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Everything posted by meganrussell

  1. I bought this for my sister in law and my daughter last summer. It's Pride and Prejudice, but with beautiful pages and full color illustrations all throughout the book. https://www.amazon.com/gp/aw/d/1631590766/ref=mp_s_a_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1512559400&sr=8-1&pi=AC_SX236_SY340_FMwebp_QL65&keywords=pride+and+prejudice+illustrated+by+alice+pattullo
  2. Maybe you could take a device free vacation - it doesn't have to be expensive, but somewhere he will be busy doing fun things. Everyone should be device free for this time. It could be going to a cabin in the woods or just going to Grandma's house. Keep him active mentally and physically. Chop wood, go fishing or hunting, build something, hike through the woods, go camping, play board games, etc. Don't even talk about devices or internet for at least a week. Once he goes this long without Minecraft, it may be easier to regulate time limits. If it were my son, I would not allow him any time on it if he could not regulate or be honest. Sneaking around and finding ways to play Minecraft is not acceptable. I would get rid of whatever devices he had or put them in the safe or something for a long time. I would be very involved in his life and keep him busy and talking. I've not been in this situation though, so I don't know if my advice is helpful. Eta: If you feel you should restrict internet activity, do it. An addiction this young in life is not a good thing. Don't be a crutch for it.
  3. Oooh, good idea. We are moving in January and my mom bought all the kids new bedding. So that would be a fun item for her.
  4. Teaching my now seven year old to read. He is now reading above grade level. He went from barely reading CVC words this spring to reading way above level.
  5. Something new - my four oldest are in public school and my three oldest are in sports (football is over, but now basketball for the girls and wrestling for the boy) Three words - Change, Peace, Fun Favorite memory - tough one because there are so many!! Taking the kids to the Pittsburgh Zoo twice, the Pirates vs. Brewers game, and Hershey Park. Is that three memories...? Oh well.
  6. This is my daughter, but for some reason I'm having a really hard time coming up with a good gift for her. She doesn't play with toys, other than Shopkins and Legos. This is what I have so far: Two pair of under armour shorts (Need for basketball) Several blouses (Wear gift) Books 9-16 of Magic Tree House Merlin Missions (Read gift) A Shopkins stuffed toy She wanted the Lego Friends Hotel, but that's out of my budget ($100). I'm thinking $50 or less.
  7. I love the idea of a reverse Advent - giving and doing things for others.
  8. I think it's a sweet story. The alternatives that could have happened could have been far worse - giving birth in that tent on the street, baby being neglected and die, baby being sold for drugs, etc... Why does it matter if the mom didn't have "choices"? Her baby is in a loving home with parents who will care for her. The mom obviously didn't want to get clean for the sake of her baby. I don't see how anyone would have a problem or concern about this story. I don't see an abuse of power at all - just a police officer who has children of his own and compassion for the unborn baby of a heroin addict.
  9. https://www.amazon.com/gp/aw/d/B00HZTXPEW/ref=mp_s_a_1_3?ie=UTF8&qid=1512208957&sr=8-3&pi=AC_SX236_SY340_FMwebp_QL65&keywords=water+fire+saga There are four books in the series. Eta more info
  10. The Maze Runner series is so much better than the movies. My 15 year old loved the Water Fire Saga Fantastic Beasts and Where to find Them
  11. What about a pretty cake stand or expensive casserole dish for your mom? Here are a few I like. https://www.google.com/search?q=cake+stands&start=80&client=ms-android-verizon&sa=N&biw=360&bih=512&tbs=cat:4372,vw:g,init_ar:SgVKAwiUIg%3D%3D,ss:44&tbm=shop&prmd=sivn&srpd=5022309748256727727&prds=num:1,of:1,epd:12125358018337001248,paur:ClkAsKraXwODyPiWN6Psw__KooOqaX09MCpqldlE1e19K13ixF3ioCgHFSZCI_Qm2YEw1WkJh-uoNZLYjZlG-9myqhFiue9pBhIXnh1KlWtXoWQEqGSxJNNdtRIZAFPVH71qstY1zRYBLWsd3bhH5PBfkDHPGA,cid:16966817528921594915&ved=0ahUKEwicyvrorenXAhXCeSYKHYPRDJI4UBCCNgjTBA https://www.google.com/search?q=pretty+casserole+dishes&client=ms-android-verizon&sa=X&biw=360&bih=512&tbs=vw:l,ss:44&tbm=shop&prmd=sivn&srpd=16128840140308585553&prds=epd:6856289225098851473,paur:ClkAsKraX2owfZcjgUSIRkfZIP_xqfDToxPSCBPALOrEzwvx5p4k6JSRIWRIO10kMQw7Z66xqEetlGLyfeoTlyihZ1iJMsWQpALMfJlHGVEIgHlOhQeMRTgBKhIZAFPVH70mcTnpsL4SPYVUxP59EeoU1T3x9g,cdl:1,cid:4933479770489077270&ved=0ahUKEwjazsyBrunXAhXIPiYKHeYRA5QQgTYIhQU Or this casserole dish holder which I love https://www.google.com/search?q=pretty+casserole+dishes&start=40&client=ms-android-verizon&sa=N&biw=360&bih=512&tbs=vw:l,ss:44&tbm=shop&prmd=sivn&srpd=3776720355797709804&prds=num:1,of:1,epd:13875318115550133365,paur:ClkAsKraX_uFO3B2csIvGSUujjxUSMEa7kgSVHODZJF5qkEuMQrY37Ygg8QA0s30Fd8roO5nA1UYf1XZQWna3VGKMVpterox1N2o3Zq6VQ7vO6rAnabkDxUSdBIZAFPVH72BXKLxQ-j5xO9of7QT3dGzznKDww,cid:14262622487806185935&ved=0ahUKEwiN_sOkrunXAhVE7iYKHW0sCNE4KBCCNgj7BA
  12. I wrap things like small books, DVDs, jewelry (even cheap jewelry), and small toys.
  13. Toothbrush! Candy - cookies and cream santas have been the tradition for the past several years as well as Resee Trees and Bells Pencils and pens always
  14. Melissa - I would have already moved out. Lol - good luck!
  15. I have never been disappointed with a gift my husband got me. I am always thankful that he thought of me, took the time to buy me something and wrap it, and no matter what it is - kitchen towels, an entertainment center, thermals - I am always so excited to open the gift and see what he thinks I need or want. His gifts have evolved over the years but I would never express disappointment in a gift or suggest he send something back and get me something "better".
  16. Oh I know! My kids do get to go on nice trips and have nice things, too. But when it seems like it's expected and not appreciated, that's when it's entitlement.
  17. I have always felt that my kids don't need a "constant friend" hanging out with them all the time. It's good to have friends, yes, but I agree - I want the memories to be with *our* family. I also would not want my children going on extravagant trips with friends families. I also agree that kids these days are entitled, and it's mostly the parents fault! So I guess I'm just mainly saying I AGREE with you. (As usual).
  18. I have a hot spot box from Verizon with unlimited that I pay $60/month for.
  19. Take her to Dillard's or jC penny for a bra fitting. They will measure her and find bras that would be a good fit.
  20. I always bake my cookies at a slightly lower temp - 315-325. I also use slightly less flour than called for and handbeat. Foe the sugar cookies, you could mix sprinkles into the dough before baking, which would make pretty cookies. Or sprinkle on top of cut our cookies before baking - no icing needed. Or do "whoopie pie" cookies - two cookies with icing in between like a sandwich.
  21. My cat is worse than a toddler right now. I am constantly finding ornaments from my tree all over the house. She bats them off and chases them all over. She jumps ON the tree, knocking stuff off. She climbs up the inside of the tree and won't come out. I dread putting presents under it because she is in the shredding paper stage. She's about 17-19 weeks (my best guess). She was an orphan we bottle fed. She was about three weeks old when we found her (again, my best guess). I swear she is not all "there".
  22. Under Armour rarely goes on sale for 40% off, so yes that's a good sale. Their clothes are more expensive but great quality. We buy a LOT of UA.
  23. I got fiestaware for $20 for a 4 piece set. They are about $23 on Kohl's right now (half price), and i used their 20% off coupon. I got eight colors for $162. Eta: oh and I got my picture Christmas cards from Vistaprint for 60% off - $75 worth of cards for $30.
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