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Dh has left.

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It was less emotional than I thought it would be, but it really hasn't sunk in yet. I keep saying we will see him in 3 weeks, but my 16yo won't see him until probably July. Then we are moving.


I know a lot of families are separated on a more regular basis for longer periods of time, but the longest we have ever been apart was 10 days for a guerilla warfare exercise in 1999!

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It was less emotional than I thought it would be, but it really hasn't sunk in yet. I keep saying we will see him in 3 weeks, but my 16yo won't see him until probably July. Then we are moving.


I know a lot of families are separated on a more regular basis for longer periods of time, but the longest we have ever been apart was 10 days for a guerilla warfare exercise in 1999!


Is this a military thing?


It doesn't really matter, I'm just curious.


So here is what you do:


1. Go to Netflix and order the movie you have been wanting to watch but you know your husband would hate it.


2. Plan a few meals that you like, but your husband doesn't care for. Do a cheese and bread and yogurt meal if you like. Cereal night?


3. Plan a crazy event for the kids in the evening- Pile on the master bed for a read-aloud marathon one evening.


Make it fun, make it different. Take pictures to show him.


And give yourself an imaginary badge on your imaginary mom-sash for everything you accomplish that you never thought you could!


You can do this!



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I hope it goes quickly for you. I know it's tough. I have been there and it is really hard especially when you have so many children. When my dh is gone I try super hard to keep super busy like baking with the kids, sewing, crafts, etc. Things I don't normally do when he is here!! Well, at least I don't do as much. Hang out here on the forums too, there seems to be somebody around most of the time.:grouphug:

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When I first read your subject line, I thought, "Oh no!" But, now I understand what's happening.


I can't imagine the difficulty of being separated for an extended period of time, but I hope and pray that it goes well for your and your children. I hope the time passes quickly, and that you get all of the practical help that you need with the kids and stuff around the house.


I second the suggestions to have cereal for dinner, or give yourself permission to have meals of cheese and crackers, or watch your favorite movies, etc.


Many :grouphug: Drama Queen! It's good to see you back on the boards again!

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It was less emotional than I thought it would be, but it really hasn't sunk in yet. I keep saying we will see him in 3 weeks, but my 16yo won't see him until probably July. Then we are moving.


I know a lot of families are separated on a more regular basis for longer periods of time, but the longest we have ever been apart was 10 days for a guerilla warfare exercise in 1999!


Just because other people have been separated for longer doesn't make this any easier on your family. It is okay to be sad, especially today. Just don't wallow in it for the next 3 weeks. :grouphug: I am on these boards WAY more than I would be if dh was home. I find them to be a wonderful distraction. If you need anything, just let us know.

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her dh had to take a job in Florida which is away from his family.



Oh phooey. That is different. And now I recall some of the recent posts discussing this.


I'm impressed with your husband's willingness to do what it takes to care for your family. And I'm impressed that you are holding down the fort and keeping the home fires burning. I will pray for you, the family, and your husband.


I recently read an interview with an elderly woman who was a child during the depression. She talked about how living during hardships shaped her character for the better. Perseverence builds character. You can do this and thrive. I can tell you are a strong woman! It may not seem like it yet, and you will have those days, but your kids are learning a great principle.





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We have done this more than once for a month...sometimes 2. It sucks, but we made it through and you all will too! :)


Of course we'll make it through. I am just not used to being a single parent to 7! Well, 6 mostly as my teen isn't here during the week right now.


The first time apart is 3 weeks - we're headed down there on May21st.


The second time will be 5 weeks.


Nine weeks from now we will move. That means that I have a lot of packing and home maintenance/repair projects to do in a short amount of time. When he comes up, it will be to turn around and haul a trailer back down, so I have to be ready to go before he gets here.


I imagine at the start of week 9 I'll be wishing I had a few more weeks!:lol:

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Get some good books, some movies, some interests,etc. Plan some nice times for you and your kids, nothing fancy necessary but something different or something that you normally do aroudn this time of year but would think you won;t since dh is gone.


I am having to readjust to dh being gone a lot too. My dh is traveling so much that I am now trying to figure out food buying strategies. My dh has lately been gone most weekdays. And he is not just gone- he goes to great steakhouses, fancy receptions, stays at very nice hotels or lodgings, etc. I have to keep reminding myself that he is working the entire time, he is getting very tired with these continuous trips and he misses his home and his freetime greatly. (My dh is an assistant to a 3 star equivalent and travels with him and his boss likes to eat well when he travels. Dh would normally be eating much less extravagently when he travels.

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Ours is coming too. DH will leave June 7 for six months military training. He will be stateside, so not deployed. But he will be GONE. And I will be HERE with a just turned 4-year-old, 2-year-old, and 13 weeks pregnant with number 3. The good news is I won't have much time to miss him emotionally, but the bad news is I don't know if I will be able to keep my sanity.


Hang in there.



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Ours is coming too. DH will leave June 7 for six months military training. He will be stateside, so not deployed. But he will be GONE. And I will be HERE with a just turned 4-year-old, 2-year-old, and 13 weeks pregnant with number 3. The good news is I won't have much time to miss him emotionally, but the bad news is I don't know if I will be able to keep my sanity.


Hang in there.




I am so sorry. I don't know how military wives do it. We were blessed when he was in the Army and never had any long-term separations.

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He's there! He even stopped by his new job site to take a look around. Met the employee working who told him that one of the guys who works days (my cousin) told him what a great guy dh is!




He's going to start playing around with the computer system tomorrow and he actually starts work Monday AM.

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