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Bacterial sepsis - just got back home from hospital

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My 5 year old son woke up Wednesday morning terribly sick. He told me his head and back hurt. When I touched him, he was hot. His temp was 105.4. I took hiim into the ER. They treated him with IV meds, did a chest x-ray, and drew blood cultures. They decided it was a sickle cell complication and sent us home.


As the afternoon progressed, my son became more lethargic and his temp stopped responding to Motrin and Tylenol. I couldn't get him below 105.2, and it became difficult to wake him. We returned to the ER where they did an emergency head CT and a spinal tap. His blood pressure was falling and some of the bloodwork was concerning. They managed to stabilize him enough to admit him to the regular hem/onc floor instead of the ICU.


It was a scary couple of days. We came home yesterday afternoon. He still doesn't feel great. We have to return to the hospital for labs tomorrow because they want to be sure his hemeglobin has not continued to drop.


I am happy to be home but still very sleepy from this week.

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Cathy, I'm so sorry that you had to go through this. The same thing happened to my son when he was about 3. My husband was out of town at the time and my daughter was a year old, so it was quite difficult to go through all those tests alone. My poor boy was traumatized after all the testing and freaked out when he went to get check-ups for about a year afterwards. He went home on antibiotics so strong they didn't even stock enough to give him the whole course at one time. The pharmacist said, "Wow, your son must be really sick if they're giving him this!" His doctors told me he would have probably died by the next morning if I hadn't taken him to the ER when I did. I'm glad that you have him home for Mother's Day!



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We managed to stay out of the ER today, but my ds is not feeling well. He has been complaining of his head, leg, hip, and back hurting. He spent most of the day resting on the couch. I spent most of the day trying to get him to drink and giving him meds to keep him comfortable. He didn't have a fever though, so that's good. I think it is sickle cell pain.


We go back to the hospital for labs tomorrow if he is feeling well and a full re-check if he is still like he was today. I am hoping he will sleep peacefully through the nighht and wake feeling well.


I think I need a good night's rest too!


Thanks for the encouragement, and Happy Mother's Day!

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We managed to stay out of the ER today, but my ds is not feeling well. He has been complaining of his head, leg, hip, and back hurting. He spent most of the day resting on the couch. I spent most of the day trying to get him to drink and giving him meds to keep him comfortable. He didn't have a fever though, so that's good. I think it is sickle cell pain.


We go back to the hospital for labs tomorrow if he is feeling well and a full re-check if he is still like he was today. I am hoping he will sleep peacefully through the nighht and wake feeling well.


I think I need a good night's rest too!


Thanks for the encouragement, and Happy Mother's Day!




Happy Mother's Day to you!!


I sure hope your little guy is feeling much better tomorrow.



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Thanks for all the prayers and well wishes. My son is much better. He has been playing outside in the yard today and acting like a 5 year old boy! It is very refreshing. We will enjoy the rest of the week. On Monday we head into the hospital for a blood transfusion in preparation for a brain MRI on Wednesday. It will be a week packed with specialists for him and the baby. For now we are home, and enjoying it.

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