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Everything posted by TravelingChris

  1. @ScoutTN It is a very sad anniversary., Hugs to you I didn't even know it was your school and church @TheReader I'm glad that you enjoyed the tournament. Hope your husband has recovered from the achy Muscles. Congrats to him Still to do Lots of Instacart shopping- home aide cleaners/organizers coming tomorrow and I supply all the cleaning and organizing stuff I also have to have a plan, call Verizon and get dh international plan Cancelations see if I can set up Medical alert system., Who kn0ws?
  2. I just chose Bayside Medical after hearing w/ dh"s concerns were and reading reviews in Consumer Reports.
  3. Dh wanted to watch coverage of this but as I was busy w other urgent matters. I only heard in passing that the ship apparently had an issue also in Antwerp. Belgium but don't know how recently.
  4. I do not have discalculia and am better at doing calculations in my head if I am not foggy than my dh, who is a PhD in physics, However, all my life, I have had problems w lett and right and also lesser and greater. I had zero problems understanding the concept of lesser and greater but I have an extremely low memory for directionality of random stuff, I also have difficulty w sewing patterns and blueprints but what is weird is that I have a superior sense of how to get places and I remember the way from childhood places on. I also don't have any problems reading maps. One of my dd"s, who is dyslexic, did have much bigger problems w/ innate learning how to drive to places at first. With age, she has improved a lot. But her husband, doesn’t remember anything about which direction to turn from our neighborhood for what and he has been here lots of times in the last five years or so, She has a computer science major but found that her great skill in the field is being a tester, not a programmer.
  5. I am very sorry, Tap. I know this weekend will be very hard for you, And loss of a pet and a daughter' at the same time is especially hard. I will be praying for you and please take good care of yourself.
  6. Most people here don't seem to know about weather/climate of the different parts of the US
  7. I am a community notes person on X. I will be doing volunteer work w this probably. I am not ananti- vaccer. Nor am I one who believes good food and exercise is what keeps you healthy- peole getvczncer, autoimunedoseases,etc even w eating. Only so- called healthy food an excersing. Which makes me think about the so called perfectly healthy teacher who ignored symptoms for a few days and then went to the ER. There they found she not only had double pneumonia but also sepsis. To save her life. They hadn't sacrifice her legs below their knees and arms below elbows. Only near the end of the article did it mention she had RA and was on immunosuppressive drug (s). The entire part about her being so healthy was untrue. Anti.vaccers were blaming Covid vaccine when it was her meds, underlying illness, and either her not following doctor's orders about treating any illness seriously when on those drugs or her doctor's fault for not telling her to get treatment immediately--- not wait until you can barely breathe. Last week I challenged a statement made by someone who was following RFKjr ( a known anti c all.vaccines) about how exercis and diet can cure both high blood pressure and diabetes. I said not type 1 diaber4s and not my labile hypertension either. And what that attitude leadsxtonis feeling superior to all of us who do have some sort of , or many, medical issues.
  8. And remember that TT is a Chinese (PRC) company and creating social discourse and generally making people do dumb stuff is all part of the partially Cold partially hot world wae we are in. Our world has changed so much since WWIi, But we still have Axis of evil countries doing all sorts of things on not only us but other allies of ours. I was reading a few weeks ago how the Russians have made fake news sites that can seem legit. They use mispellings, ,names that sound like something either a conservative or a liberal might think it is a new site for people like them. Which is very similar to what they were doing in 2016 election where they announced fake rallies on one topic or another and hoped peoplecwho supported a certain position would also have the con position people too and maybe there would be violence.
  9. Hot shower done Blood draw done and phlebotomist was very kind and let me sit in the non blood draw chair because I am in severe pain and other vhair was too high Off to breakfast out. Oh and yesterday we found out one member of our church.and a good acquaintance, 90 and still shsrp was murdered by a Porsche driver who drove into his car. On much happier bews, we found out that a couple from our church who died naturally recently and again acquaintances of ours donated slightly over 1 milliom to our great botanical garden.
  10. Good morning! Yesterday again was up and down. Started on man6 items but got even more to do. To do Call case manager - this has turned into a super hassle and possible giant happiness turnings into enormous waste of time and extreme disappointment Humana tricare rep told ne Accolade was back. Tried to use my password, re enroll, call them, and now emailing robots Brooks Home Health assessment att noon Call Army clinic and assess what is w INR mach8ne test strips and supplies- Did they write the prescription? Or Call Phillips directly Call another home health agency that concierge doctor recommended INR blood test at 8am medical supply company coming out at 10:30 to give temporary ramp estimate call their office about make and model of rollator Cancel subscriptio awaiting calls from two law places re new wills, and how to financially and legally handle my disability and my dh's sometime retirement Call local people who help disabled people and find out what i'm eligible for - go a call back and emailing her Figure out what medicines I need to get refilled before before australia trip Work charity donation text stuff for 2023 stared Take hot shower. Call dd2 and see if she can come over- She is in town for a allergist appointment Make an allergist or pulmonologist appointment. Keep up with all my meds We have tickets the opening of the Huntsville football club, Decide whether i'm going considering It will be raining Use my Walker outside all Day. when going out Since it will be raining.
  11. I don't have time to read other people's resbounces.But I want to tell you that if you had a tick bite, You may actually be having a delayed anaphylaxis Reaction. It would be a reaction to mammal products, And those reactions can happen twelve to twenty four hours later. I'm on heavy meds right now.So can't remember the name exactly but my son has this problem. And they used to think it was only one kind of tick that could carry it.However, they've now found the same problem.Some people in Europe and Asia too. Also, our family also has mast Issues which cause Us to sometimes have a reaction and other times not to have a reaction to items we are allergic to. Basically depends on the load of allergies that day. But. We do get anaphylaxis. And I found out from a doctor who should be getting a nobel price that mast tests are only reliable fifty percent of the time. Plus mast cell issues are linked to POTS and other disautonomias, Sjogren's, Lupus, high altitude issues, and strange osteoporosis or osteopenia too.
  12. I remember all of them and miss them. I I know that one of my daughters knows that I would like you'all to know When I pass away.
  13. yesterday was a good and bad day . I kept alternating between being happy and crying. I'm in a super bad flare and now it has affected my mouth. So I couldn't eat much of my salad that i dh and I made, I had to eat only a portion of pizza.The one part withoutomato sauce, And it's just getting worse and worse. Other bad stuff included AE service telling me that all the medicare as to standard., Tricare is a lot better but they don't want to do use it. The only kind of good news.I was really receiving.Were some bills that past and I got a few things done . I did get the hvac Tune up wet well, however, ever the electrical.Estimate guy who wanted to do an inspection went really badly. To do Call case manager Call more home Aid agencies Call call more home health agency Cancel subscriptions Who knows who about taxes stuff Relating to relating to my disabilities Call local people who help disabled people and find out what i'm eligible for Figure out what medicines I need to get refilled before before australia trip Work charity donation text stuff for 2023 Tele health appointment With my conscious doctor DH isn't home for lunch or dinner today?So figure that out Take hot shower. Keep taking my xanax because of my panicking Keep up with all my meds Play upbeat music to try and stop my sadness
  14. Good morning , it's sunny and cold out period. My back started spasming yesterday late afturn on and it's still doing it today.So I really have to be careful not to do things to make it spasm. Also, have a lot of calling to do.. But good things so far today. My husband found my second hearing aid. I made a tasty oameal for my breakfast al9ng w tasty yogurt. Finished watching Day 1 of 'So You Think You Can Dance' and the 2nd episode too. to do call PubliX Re delay in Enbrel delivery, what my Medrol new script says, and did I miss any med refills I missed during 8nsurance disaster Call TARCOG and get the email resent (Google mail seemed to be down for some time yesterday afternoon) Call vascular surgeon read when next appointment is Call homemade places after I receive the email Plan meals Research the Surgeon At UAB. That can do the Shoulder Surgery Try try to talk to youngest daughter Figure out what i'm doing with my hair. Coloring at home or going to my Best hairstylist or making do with Second best Call around and see about financing for home repair plus plus see if I can find a cheaper write credit card to switch.One some money we already have on another credit card Possibly do an instacart order for fresh market
  15. I already do home meal delivery at times. I know I need home aid even if they aren't mak8ng meals. I can't strip bed, change sheets, carry trash bags from house to my trash can right by my house, I need help sorting my overwhelming clothes piles of out of season, different size clothes, new clothes I bought,. You all have no idea how disabled I am- not visibly disabled lot of the time but I just did regular things like carry a trash bag weighing maybe 8 lbs, carrying a 8 lb gallon of water a very short distance and my back has been spasming like crazy. I can't see well at times. My immune system is attacking my muscles, nervous, joints, eyes, digestive system, exocrine system, and on and on. I actually need a full time helper for a while and then probably a part time one for the rest of my life. But we haven't won the lottery. And now need a nearly 5k repair to replace our 1989 water heater and water pressure piping system.
  16. I remember vegsource. And I do remember you yoo as your old name. Very grateful for SWB!!!! I am sure I did start in 1999 since I know I moved to New Mexico that year and I wasn't on it in our previous post. I had 1 just starting homeschool high school one in elementary school, and one who was 2 at that time. And my dh was traveling all the time.
  17. Yes, so have I. I know my name was Chris something - I lived in NM at that time. And I just thought of the Y2K conversation we had here thos last week. I don’t rememberall my names. I know I was TransientChris for quite a long time. Mwy have been SpaceCoasrtChris but O can't remember the one I had when I started here.
  18. I got a call from the nurse of the shoulder surgeon and got a name of a surgeon who does that kind of surgery at UAB=so l.5 hours away. That was while I was at Publix, getting my Enbrel, and getting some food including an already roasted chicken which we only at half of and can eat again for another dinner. I made the easy dinner of leftover peas, Garlic couscous which takes only 8 minutes with our new induction stove, and fresh multigrain Italian bread with butter. I had a green banana for dessert, I do not like yellow bananas.\ Quest diagnostics really quickly answered my message on X (that is the way to get companies to do what you want) and I have messaged them back with all the particulars of the claim so they do not have to bother me again=just refile. The lady from Tarcog called while I was getting into the car to get my walker fixed, retrieve prescription and go to Publix and get Enbrel and food. I gave her my email address and she was going to send me two different directories of both home aid services and another one which was a directory of all their services. I am having issues with gmail today like it is not loading so I will see in the morning if it is here. I am going to start getting ready to go to sleep- I didn't get enough last night.
  19. And some meds I have to get at different pharmacies because 1) Tricare doesn't cover so 1 med at compound pharmacy one city away, another is at a specialed mail order pharmacy. 2) I use 3 pharmacies in my own city which are fairly close by-- Publix for most, a local chain fir specialized blood thinning shots and lately also one of my bp meds because Publix started using a amall white pill that looked the same as other of my pills also they make my magic mouthwash for when i have mouthsores. I also use CVS because they make the least offensive nystatin rinse.4) I get free overvthr counter meds at the Army Clinic. Plus Ibmay go back to having my lidicaine pain patches come feom there if they don't havevthebinea made in Tenn which are much worse than the ones made un France. 5) Finally I nowchavevtobfig7re out which meds go to Tricare Express Scripts and which to their new specialty pharmacy partner Accredo. .
  20. Yes, I do have that. I have to use levalbuterol because albuterol began to really notcket me sleep so badly that I developed sleep psychosis several times. My allergist who also cares for asthma changed me to it and I can sleep w/it. But there are so many drug shortages. I worry about my dd2 who needs adhd meds for both adhd and a strange type of narcolepsy she has. Plus she inherited from my dh being super sensitive to medications, where we had to hunt forvygr cirrect generic because other ones caused awful side effects or didn't work at all. And while I was okay w my plaquenil during Covid, other lupus and Sjogren's patients weren't so lucky.
  21. Tried to get Advair Hfa since my ovrrall neuropathy includes my face too so I can't use the more commonly used round kind. Last year, the hospital I was in had none and I really needed and there was such a hassle getting it into the hospital. ( I was there slightly morec than 3 weeks). Today i needed it as fast as I could get it. None of the pharmacies carry it so I will get it tomorrow when Publix order will come. I have been rationing my Adderall and will be cheching on that too. My executive functioning has basically disappeared. Adderal helps w both.
  22. call all doctors, etc who weren't paid because of the insurance mess of last week Doctors all done. I messaged on X Quest Diagnostics because their stupid computer system billing phone out me on hold twice and hung up w/out me reaching any humans. Call case manager Not doing until Thursday at earlier since I have an telehealth appt w Concierge doctor on Wednesday afternoon Call my shoulder doctor's staff left message Call vascular surgeon re when my next appointment is tomorrow Start calling home aid staff Agencies Talked briefly with women at TARCOG- a local govt agency that helps disabled and seniors (I qualify as both since I am 62 now). She was in a meeting and will be calling back Call Tricare Express scripts regarding the Advair issue. My prescription expired in Oct. Then I stupidly took the inhaler out of the purple tubing, and in putting it back in, I got it stuck and nonusable. Got my concierge doctor to put in script to Publix and so I will get it tomorrow but in the meantime, I will probably have to use levalbuterol Get either allergy or pulmonology appointment or both tomorrow Make shopping list for publix and fresh market Pick up Enbrel at Publix Pick up medicine at Propst drugstore plus bring in my walker to see if they can fix it. One of the tightening bolts is broken Talk w dh about plumbing issues -plumber told me my water heater is from 1989 and is a time bomb. Also, we need to replace w old water pressure valves/ shut of valves since our water pressure is way too high- over 85 so our new kitchen plumbing isn't even on warranty right now since max is 80 and he normally sets it at 65. That all costs about 5k. And we also need 2 toilets replaced and one toilet tank reworked. I want the first part done before dh leaves for his long trip in early April. Last June, when he was on a business trip, the kitchen flood disaster happened and dd1 helped a lot w that. Now dd1 is about to have a baby do some financial stuff
  23. Good morning! I have a super busy day today. I am sure I won't get it all done. Done or ongoing finished preparing for plumber Took all morn8ng meds including Dupixent Plumber is here and just found out leaking water stream down our driveway is city problem. Dh used a online complaint service our city uses to report it to the city months ago and they took their time and replied it wasn't their fault. I will have the plumber write out how he tested that it wasn't our fault. Helping plumber as-needed To do and can't do most until plumber leaves call all doctors, etc who weren't paid because of the insurance mess up that I took care of last week. Call case manager Call my shoulder doctor's staff Call vascular surgeon re when my next appointment is Start calling home aid staff Agencies Call tricare express scripts re Advair issue Get either allergy or pulmonology appointment or both Make shopping list for publix and fresh market Pick up Enbrel at Publix Pick up medicine at Propst drugstore plus bring in my walker to see if they can fix it. One of the tightening bolts is broken Talk w dh about plumbing issues -plumber told me my water heater is from 1989 and is a time bomb. Also, we need to replace w old water pressure valves/ shut of valves s8nce our water pressure isxway too high- over 85 so our new kitchen plumbing isn't even on warranty right now since max is 80 and he normally sets it at 65. That all costs about 5k. And we also need 2 toilets replaced and one toilet tank reworked. I want the first part done before dh leaves for his long trip in early April. Last June, when he was on a business trip, the kitchen flood disaster happened and dd1 helped a lot w thar. Now dd1 is about to have a baby just did and it didn't go well. do some financial stuff
  24. Hi all, I have a super busy day today. I am sure I won't get it all done. to do Finish prepping for plumber Take meds including Duplixent Call all doctors etc, who weren't paid because of the insurance mess up that I took care of last week, Call case manager Call my shoulder doctor's staff Call vascular surgeon re when my next appointment is Start calling home aid staff Agencies Call tricare express scripts re Advair issue Get either allergy or pulmonology appointment or both Make shopping list for publix and fresh market Pick up my Enbrel at publix Pick up medison at propst drugstore Plus bring in my walker to see if they can fix it. One of the tightening Bolt is broken Deal with plumber Potentially deal with electrician
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