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Everything posted by TravelingChris

  1. We are having snow here already. It isn't sticking yet. Unfortunately youngest woke up with a very bad cough and a bad sore throat so it will be off to the Pediatrician's later this morning. If there wasn't a bad snow coming, I would be inclined to wait a while. BUt not with this forecast. I hope the doctor will prescribe in advance if needed and tell me when to give. Like if they think she doesn't need antibiotics at this point but may have to have them if x, y, or z develops, I want the script now and fill it now while I can still move around. SHe has a tendency to develop asthma from repiratory infections which is a big reason I am not waiting.
  2. HI Julie, I think you all that are more southern and closer to Chesapeake Bay will have it starting as rain and then changing over. Us in the DC area will have only snow as will the people somewhat south and west of us where in they are expected to get totals upwards of 2 feet. They keep changing our predictions upwards too. THey are now saying there is certainly a possibility that we will get 30 inches.
  3. OUr EFC changes based on where we live. Now according to the military and to what we have seen, our total income is supposed to stay the same because our housing allowance changes based on the neighborhood. Not the way these stupid programs calculate. WHy if rents are in the 2.8k here and 1.6k in FLorida, why we suddenly got a giant income increase. We didn't. You don't have to have saved anything significant to get sky-rocketing EFC. All you have to do is be a 45+yo person who has worked in a single occupation for 20+ yearas and has a commensurate salary. There is no way we could pay our EFC at all. We don't even have enough in our savings for one year. I am just so thankful that we can afford to pay my son's tuition and will have GI Bill for number 2. Number 3 will have dad retired and getting a retirement pension along with a nice salary.
  4. I certainly agree with your decision to move one. I think what you did was exactly right for your situation. Notifying the authorities about his whereabouts and job was exactly right. Human justice can be very slow or never forthcoming. I will pray for your healing and peace. Just stay away from this man, his wife, and any other people who did this scam. I think that letting go is the healthiest path.
  5. I had an undergraduate degree in Economics and switched to Criminal Justice for my master's and later the doctoral program. There were two of us in the master's program who weren't previously CJ or sociology majors, the other was a psychology major. In our master's program, we had to take stat and research methodology classes. FOr the doctorate, you had to pass a rigorous stats and methods exam. MOst of the social sciences including sociology are very stat and research based. I was in a new program but even there, they wanted good grades and good GRE.
  6. MY son has a class at GMU at 11:30 and I really hope they cancel it. George Mason University is one of the very few that haven't made a decision yet. He takes a bus after walking a mile and I don't need him stuck someplace. According to when the snow fall is falling, it looks like above ground Metro will be closing later this afternoon.
  7. Let me give an example of co-incidence not causality. Schizophrenia typically appears in late teenage/early adulthood. College attendance and enlisting in the military also occurs in late teenhood/early adulthood. But neither college nor military service is a cause of schizophrenia. Before brain imaging, some doctors hypothesized that separation from families and cold mothers caused schizophrenia. With brain imaging and seeing that schiophrenics have holes in their brains, most doctors have changed their minds about causation. But you may very well run across someone who still believes in the wrong causes. Oh, and in terms of autism and the Amish. I have no knowledge whether they have autism in their families or not. But I do know they have very high rates of bipolar disorder. WE know that is genetically based. I believe that autism is genetically based too since the rates in families is much higher than we would suspect for non-familial reasons. We know there are autistic clusters in some areas that have a lot of tech people. I don't think it has anything to do with vaccinations. Definitely vaccines can cause problems. But those are rare and I am completely unconvinced about straight vaccine-autism causality.
  8. WE weren't poor but definitely made less money than many folks. While we had a car and did go on a vacation each year, it was usually to a state park cabin. We lived in an apartment and as time went on, less and less families like us did. But my father died and my mother had just started a job that paid a lot less then his. We did get Social Security and survivor's benefits but thngs were particularly hard when those didn't start for about four months after my dad's death. I was so completey worried and my mom went into a depression. It was a very bleak time. I didn't ask for new shoes although I needed them because I was very well aware that there was a problem with the checks. We moved after my ninth grade and went to live in another area. Again, we were living in an apartment. The only two of my friends who did live in apartments were daughters of widows just like me. So what did this deprivation mean to me- nothing like many of you are describing. Just the odd girl out feeling from living in an apartment and not being able to buy as nice a wardrobe as others. Only my oldest has ever lived in an apartment and that ended when he was three. My kids have much more nice lives than either of us did have growing up. BUt I had it much better than my dh. While my parents' and later my mom paid for things like Girl Scouts, swimming lessons, and tennis lessons, my dh wasn't even taken to the free library. I think he only learned to swim because of school. He never did a single sport or extra activity at all. It wasn't simply that they didn't have money because they did have some extra. But he was the fourth and last son and was born 15 years after the first. For some very strange reason, they just didn't care about him. They had done typical things with the first two but had almost completely given up by the time he was born.
  9. I am having a hard time with reading this. Is he a fugitive from the law? Do you have a lawsuit on him? I think it is one thing to forgive someone who is no longer doing the harm even if they are not sorry. BUt it completely different from forgiving one who is still doing harm. You and others are still very hurt financially. He is well -off, partially due to all of your stolen investments. I agree with the previous poster about a difference between revenge and complete forgiveness. I can see trying to not exact revenge because that is not only wrong but also harmful to the person doing the exacting. However, an unrepentant thief who is now living large is likely doing something devious to someone else. As Christians, we have an obligation to stop wrong doing. Even if you won't get much if any money back, I am sure you don't want his current victims to suffer anymore than they already have. As a criminologist in my previous life, I can tell you that fraud and deception crimes have incredibly high rates of recidivism particularly when no punishment occured. No forgiveness is not what is called for here, justice is and after that forgiveness.
  10. We had co-op this morning and I am going back soon to pick up my kids from 4H there. As soon as my 16yo gets home, she is going out to get supplies. I will be having an Odyssey of the Mind meeting at my house and wouldn't be able to get out till after 4. I am so scared of losing power. We didn't lost it in Dec. but I really don't want to lose it now. I already stocked up a lot for the Tuesday snow but we are almost out of milk again and I think she will buy some kiln dried wood just in case. Also water.
  11. Here is one big reason we didn't do CC. We are military. With oldest child, we were overseas and there was no CC. Also while he could have taken some classes at the base, he couldn't drive and it would have been very disruptive to the rest of us. Finally, we knew we were moving one year after he started college. THat would have meant he needed to change schools right after year 1. THe same thing is happening with second child. We will most likely move after her graduation. Where- we don't know. For how long- who knows. Same issue-she needs to go away to college to have some stability in her education. Third child- probably will be going into engineering or hard sciences. That is one area I think CC are particularly lacking in. So no CC for last one either even if dh is retired from military.
  12. I agree with Strider about the pseudo religious nature of this argument. I found verses in Isiah and in Psalms which talk about how the Lord knew us before we were born and how we are wonderfully made. Neither introverts nor extroverts have any special claim to holiness. We all sin and needs the saving power of Christ. Just realize she is talking nonsense and keep on going.
  13. I have to have an automatic since I have arthritis and it is in my feet. I do know how to drive a stick shift and picked it right back up again when I had to drive one in Europe while my automatic car was being fixed.
  14. My dh has an alcoholic brother. He takes a drink, he ends up drinking to excess. He has had a lot of problems as a result of his drinking- medical legal, jobwise, relationship wise. I don't know that he had any pattern of drinking- he just drank. Then there is my husband. He sometimes has a glass of wine or a beer with dinner. He sometimes has a glass when cooking. He sometimes has a drink in the evening while reading or watching a movie. He has been doing this our entire married life. As I said, he sometimes does these things. He doesn't get drunk, he doesn't drink and drive, and he doesn't drink every day. He has no compulsion about it at all. He likes to have a drink just like I like to have my chocolate. But I would say my chocolate seeking behavior is more akin to an addiction than his sometime having a beer or a glass of wine. With him, there is no downside at all. He has lately taken to drinking less frequently but only because he is trying to lose weight and wants less calories.
  15. I have arthritis. Swimming is one of the few exercises I am allowed to do. It is great exercise for arthritics because it isn't weight bearing. Other things I am allowed to do is walking, tai chi, yoga, low impact aerobics, gentle weight training, bike, etc. I cannot run, ski, jump, play tennis, and many other things.
  16. I think that I voted in this thread two years ago. Why is this resurrected?
  17. DD16 has a tv that can only be used with avideotape and she uses it for classes only. SHe also has a computer but that is for our convenience. SHe does work on it a lot since she types her papers and researches her briefs for debate. We didn't have any problems with her for all the years she was monitored and we haven't found any problems now either. I have a tv in my bedroom that gets some channels. We have cable tvs with DVRs in the living room and family room. Adult son has computer in his room. DD 13 gets to use a laptop at times but not at night. I know what games she plays. Everyone except my son tends to go to bed around 11pm. We eat late and they get up later too.
  18. DO you have her in Co-op or homeschool classes? That is what I would suggest. It is what keeps my social kid happy with homeschooling.
  19. We use DIVE CD's. THe lectures are probably about 20 minutes to 30 minutes but they aren't every day either.
  20. No. Don't come. In the December snow storm the MEtro shut down without much warning and people were shut. THe museums and attractions were closed. It is never a good idea to travel to anywhere where a major natural disaster is happening. THey aren't sure but while we may only get a sleet and ice storm (not fun in itself), we also may be getting a blizzard.
  21. Yes, I am so grateful that here in DC area they are plowing and sanding and will continue to do so with our next few storms too.
  22. Our Toyota Truck is older and was involved in a separate recall. I called on Monday, was seen half an hour later, and found that my truck didn't have any corrosion. WHile I love my Hyundai, I can see why it took them a bit of time to figure the problem out. COmpared to the Ford Pinto disaster, I am quite happy with Toyota's response.
  23. My dd has done DIVE CHemistry and is doing DIVE Biology. SHe really likes them and is learning well. We have BJU books for back-up. SHe does some labs by watching but does many by actually doing.
  24. I HATE SNOW. It doesn't help that dh is in Australia right now. I hope we get transferred to a warm place this summer. Snow makes my joints hurt.
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