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Everything posted by alysee

  1. Today we are doing breakfast for dinner for the family who feels up to it. Pancakes, scrambled eggs and fruit. It's a very frugal meal even if I chose to have gluten free waffles.
  2. It all started with my preschooler 5 days ago, sick got her positive yesterday. Today myself and my two oldest got the positive. Just waiting for it to hit the boys. My husband and I are triple vaxxed, my oldest 4 have one covid shot and were waiting for their second ones in March. The three year old obviously isnt vaxxed. Symptoms have been similar to a cold. Achy, sore throat, cough, headache. For me it's the headache that's killing me because all I can take is tylenol because I am 11 weeks pregnant. Update: Now just my husband is standing. Me, the 3yo and the first kid to come to bed get the queen sized bed and the rest of the kids get pillows and comforters on the floor while my husband is keeping his distance(as much as he can, Ha!) And sleeping in the girls room with the double bed bunk bed.
  3. I am gluten-free and we eat vegetarian so things are tricky around here too.
  4. 1. Lentil Shepherds Pie(tonight) 2. Bean & Cheese Quesadillas 3. Toad in a hole, fruit & home fries 4. Crispy Tofu Ramen 5. Lentil Soup 6. Leftovers 7. Alfredo Pasta Bake
  5. Reading: Her choice and family Read Alouds Math: CTC Math Science: Bookshark Science E Typing: Typingclub.com Writing: Faltering Ownership/FreeWrite Extras: Archery, Nature Study, piano lessons from Nana
  6. Yikes - I have a middle schooler. Taking her lead in what she wants to do. Reading: Her choice and family Read Alouds Math: CTC Math Science: Bookshark Science E Typing: Typingclub.com Writing: Faltering Ownership/FreeWrite Outschool: Digital Art, Art History Club Extras: wants to try Theatre(if youngest can be vaxxed)
  7. Twin boys Reading: Their choice Math: CTC Math Science: Bookshark Science E Spelling: All About Spelling Level 5 Writing: BraveWriter Partnership & NightZookeeper Typing: Typingclub Extras: Coding, making YouTube Vids, STEAM projects, Art, Nature Study If we can get my youngest vaxxed 1 will do archery and the other karate.
  8. True story, my husband has basically been eating homemade falafel on a Pita with lettuce, cucumber, hummus and tomato every single day for lunch since last year when we went vegetarian. The only exception has been the very few times he has had a business lunch take out or times he's had dinner leftovers. Any vegetarian sandwich ideas for him?
  9. Does anyone have any suggestions for video demos of Science experiments for kids ages 9-12 that they do along with the video?
  10. One of things I really want to do is create a family cookbook. The recipes that have been passed down from my great great grandparents all the way down to the recipes that I make. I would love to add family photos and stories. I would love to see the east coast of Canada and to visit Costa Rica.
  11. Our September got a whole lot crazier. I am currently 6 weeks and 3 days pregnant with our sixth. As usual, feeling sick.
  12. If it's an acquaintance just a quick "I don't talk about religion or politics." If someone tells me they are praying for me, I just say thank you because to me that's the equivalent of thinking of me and it's nice when I might be going through something. It really isn't hard to navigate.
  13. Dear Zoo Chicka Chicka Boom Boom Moo Baa La La La Blue Hat, Green Hat Dinosaur Dance The Very Hungry Caterpillar Anything by Julia Donaldson but my faves are: Room on the Broom, The Singing Mermaid, The Stickman, Tyrannosaurus Drip and Monkey Puzzle. Click Clack Moo Curious George
  14. When I have accidentally glutened myself(doesnt happen anymore) I would stick to a low FODMAP diet, drink plenty of water, probiotics, take B12, Vitamin D.
  15. alysee

    Meal Plan

    I haven't made it before but here is the link. I will probably add cheese to the mashed potatoes. https://www.budgetbytes.com/vegetarian-shepherds-pie/
  16. Hit me with your meal plan. I love finding new things to cook. We are having: 1. Veg Shepherds Pie(BudgetBytes) 2. Grilled Cheese & Veg Soup 3. Pizza Quesadillas 4. Lentil Soup 5. Egg McMuffins w Fruit(toast for me) 6. Alfredo Pasta Bake 7. Leftovers
  17. We sure will! We need the structure. 🤷‍♀️ The cold days, no structure and no outside activities basically means they are awfully close to rogue wild animals 🤣.
  18. I am not involving them. 🤣🤣 I am also including excess papers and such so it won't be that difficult. I am planning on keeping track on my phone/calendar pretty much the way I keep track of my entire life 🤣
  19. I would love to join. I have 3 goals for the year. 1. Spend 1000 hours outside(my kids completed this by October but I am guilty of being inside way too much) 2. Read 36 books. I read about 25 books a year normally but I want to step it up this year. 3. Donate/throw out 2022 things from our house.
  20. My husband's birthday is January 1st. So we always do dinner at home with a chocolate cake on new years eve and then we ring in the new year at 9pm and go to bed(his request 🤣). During new years day we do a movie marathon.
  21. We live in a small town so we don't normally have regular access to museums or zoo's. 4 of 5 of my children have only had 1 vaccine dose. The littlest one isn't eligible yet. We have had to stop extracurriculars. Instead, we do the park, we have weekly at home movie nights, outside play, board game night, read a lot, ride bikes(in the good weather), they all have their personal interests: knitting, coding, lego, crafting.
  22. For many people it's fine, unless you have thyroid problems. The current recommendation is to eat things like tofu, edamame, miso tempeh but stay away from soy protein isoflavones.
  23. I find my brain gets cluttered when I see more clutter so I clean the main living areas frequently(kitchen, living room & dining room) - I only read library books(physical, ebooks or audiobooks) - Never use fabric softener or dryer sheets - small pantry downstairs of food staples we love but nothing more. - no excess of clothing. We do laundry frequently enough to only need 6 or 7 outfits. We don't have extras of mitts, gloves because when they are done with them they go inside to be dried on the baseboard heating. - we have water glasses but we all use water bottles instead. - I cook lunches and breakfasts on the weekend when I have more time - I meal plan but don't usually put a meal to a date so it can be switched easily. - We only have 3 towels each(1 beach towel each and 2 regular) .
  24. We had lots of hits and no misses! The favourites according to the kids 11.5yo - Polaroid camera & accessories, tea sampler box, 10yo - swiss army knife & lego dots creative box 8.5yo - Lego Ninjango Catamaran Set 8.5yo - Lego Jurassic Baronyx Set 3yo - wooden crib & baby
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