a pic about the animal, or act out what the animal does.
  13. Do they like to color? There are fun coloring books with history info at rainbow- Dover publication. Do they like to build? Forts?
  14. I am so glad you decided to keep him home - 7 is so young still. Have fun with history and science at home. He is just 2nd grade, whatever you do, or not do, is not going to make such a difference this year.
  15. I use a week of WW2 in 2 days instead of 4 days a week. So if I am behind, I do 2 weeks of WWE2 in 1 week. My dd does not remember or understand the parts of speech at the end of FLL2. She loves WWE, so will continue that. But I will switch to a different grammar.
  16. http://rainbowresource.com/product/sku/013796/1310857635-1856468 I used this and we liked it.
  17. I really think you are doing everything you can so this will not happen again. With that boy, and with your own boy - meaning, he will have confidence next time he meets a bully. I really do not believe you should keep your mouth shut about the movies - it will only get worse.
  18. My just turned 8yo does not have much problems with CWP and most of IP, but the Challenge part of the IP is a bit difficult sometimes, although she gives it a fair try.
  19. Congratulations!! I was very fortunate - baby was born before Christmas, so my husband was able to help and my parents came and helped with the other 3 - for ...hmmm...6 months from overseas. We got back into school pretty quicly because I had somuch help. Mom helped a lot with cooking, Dad helped a lot with holding the baby, so I had it easier. Now they left, the baby is 6 months and we still school cause we got behind a bit with the new baby. Now it is ok, but who knows at 1 or 2 :-))
  20. You can also do a little history copywork, or geography or science. Like one sentence about your history lesson, or science - it is still handwriting, but hopefully also "fixating" something in their memory. Some kids learn by writing better than listening.
  21. We absolutely love Meet the Masters - we do it through our library, it is free and they have it once a month - first it is the artist life and work introduction, and then techniques in details on how they did it- very much fun, I do the projects myself with my kids. My dd is gifted in drawif and art, she gor first place for her "reproduction" of VanGaugh Starry Night at our homeschool group's Art SHow with 150 pieces entered - she got first for 1-st grade, and then this year she got 1-st for second grade. Because she is interested so much in art, she is in weekly classes, too. She canlook at an object and draw it. She loves animals and she makes books with them, or characters like Kitty, Tom and Jerry, etc, and they look great.
  22. It looks good. I do not see penmanship? Maybe I am missing something.
  23. I see GWG (Growing with Grammar) covers what you mention. I am looking at GWG3, but you can see more on their website.
  24. We are only in 2B PM - there are so many exercises in the Workbook, Mental MAth, IP, CWP - I have to cross out so my dd will not spend time on those. She tells me that there is too much of the same type of exercises. I agree, she knows what she is doing, rarely making mistakes, and she understands. But I do have her use the Abeka Worktext as a supplement- just for fun. Now I wonder if I am missing something, as someone on this thread said that most kids need more practice, while we don't even do all the exercises in the books because it is simply too much repetition?
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