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I need a 30 minute exercise DVD

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I have only 30 minutes to fit in exercise right now. I am 20 lbs overweight and not fit but active and can handle a decent workout.


If I'm going to do this I need to feel like I actually accomplished something in that 30 minutes. Something like 30 minutes of walk away the pounds doesn't really feel like much exercise to me. I know some people love it.


So, what DVD will kick my butt in 30 minutes? I need to be sweating the majority of the time. Not warming up and cooling down for half of it.


I hope to work in some longer walks and longer workouts when we break for summer but right now 30 minutes is it.




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I have only 30 minutes to fit in exercise right now. I am 20 lbs overweight and not fit but active and can handle a decent workout.


If I'm going to do this I need to feel like I actually accomplished something in that 30 minutes. Something like 30 minutes of walk away the pounds doesn't really feel like much exercise to me. I know some people love it.


So, what DVD will kick my butt in 30 minutes? I need to be sweating the majority of the time. Not warming up and cooling down for half of it.


I hope to work in some longer walks and longer workouts when we break for summer but right now 30 minutes is it.





I've used the Slim in 6 series from BeachBody. You order online or wait until you see an advertisement on tv. There are 3 dvd's that progressively get more intense and longer, too. The first one is 20 minutes and the second one is 48 minutes I think. The last one is 58 minutes. I still use them, but I only do half of the video. There's a cardio part and strength part. I do the cardio part and then stop it. Sometimes I go back later in the day and finish it. It makes it easier to get the whole workout in when I half it up that way. It's actually enough for me because they can be pretty intense for me right now. So, it works out to 30 minutes or so when I do it that way. BeachBody has good products imo. I have the 10 Minute Trainer, but it suggests you do 2 or 3 per day. I did it for a little while and just 10 minutes had me panting, so it would work in short spurts like that. I also have a Jillian Michael's Cardio Burn, I think. I can't remember the exact name. Again, I just do what I can and last 30 minutes or longer and it gives me a major workout! It suggest you do what you can, but it's a 58 min. workout total that is broken into segments. I know you mentioned that walk away the pounds doesn't give you a good enough workout. I have Walk/Jog and I get a workout. So, you might try one of hers that includes jogging. The one I have is only 30 minutes. My suggestion is if you don't find one that gives you a good 30 min. workout, then just half up the longer ones that are intense. Just an idea to get some exercise going. That was hard for me at first because I'm a "completer" and felt like a loser, but I let that go and realized I was being active and would be consistent and it's paid off. I've lost 13 pounds, so it works doing it that way too. I have many more to go, though, and plan to stick to this same plan. Good luck!

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Jillian Michaels 30 day Shred is good and short.


Do you have a Wii?

My Fitness Coach adjusts to the level you need it and you can set it for any time with 15min increments.

Wii Fit with just strength and cardio would work.


Could could just do some really hard exercises like burpees (



Did you look at SparkPeople? They have video workouts already compiled. You could see if one (or several) are to your liking.


Hope some of this helps :)

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Jillian Michaels 30 day Shred is good and short.


Do you have a Wii?

My Fitness Coach adjusts to the level you need it and you can set it for any time with 15min increments.

Wii Fit with just strength and cardio would work.


Could could just do some really hard exercises like burpees (



Did you look at SparkPeople? They have video workouts already compiled. You could see if one (or several) are to your liking.


Hope some of this helps :)


A friend offered me the opportunity to borrow the 30-day Shred, but after doing some reading of reviews online, I told her not to send it just now. It sounds like there is a fair amount of jumping in that video and I'm concerned about my lower back which has been "irritable" off and on for a couple years now. Do you own the video so that you could speak to that aspect of it?


I just took a look at the Sparkpeople videos and I'm intrigued. I like that there are lots of options there, and that they are FREE. I noticed that many of the "bootcamp" videos are only 6-10 minutes long. I'm surprised by this and wonder if most people combine them with some other form of workout, or if they combine days. An article I read recently indicates that breaking up exercise into 10 minute intervals throughout the day isn't a bad thing at all, but ONLY 10 minutes? What am I missing?

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Jillian will kick your butt but if you try it and realize it's too much then you might want to give Leslie Sansone's Walk Fit a second look ;) I know it doesn't seem like much but these tapes are what made me lose my last 10-15lbs of baby weight with my last 2 kids. It only took maybe 6 wks of doing them 4-5x per week too. There are many different "speeds" of these walks so not all are low key.

You'll be sweating at the end, trust me.

Just wanted to throw that out there even though you think they may not be rigorous enough :)

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The 30 day shred is on my Cable On Demand right now so I'm going to give that a try. I wil also look at the Leslie Sansone dvds again- maybe the particular one I had wasn't for me.


Jillian Michaels is probably more the personality I want to work out with than Leslie Sansone...that probably has as much to do with my feelings about her dvds as anything :)




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Another vote for Slim in 6. I love this series and they also have an express version now with 30 min. workouts. Really, anything by the Beachbody company has been good that I've tried. There are some older Tony Horton ones that are good(I haven't had the guts to try his P90 series).

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My suggestion may not be what you are looking for, but I will throw it out there anyway.

The Lotte Berk Method videos are about 30 minutes and focus on strengthening and lengthening the muscles. I don't know if you are doing any type of toning, but if you are looking for that then these videos would be great.

Just throwing out another option. :)

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That was just what I was looking for. It was hard but I could do it. 20 minutes later I'm really wiped (in a good way). Wow!! That was an intense yet doable quick workout. I like Jillian's style, too.


Of course, the perfectionist in me doubts that I will see results with such a short workout...


Thanks. I'm going to look for some of the other ones too. I know my On Demand Cable has some of Bob's Biggest Loser ones and I'll look for that Walk Fit.



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My favorites are already mostly mentioned.


30 Day Shred is tough and only 20 minutes long. She manages to get quite a workout into that 20 minutes though.


I have Slim-in-6, but all the lunges were aggravating my knee. If your knees are good, this is a good one.


Power90 is a great program as well, and I love Tony. He's a good instructor, IMO.


I also really like Windsor Pilates videos, most of them are under 30 minutes.

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