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Everything posted by kmacnchs

  1. off the top of my head, it answers the question "where?" so that makes it an adverb...right?
  2. I know this is back-handed and everything but if I was in that situation, and got an email saying they needed to come over and have lunch soon I would email them back something like, yeah, we do...hows Xday? We could come over to your house around X time...I could bring chips, what do you think?...like it's nothing...that may not be the 'right' thing to do but I'm not one for confrontation and that is what I would do... :D
  3. I agree that I would stay out of it or just tell her to talk to a "professional" - she may take it better coming from someone she doesn't know...You telling her how she messed up doesn't help the situation...it's done. As far as her character and her hubby's, that's another story... I would stay away (for fear of frustration overload) but I'm not sure if that is the "right" thing to do...
  4. WOW That brings a whole new perspective on things. That is wonderful. I need to remember this so I can do this with my kids in the coming years. That take is full of wisdom and I thank the Lord for giving it to you. I am glad I was able to read it.
  5. I know a lot of adults who were confused about God and were upset with their parents for lying to them when they found out about Santa...so when you explain who Santa really is, you may need to be ready to tell your children why you decided to lie to them and apologize for doing so...or you may not. Children take it different ways. It was no big deal when I found out but at the same time I knew I didn't want to "do Santa" with my kids...I would definitely focus on how different Santa and God are so there is no more confusion about how omnipresent, etc. Santa is...just my 2c
  6. We do school everyday daddy is at work. Some weeks that is 6 days. Some weeks, that is 4 days. Right now, we are getting over a cold so we only have done school 2 days of the last 7. I do year round for MANY reasons but two that come to mind first are 1. my kids need and desire structure (really, they ask to do school if we haven't done it for a couple of days) and 2. It helps me be more laid back. I am type A all the way and by schooling year round, I am able to know it will get done and it doesn't have to get done by a certain time. Once testing starts (in 4 years), I will need to set a time to "start" so it will line up with testing but right now, I start school when my child knows their ABCs (caps, lowercase, and sounds) and #s to 20/30 and go on to the next grade when we have finished this grade's work...
  7. I know this is not going to be popular and I don't want to start a debate...just ignore if you want to...This is unacceptable. You know how people say "we don't spank" or "we only spank if it is a life-threatening situation like running out into the street"? Well, that's not me, but if that is you, don't you think you would consider this a life-threatening situation? 3yos are not much for reasoning...they are not to the logic stage yet. Your 3yo needs to obey you and needs to understand the seriousness of doing so. I would pull over and spank every time but that's just me...I can tell by your question, that's not you but just think about the seriousness of the situation and don't be helpless...take control, for your son's sake.
  8. When we started OPG, I couldn't understand why my dd could sound out anything but couldn't read the actual word...it takes time and PRACTICE, PRACTICE, PRACTICE. It will come...stick with it. We used magnetic letters and put them closer and closer but really, there was nothing magic...it just came with time. Don't give up. Chances are, when she gets past this point and closer to lesson 100 you will wonder if she will ever read fluently b/c she sounds everything out (thank you phonics!)...at least, that's what we went through...and again, it comes with time...Don't give up :)
  9. Let me just say the cost of the mill and the bread maker must be added in! I don't count labor b/c it really doesn't take much time. I got my mill and breadmaker for free (a present) so it is TOTALLY worth it for me but those things cost! (esp the mill)
  10. OPG is both...it tells you what to say (which I needed since I had NEVER taught anyone how to read before).
  11. I actually asked a 1st grade teacher this because my dd1 (who is not even 3.5) is reading at a 1st-2nd grade level. Keep in mind we are from a small town in the countray!...She said,"Oh, we had a little girl who already knew her ABCs and so she helps other children get to the library and she is the teacher's helper" She said this proudly, like they had found something for this bored little oddball to do. I can only imagine what my child would think, do and feel in 2 years if she went to ps...I'm sure she would read to her classmates, like she does her sister now but who can do that all day for a year?!?!
  12. I agree with "just for school" toys. Then there's roomtime (we do 1 hr/day), naptime/resttime (2-2.5hrs for my 2&3yo), and TV time (30 min/day), and "school time" (w/ the aforementioned toys). I realize you have children that are not your own so may not be as obedient as your own so some suggestions: roomtime with a gate, no markers, pencils, crayons, etc (dolls, stuffed animals, dollhouse, books (unless they chew on them), SAFE toys); naptime/resttime - for those NOT napping, my rule is that they stay in the bed and they have special books (or toys, if you would prefer) they can look at during the time. That should get you AT LEAST 3.5 uninterrupted hrs of school...good luck!
  13. Don't you think that if you were raped, you would be tied mentally, emotionally, and physically to your attacker? I would think so...so in a way, yes...not in the loving way, of course. Do I think you would be committing adultery if you married someone else after that? NO! But that comes from me, not the Bible...however, I think it does say somewhere that if a man rapes a woman and then wants to marry her, he is to pay the bride price (though I'm not sure who would want to consent to that) to her father. If he does not marry her, then she is not committing adultery if she marries someone else...again, just food for thought, however distasteful...
  14. I agree w/the ladies about God introducing the marriage concept to Adam and Eve...may I just say that today's marriage *ceremonies* are NOTHING like they used to be. The bride and groom used to get married in a tent, bring out the cloth proving they were married, and then there would be a celebration. I do not like how it is done today b/c the ceremony is not the marriage...not that I am saying that sex is the only thing in a marriage but I do believe that when you have sex with someone you are united to them forever (ie marriage)...just my 2c (I KNOW MOST WILL DISAGREE, just food for thought).
  15. I don't want to be all pessimistic but you are already schooling all of yours and to add all that prep work for preschool...that is a lot! If you're up for it, good for you! I do simple things because I don't have creativity or time to do the other stuff. We do ABC puzzles, # puzzles, and read lots of books. I don't spend a lot of time on things other than phonics and numbers daily. I just let my 2yo listen in on history and Bible (mainly just practice sitting still). I try to do art and science one day/week. I know, don't follow the slacker...but really, I would recommend to spend the majority of the time on phonics and numbers...for example, everyday learn letters a different way (leapfrog, puzzle, alphabet beanbags, alphabet blocks, starfall.com, abc-type books,etc) and do the same sort of thing with #s (Count different things, have a "train" (shoe box w/string) and he fills it w/a certain # of things, etc). I don't see why you would need a toddler gate...he is 4, not 18mo... After his "school" time, I would suggest stuff from Tools for Tots (1+1+1=1), Melissa and Doug stuff, maybe a video...these are just some things mine like to do and will stay relatively quiet doing while the other one is having "school time" with me. Good luck!
  16. We started 1 yr ago and we are in lesson 165. We did take a break (1-1.5mos) when we got to the 100s b/c my daughter needed repetition. I assume we will be finished by mid 1st grade or a little after that.
  17. Haven't read other posts so forgive me if I am repeating. One thing I do is DON'T BUY THE JUNK! I know I have no self control so I do not buy the chips, ice cream, etc. so there is no way I can eat it! I make sure that veggies are eaten (1-2 serv) at lunch and dinner and fruit is eaten at breakfast. We only drink milk and water (only juice when we are sick). You don't want to get your calories from something you drink! We eat whole wheat everything. We go on a walk everyday. As for dh, he is working 2 jobs and has no time to exercise so he just eats well on the weekdays and then "splurges" on Sundays (will buy some ice cream sandwiches for after the kids go to bed). My kids aren't big snackers but when we do have snacks it is popcorn, carrots, cucumbers, nuts, peanut butter on apples or whole wheat crackers, etc. Breakfasts look like: oatmeal w/bananas or strawberries, hard boiled eggs, yogurt w/granola, jelly bread, fruit, milk, cherios, scrambled eggs, whole wheat muffins (blueberry, apple, zucchini), pumpkin or blueberry pancakes (special treat). Just some things off the top of my head...good luck :)
  18. I just don't see why this is a bad thing? Who says children shouldn't learn until they are 5 or 6? I know they are little and they should play but 15-30 min sitting still out of a 3yo's day? Really, what's wrong with that? I'm sure you are just happy she wants to learn :) Think of all those parents who have 6yos who don't want to sit down for 30 min to learn...I'd prefer the former!
  19. I put uncooked pinto beans (what was in the pantry) into my dh's sock and heated it in the microwave. Then, I laid down w/ the sock on the site with my whole body and head covered with a comforter and I was in long everything underneath. I kinda sweated it out. Then, you have to figure out what gives it to you (it is different for everyone - you seem to have an idea) and fix that. For me, everyday I did not have a helper (which meant no nap), I ended up with mastitis that afternoon/evening. That MADE me take a rest time when the kiddos were resting, even though my house became a mess fast!
  20. no sleeping in here:001_huh: my kids don't care what the clocks say, they wake up when they always do... I'll need to remember this when they are teenagers so I will be extra thankful to sleep in :)
  21. 2x - during school (something difficult) and in the afternoon b4 rest time (something on or below her level). Sometimes we will read a difficult book together...
  22. Another thing we do is cutting while listening...so their hands are busy but their minds are free to listen :) Also, it is a skill that I don't find time to work on any other time.
  23. Personally, I wouldn't let it go but I wouldn't harp on it, ya know? How much is she willing to do happily? Do that much and no more for awhile. Then, maybe she will enjoy it and then you can think about writing more. I would keep working on it though. My 3yo can only write so much so I try to gauge when she is getting tired and try to stop then...or before, so she will enjoy it, you know? For example, yesterday, she wrote in her math worksheet, she did a spelling worksheet, and then for grammar, she was to write where she was from (Louisburg, North Carolina)...well, she was good until 1/2 way through Louisburg...it was just too much writing. That's just something we as parents/teachers have to pay attn to...
  24. I read really fast...is that bad?:tongue_smilie: I actually try to read read-alouds fast b/c my children are so young and there are not many pictures so I try to finish the page b4 they are bored of looking at the picture and not listening anymore. Is that bad? Am I/Are they missing the point? We are reading The Jungle Book and my 3 yo seems to understand and I am just trying to get my 2yo to sit still, not looking for comprehension from her yet. So, :lurk5: Looking forward to hear what others say...
  25. I haven't read all of the posts but I just want to say 2 things: #1 please don't take what one of us says over your dh's wishes! #2 I read in Shepherding a Child's Heart that if you cannot spank calmly and the correct way, do not spank. If you feel you are that person, let your dh do the spanking (although that does not sound like you). If you are just a little edgy and not always the calm one (like me :)), send your children to the place where they will be spanked and only go to spank them after you have calmed yourself down and you can do the disciplining correctly. If you have not read Shepherding a Child's Heart, do please. It sounds like you have done what they suggest in the past but maybe reading it will give you a little confidence in what will work. I have little ones that need to be spanked (there is not reasoning with a 2 & 3yo)...you have some older ones so I can't speak to that b/c I have NOT btdt. However, I will say remember not to treat all of them the same. I tend to do that and then regret it later (ex. the 2yo is still being trained in things that the 3yo has down pat so I need my expectations to coincide, does that make sense?) I tried to make it short...
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