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Vegemite question

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How do you eat it? I know it a lot of people like it on toast, but do you put butter or anything else on it? How much do you put on? Do you have a drink that normally goes with it like a peanut butter is eaten with milk as a drink?


I will soon be teaching a co-op class on Australia, and wanted to be sure to get the snack correct. :001_smile:



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How do you eat it? I know it a lot of people like it on toast, but do you put butter or anything else on it? How much do you put on? Do you have a drink that normally goes with it like a peanut butter is eaten with milk as a drink?


I will soon be teaching a co-op class on Australia, and wanted to be sure to get the snack correct. :001_smile:




With a little butter on toast is the way I like it. If you are not used to Vegemite you should think about using a little more butter and spreading the Vegemite very sparingly.


It has a strong taste (and smell) that I love, but that can really put-off someone unaccustomed to to it, so go "light" (very light). As in as almost as little as you can possibly spread it. And slowly build up.


If you get "hooked" you'll never let it go.


Bill (who has a slight preference for Marmite, but DO NOT let the Australians hear about that :tongue_smilie:)

Edited by Spy Car
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It's a very thick brown gunk that was originally a waste-product of ale making (the dregs scraped off the bottom), and is comprised mostly of yeast.


It has a strong funky yeasty (sewer-ish) smell and a similar salty taste. Mmmmm!


Have you ever bitten into a vitamin pill and you get that "bitter" bite? These's a good bit of that flavor in there too. It is loaded with vitamins.


It tastes better (or worse, depending who you ask) than I'm making it sound.



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Use it sparingly! It's an acquired taste, and if you haven't acquired it, it's awful!


When I discovered that the sandwich they gave me on an Air New Zealand flight was tainted with vegemite, I started crying. (I was also really tired and jetlagged, but still...)

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It's a very thick brown gunk that was originally a waste-product of ale making (the dregs scraped off the bottom), and is comprised mostly of yeast.


It has a strong funky yeasty (sewer-ish) smell and a similar salty taste. Mmmmm!


Have you even bit into a vitamin pill and you get that "bitter" bite? These's a good bit of that flavor in there too. It is loaded with vitamins.


It tastes better (or worse, depending who you ask) than I'm making it sound.




I've always referred to it as yeast puke. ;)

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It's a very thick brown gunk that was originally a waste-product of ale making (the dregs scraped off the bottom), and is comprised mostly of yeast.


It has a strong funky yeasty (sewer-ish) smell and a similar salty taste. Mmmmm!


Have you even bit into a vitamin pill and you get that "bitter" bite? These's a good bit of that flavor in there too. It is loaded with vitamins.


It tastes better (or worse, depending who you ask) than I'm making it sound.




You can have my share. :001_smile:

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We LOVE it and it has been a staple in our pantry for years!


( we can thankfully buy it in the local shop here - sure, its about 6 x's the price..but worth it!)


None of us like too much vegemite on our toast ( or crackers), so we tend to spread butter on the toast 1st, and then apply, what we call a "smidge" of vegemite across the top ( a fine layer).


Mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm- delicious.

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We LOVE it and it has been a staple in our pantry for years!


( we can thankfully buy it in the local shop here - sure, its about 6 x's the price..but worth it!)


None of us like too much vegemite on our toast ( or crackers), so we tend to spread butter on the toast 1st, and then apply, what we call a "smidge" of vegemite across the top ( a fine layer).


Mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm- delicious.


I just ran out a few days ago, but we had some Marmite made under license in Sri Lanka that was not bad at all. More than acceptable!



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It's a very thick brown gunk that was originally a waste-product of ale making (the dregs scraped off the bottom), and is comprised mostly of yeast.


It has a strong funky yeasty (sewer-ish) smell and a similar salty taste. Mmmmm!


Have you even bit into a vitamin pill and you get that "bitter" bite? These's a good bit of that flavor in there too. It is loaded with vitamins.


It tastes better (or worse, depending who you ask) than I'm making it sound.




Wow, Bill! You make it sound absolutely disgusting, but being a good Aussie girl, I grew up eating vegemite and love it. I've never heard all that info about it originating as a waste-product of ale making etc, and perhaps it was safer not to know. :001_huh:


So, I love it on fresh buttered bread the best, or made into vegemite sandwiches. It's also nice on hot buttered toast or even on dry crackers that are buttered first (like Saladas etc. Sorry, don't know what your brands are.) Vegemite toast and coffee makes a great breakfast.


When I was a girl, my mum used to sometimes dissolve a spoonful of it in hot water and we would drink it. Hmm, well, I probably wouldn't highly recommend that one, unless you REALLY LOVE the flavor.


As for the smell......I can only say it smells goooood....... :)

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Wow, Bill! You make it sound absolutely disgusting, but being a good Aussie girl, I grew up eating vegemite and love it. I've never heard all that info about it originating as a waste-product of ale making etc, and perhaps it was safer not to know. :001_huh:


So, I love it on fresh buttered bread the best, or made into vegemite sandwiches. It's also nice on hot buttered toast or even on dry crackers that are buttered first (like Saladas etc. Sorry, don't know what your brands are.) Vegemite toast and coffee makes a great breakfast.


When I was a girl, my mum used to sometimes dissolve a spoonful of it in hot water and we would drink it. Hmm, well, I probably wouldn't highly recommend that one, unless you REALLY LOVE the flavor.


As for the smell......I can only say it smells goooood....... :)


And here I thought being a waste-product of ale-making was its most appealing feature :lol:


I like it so well that when the jar is "empty" and there is still that last sticky goo clinging on that you can't quite scrape off with a spoon, I'll pour in hot water, cap it, shake vigorously and make a...what would you call it? Tea? No. Soup? No. I can't quite come up with the word for it.



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I like it so well that when the jar is "empty" and there is still that last sticky goo clinging on that you can't quite scrape off with a spoon, I'll pour in hot water, cap it, shake vigorously and make a...what would you call it? Tea? No. Soup? No. I can't quite come up with the word for it.




Vegemite broth!!!! That's what we called it (yes, creative, I know!) It's kind of a cousin of Bonox. (Do you have Bonox?)

Edited by LindaOz
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We LOVE vegemite at our house. Being an Aussie I too have grown up on it. Incidently i did know it was a 'bi-product' of beer fermentation.


We eat it with butter on toast, in a sandwich, LOVE it on a fresh crusty roll. We also use it in soups and casseroles instead of a stock cube. Sometimes we do toasted cheese and vegemite sandwiches. I will also make pin wheels, use 1 sheet of puff pastry spread with vegemite, top with cheese, roll up the cut into rounds and bake. My kids love these.


I have also eaten it with butter on crackers, weet bix & sao biscuits.


My Grandad was one to dissolve and drink it link Bonox.


When first trying it either use it sparingly or try to balance it with cheese or butter. The creamy dairy will take some of the bite out of the vegemite.

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Vegemite broth!!!! That's what we called it (yes, creative, I know!) It's kind of a cousin of Bonox. (Do you have Bonox?)


Bonox can be had* (but not easily).


Bovril is somewhat more common but from what I understand Bovril no longer contains beef???


*here in Los Angeles

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Well you all drove me to break into the my near-empty jar of Marmite, and I'm now enjoying a nice cup of "broth". Delicious!


The good news is tommorow I have to run errands right next to a shop where I can re-supply. And re-supply I will :D

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Bonox? Bovril? Marmite? *Off to google*


Here's a recipe from the "official" Marmite web-site (I kid you not!)


Marmite and Cheese Nightmare


Take a couple of slices of old bread and spread with butter.

On one of the slices spread your Marmite on top of the butter (we'd recommend 4g, or about the end of a knife).

Now attempt to mask the flavour with your favourite dead animal, scavenged from the side of the road (e.g hedgehog, cat etc).

Finish off with some rotten salad vegetables and close this vile concoction with the other slice of bread.


They are playing with the "love it or hate" sentiments Marmite and Vegemite (which are quite similar) provoke.



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OK, I finished my broth and now I have incredibly bad-breath.


And I should not have run my finger around the inside of the jar, as my keyboard is getting sticky (despite having sucked a good while on my finger and then scrubbed it vigorously with the rough side of a scrubbing sponge), and I can't get the smell off my finger (or the keyboard).


Good thing I like that smell :D


Yikes! It's on both hands :tongue_smilie:

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My favourite is to spread cold butter onto a really seriously whole grain cracker. Then spread a tiny amount (just the tip of the knife dipped in it) of Vegemite/Marmite on top.


Laura (who finds the idea of peanut butter and jelly stomach-turning)

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Well you all drove me to break into the my near-empty jar of Marmite, and I'm now enjoying a nice cup of "broth". Delicious!


The good news is tommorow I have to run errands right next to a shop where I can re-supply. And re-supply I will :D


Great to see that we have introduced a new taste sensation into your life under the title of 'broth' although I can't, for the life of me, understand how you can equate Vegemite :) with Marmite:confused:




Marmite smell on your keyboard keys? That can't be good. Now if it were Vegemite that would be totally acceptable ;)

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Great to see that we have introduced a new taste sensation into your life under the title of 'broth' although I can't, for the life of me, understand how you can equate Vegemite :) with Marmite:confused:




Marmite smell on your keyboard keys? That can't be good. Now if it were Vegemite that would be totally acceptable ;)


American readers will be going *huh*??? :lol:


Laura (at least) was diplomatic enough to write "Vegemite/Marmite" (unlike myself :tongue_smilie:).

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Great to see that we have introduced a new taste sensation into your life under the title of 'broth' although I can't, for the life of me, understand how you can equate Vegemite :) with Marmite:confused:




Marmite smell on your keyboard keys? That can't be good. Now if it were Vegemite that would be totally acceptable ;)



I'm with ya, Mate. Vegemite is great stuff, Marmite is foul!



Rosie- remembering that childish glee you get from making worms by squishing butter and Vegemite out through the Salada holes. Heheh.

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I'm with ya, Mate. Vegemite is great stuff, Marmite is foul!



Rosie- remembering that childish glee you get from making worms by squishing butter and Vegemite out through the Salada holes. Heheh.


Let's say for some inexplicable reason you needed to get the smell of Vegemite off your fingers, do you all have a trick for doing it?


Help a brother out :tongue_smilie:

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I thought of a way to describe Vegemite/Marmite to Americans who've never tried it.


For the taste: Imagine anchovies that were made out of yeast instead of fish.


For the consistency: Imagine motor oil from a ten year old automobile that had never been in for service.


For the smell: I wish I could get it off my hands :lol:

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I'm with ya, Mate. Vegemite is great stuff, Marmite is foul!



Rosie- remembering that childish glee you get from making worms by squishing butter and Vegemite out through the Salada holes. Heheh.


Oh, yes, Rosie. You've just reminded of the vegemite-and-butter-worms-through-Salada-holes trick. :) You know, I tried to show that to my kids and it just didn't take off. What's wrong with this generation? :001_huh:

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Let's say for some inexplicable reason you needed to get the smell of Vegemite off your fingers, do you all have a trick for doing it?


Help a brother out :tongue_smilie:


Um, well, I'm a bit stumped. I guess it will eventually wear off...;) If not, well at least it will serve to remind you that you definitely need a trip to the store to buy your next jar of Vegemite.


Is it readily available to you? Or do only certain stores carry it? Over here, it's like one of the supermarket staples; right up there with bread and milk. :D

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:rofl: You people are funny.

I must agree with Linda and Rosie. Vegemite is yum and Marmite is puke. It's a simple equation.


As to how to enjoy it.

When I was a child we ate it on white bread with cheese. Mmmmmm

Or on dry weetbix with butter. Mmmmmmm (Because KIWI Kids are Weetbix kids folks. That's KIWI Kids. That is all)


Now I'm all grown up (and gluten free boo hoo so have to put up with sub-standard Mighty Mite)

I like to eat it on hot buttered toast. Mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm

Or alternatively on hot toast topped off with cream cheese. Mmmmmm

It's also very tasty on a corn thin topped with avocado.


And of course then there are mouse traps:

Get bread. Put a thin (very thin) layer of vegemite on it.

Top with cheese.

Put in a low oven until everything dries out and goes crispy. My first baby grew up on mouse traps (when his Mum stopped eating them long enough to let him get one) the others were not able to eat dairy so they missed the joy :(

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Rosie- remembering that childish glee you get from making worms by squishing butter and Vegemite out through the Salada holes. Heheh.


Oh no, it was Vita Wheats where I grew up, not Saladas! (although I like Saladas too!)


I grew up on both Vegemite and Bovril (English Dad). Vegemite is a staple of our diet. When you crave something salty with a strong flavour- rather than something sweet- butter and vegemite on toast or cracker can really hit the spot.

Like Laura, peanut butter and jelly is just gross.


I wish I could get real Bovril nowadays- with the beef extract- it must have been pretty healthy and a good source of iron. We used to use Bovril on toast just like Vegimite- never liked it as a beef stock/drink although I might nowadays. But I think it was mad cows disease that caused the change to all vegetarian ingredients. I tried it once but it just doesnt have the same appeal.

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Y'know, my mother gave me PROMITE sandwiches for lunch one day. I thought she was trying to kill me!


*There is no way to hurry the smell of Vegemite off your fingers, but this is not a problem because it is a tasty smell.


*The Kiwis are welcome to claim the Weetbix Kids title if they so desire. Weetbix are utterly disgusting and anyone advocating the necessity of microwaving said bog bricks will find themselves dangerously close to making my "ignore" list!





(My dad used to do that, and we'd open the lounge room door in the morning and get hit with the smell which takes HOURS to disappear! Talk about Puke!)

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