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why is my freezer door doing this? and how can I fix it??


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On our refridgerator/freezer, whenever someone closes the door to the fridge (unless it's very slowly and gently), the freezer door pops open and doesn't reshut on it's own (it used to do that...IF it opened it would shut again...but often it never even opened).  (freezer on top)


I have caught it opened (ever so slightly).  Why is it doing this and how can I fix the problem??  thanks.


Oh, I have checked to see if there is something sort off sticking out too far, cuasing this (that senerio has happened before here) and that isn't the issue. 



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Ours does that if there is stuff too close to the door. It's not necessarily obstructing it from closing, just within an inch or two of the door when closed. Rearranging things and pushing them back away from the door fixes the problem.


Just yesterday I came downstairs and found our freezer had been open all night due to this issue. Pushing a carton of ice cream back two inches fixed the problem. Ugh. And note that the carton wasn't touching the door at all.

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My door has done this for several years. It's almost like the magnet is failing and isn't strong enough any more. I keep telling the other household members to give a gentle push on BOTH doors after closing the fridge to make sure the freezer hasn't popped open. Apparently, that is too difficult for half the household *cough men cough* to remember and I keep finding the freezer door ajar.  :glare:


jrn, what does the vaseline do?

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I had a brand new refrigerator do this.  When I googled the problem I found that it has to do with the air pressure shifting from the fridge compartment to the freezer compartment and the air was pushing the freezer door open.


I'm going to try the vaseline trick.  Another thing we did was to level it so it tipped slightly towards the back.


I have a sign on the door to remind people to make sure both doors are closed.


It's been several months now - and its not as bad as it was when brand new.


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Is it self defrosting freezer? Sometimes the drain tubing becomes blocked and then it doesn't have proper negative pressure inside the freezer.


ETA: Oops, DH just informed me that when the blocked drain tube happened the door wouldn't open...not that it wouldn't stay closed. Sorry for the mistake.

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We had this issue with the freezer in our garage a few years back. If someone let the fridge door slam or "fall/bang" shut, then the freezer would pop open a bit. If no one noticed, there was a melting mess. After this happened twice, my DH screwed a metal lock to the side of the freezer to keep it shut. Worked like a charm...though I still find myself explaining to guests who notice the lock. I'll try to upload a picture.

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Well, I'll try the vaseline tomorrow. Luckily, I have some here.


I will look to see if the fridge/freezer can be tilted back any (it's in the garage, so it should be easy enough to do).


A sign won't work--- it's the males in the house who need the reminder and they won't even notice the sign. Sigh.


I thought about a freezer alarm, but it's in the garage and I would bet that I am the only one who would hear it.


Coffeemama, is it a lock with the latch, and when you flip it closed, you turn a little thingy and you could add a padlock to if you wanted to? I wonder if that would help us. Hhmm....


I am *determined* to stop this.


OP, thanks for posting--- it seems as if there are MANY of us in the same boat! I just never thought to ask for a remedy....


Since we are on the topic of fridge/freezers, can anyone explain why my side-by-side will sometimes close so tight that only a testosterone-fuled male can open a door? They both seal up so tight that it takes brute force to get one of them open!  :huh:  :lol:

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Since we are on the topic of fridge/freezers, can anyone explain why my side-by-side will sometimes close so tight that only a testosterone-fuled male can open a door? They both seal up so tight that it takes brute force to get one of them open!  :huh:  :lol:


Our folks' refrig is like this.  The only way I can open it (for example) is to PULL the refrig door handle with all my fingers, while PUSHING the freezer door handle with my thumb, using leverage.  There seems to be suction--and I'm just now realizing the OPPOSITE problem of the OP.  :)

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Our folks' refrig is like this.  The only way I can open it (for example) is to PULL the refrig door handle with all my fingers, while PUSHING the freezer door handle with my thumb, using leverage.  There seems to be suction--and I'm just now realizing the OPPOSITE problem of the OP.  :)


That's it exactly. It happened again tonight. Dd opened the freezer to check on some popsicles she was freezing, closed the door, then went to open the fridge. It had sucked shut tightly. She's a tinly little thing and was pulling/pushing with all her might and her feet slid toward the fridge. She finally got it (with much giggling), but it was funny to watch.


I still haven't tried the vaseline trick or tipping the fridge/freezer that pops open. I will do that tomorrow (I got sidetracked by ds coming home from college for the weekend).

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Be sure to raise the front of the fridge slightly using the adjustable feet too. Its supposed to be at a slight angle anyway so the doors close on their own from the open position. Often people get a new fridge or move, or move it to clean it and forget to adjust it properly.

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We bought a new upright freezer about 2 years ago.  It has a feature that pulls/suctions the door closed when we close it.  You can't open the door when it is doing it's thing.  You can open about a minute or two later as it doens't stay suctioned closed. 


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  • 7 years later...

My side by side freezer door would not shut completely for a month, now after doing NOTHING, it's shutting tight!  Literally nothing, changed and now overnight it is shutting tight!  I have already ordered a new refrigerator, what is happening??

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Hopefully this helps someone - I’ve had the same issue for a week or so - my freezer door kept popping open every time I shut the refrigerator door. This is a Whirlpool side-by-side. There is a screw at the base of the freezer door (bottom left hand side) that was loose. When the door opens and shuts, it raises and lowers, and when it is shut, it’s at its lowest point. This screw was so loose that it was raised up high enough that the freezer door rested on it and the screw prevented it from lowering completely - this was just enough pressure to make the door pop open with a change in pressure or a slight jar.

Hopefully this helps someone else - it ended several days of frustration for me.

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