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I feel like an idiot (swine flu/pediatrician)

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I just called my pediatrician to cancel my dc's well-child visit today. I told them we were worried about visiting a dr right now with well children under the circumstances. There are three "suspected" cases in two surrounding counties, nothing confirmed, nothing in our county (we're in upstate NY.) Since it's a double appt. though, they said they'd have to charge. So we're going to go. (We did not do a well-child visit last year. Dd has newly developed asthma which we need to have addressed asap.)


We've always used this pediatrician, and knew her from our old church. She is a great doc: Christian (will NOT be handing out bc pills to my dd when she's a teen!), very pro-homeschooling. We just love her. Plus she takes a VERY laid back approach, which I like-it has helped me have confidence as a mom to not freak out at every little thing. But in this case, the fact that she's laid back makes me feel like I look like a paranoid idiot!


My pediatrician's office is usually completely empty during a school day like this anyway, so I'm trying not to worry. But dh said people will be bringing their kids in right now for every sniffle. I'll just lube us up with sanitizer and keep them on my lap!


Please reassure me that I do not look like a complete jerk! I put it in such a way like would it inconvenience you if we cancelled due to our concerns...blah, blah. Then she said about the charging (which I totally understand), so I said okay we'll come (per dh's instructions.)

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Truthfully, I would be annoyed that they said they would charge you for the visit if you canceled your appointment, as it would seem prudent for healthy kids to stay out of doctor's offices right now, and a child with asthma would seem to be at higher risk for flu complications than many other kids would be.


I wouldn't go to the appointment, and would demand to speak with the doctor about being charged for the appointment.


You are regular patients, and should not be treated this way.




Edited to add: Does this doctor have separate waiting rooms and examining rooms for the well-child visits? If they do, I might be better able to understand their position -- although the doctor and nurses may have already been exposed to the flu, I would hope that they are taking every possible precaution.

Edited by Catwoman
forgot something!
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Truthfully, I would be annoyed that they said they would charge you for the visit if you canceled your appointment, as it would seem prudent for healthy kids to stay out of doctor's offices right now, and a child with asthma would seem to be at higher risk for flu complications than many other kids would be.


I wouldn't go to the appointment, and would demand to speak with the doctor about being charged for the appointment.


You are regular patients, and should not be treated this way.




Edited to add: Does this doctor have separate waiting rooms and examining rooms for the well-child visits? If they do, I might be better able to understand their position -- although the doctor and nurses may have already been exposed to the flu, I would hope that they are taking every possible precaution.


I agree, I would not be going to a Dr's office right now unless urgent.

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Truthfully, I would be annoyed that they said they would charge you for the visit if you canceled your appointment, as it would seem prudent for healthy kids to stay out of doctor's offices right now, and a child with asthma would seem to be at higher risk for flu complications than many other kids would be.


I wouldn't go to the appointment, and would demand to speak with the doctor about being charged for the appointment.


You are regular patients, and should not be treated this way.




Edited to add: Does this doctor have separate waiting rooms and examining rooms for the well-child visits? If they do, I might be better able to understand their position -- although the doctor and nurses may have already been exposed to the flu, I would hope that they are taking every possible precaution.

:iagree: Plus, they'll more than make up for your cancellation w/ everybody else coming in.

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Please reassure me that I do not look like a complete jerk! I put it in such a way like would it inconvenience you if we cancelled due to our concerns...blah, blah. Then she said about the charging (which I totally understand), so I said okay we'll come (per dh's instructions.)


Under the circumstances, I would have done the same thing. No one can ever fault you for wanting to protect your kids!


If they're insistent about charging you, though, and you have to go, I'm going to optimistically say that they are probably taking every precaution to ensure the safety of their patients. I'd actually feel better about going to a doctor's office right now than to a crowded mall or riding public transportation.

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I just called my pediatrician to cancel my dc's well-child visit today. I told them we were worried about visiting a dr right now with well children under the circumstances. There are three "suspected" cases in two surrounding counties, nothing confirmed, nothing in our county (we're in upstate NY.) Since it's a double appt. though, they said they'd have to charge. So we're going to go. (We did not do a well-child visit last year. Dd has newly developed asthma which we need to have addressed asap.)


We've always used this pediatrician, and knew her from our old church. She is a great doc: Christian (will NOT be handing out bc pills to my dd when she's a teen!), very pro-homeschooling. We just love her. Plus she takes a VERY laid back approach, which I like-it has helped me have confidence as a mom to not freak out at every little thing. But in this case, the fact that she's laid back makes me feel like I look like a paranoid idiot!


My pediatrician's office is usually completely empty during a school day like this anyway, so I'm trying not to worry. But dh said people will be bringing their kids in right now for every sniffle. I'll just lube us up with sanitizer and keep them on my lap!


Please reassure me that I do not look like a complete jerk! I put it in such a way like would it inconvenience you if we cancelled due to our concerns...blah, blah. Then she said about the charging (which I totally understand), so I said okay we'll come (per dh's instructions.)

Beings they are pushing for you to keep the appointment, I would ask if at the very least they would have a room ready for you so you don't have to spend time in the waiting room. I also might ask them if they are willing to take responsibily for one of your children becoming sick at this time if that would happen to happen.

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Truthfully, I would be annoyed that they said they would charge you for the visit if you canceled your appointment, as it would seem prudent for healthy kids to stay out of doctor's offices right now, and a child with asthma would seem to be at higher risk for flu complications than many other kids would be.


I wouldn't go to the appointment, and would demand to speak with the doctor about being charged for the appointment.


You are regular patients, and should not be treated this way.




Edited to add: Does this doctor have separate waiting rooms and examining rooms for the well-child visits? If they do, I might be better able to understand their position -- although the doctor and nurses may have already been exposed to the flu, I would hope that they are taking every possible precaution.


Every clinic I know of here charges a fee if the appointment is cancelled within 24 hours. It is not the same fee charged when you keep the appointment, it's about $25. But, it's standard practice.

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Please do not consider yourself "an idiot" ! You assessed your own situation as would any responsible parent.


I probably would have gone to the appointment, although I would support anybody who would choose not to go.


It is industry-norm for doctor offices to charge for same-day-cancellation. Sometimes they make an exception. Given the current state of things, I think you would have an excellent case for asking an exemption.


I have four children, and live in Texas, with swine flu right here in the Metroplex. On Monday of this week, we picked up our 22-yr old from his apartment and went to the doctor because he was running a high-enough fever, had thrown up violently nine times in five hours, felt strange all over his body, and -- the decisive factor for us -- he is the foreman for work crews consisting of Mexican men with legal working papers, who work here, but who periodically go home for a few weeks before returning to work. One man had just come back from Mexico. To our relief, ds did NOT have swine flu, if testing was reliable.


I hope your dd with asthma quickly receives relieving help !



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making me feel better is that it is not a big practice-very tiny-one doctor. In 9 years I've never seen more than one other family in the waiting room besides us, and more often, it's empty. (This is during the school year-the only time we've been there.) Plus there is no (confirmed) swine flu in our area. Because of all this, and the $50 charge, dh says go ahead. We really need answers about dd's asthma, and dh says better to go now than later when things could possibly be worse. Also it is in the back of our minds that on the very, very slight chance we did contract swine flu by going there, maybe it's almost better now than later, if things get worse and follows a pattern like 1918 where there's a mild wave and then a worse one. (Not that we WANT to get it, just trying to look on the bright side!) Now if I were Lori in TX, who is in a huge hot spot, I would NOT be going at all!


But you all have made me feel a LOT better that I was not just being a paranoid idiot about it!

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I always hate taking my kids in for well checks. When I saw the news last night that they closed all of Ft. Worth schools. My first thought was nope we are not going! My dh thinks I am over reacting but our doctor's waiting room is always full! We live in Denton so we are right by Ft. Worth. I am probably over reacting but oh well. We can go another time. When I called to cancel the lady that answered the phone was very frazzled. So, I think they were probably grateful that we canceled!!:)

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making me feel better is that it is not a big practice-very tiny-one doctor. In 9 years I've never seen more than one other family in the waiting room besides us, and more often, it's empty. (This is during the school year-the only time we've been there.) Plus there is no (confirmed) swine flu in our area. Because of all this, and the $50 charge, dh says go ahead. We really need answers about dd's asthma, and dh says better to go now than later when things could possibly be worse. Also it is in the back of our minds that on the very, very slight chance we did contract swine flu by going there, maybe it's almost better now than later, if things get worse and follows a pattern like 1918 where there's a mild wave and then a worse one. (Not that we WANT to get it, just trying to look on the bright side!) Now if I were Lori in TX, who is in a huge hot spot, I would NOT be going at all!


But you all have made me feel a LOT better that I was not just being a paranoid idiot about it!


Yeah, we probably would have cancelled and sucked up the charge. But, then again, I probably wouldn't take the chance with the asthma issues. I have asthma as well and know how serious that can be. Too bad no one does house calls anymore.

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Sorry you have to deal with this, Happy! What county are you in? We're also in upstate/central (depending on who you ask) NY, in an area that is about to have a *whopping* influx of migrant workers from, yup! Mexico, and the community is more than a little concerned with that situation.


My dd's pediatrician is a wonderful MD, but since she's another one of those "solo practice" pediatricians, her office is tiny, and there is no "well-child" waiting room. *sigh* I think you should speak to the Dr. directly about this. In a possible/probably pandemic situation, the "rules" should be a bit more flexible, IMO.


OTOH, I had my regular asthma check scheduled for early this morning, and was freaking out about what might be waiting in the waiting room! When I got there, it was a ghost town.......only one other person there, and he was there for labwork and left about 2 minutes after I sat down. Of course, there's no telling who sat in my chair before I got there, but at least I felt better not having to sit in a room full of hacking, sneezing emergency cases! I was all set to continue with our regularly scheduled language club meeting and trip to a local restaurant UNTIL I overheard the receptionists chatting about how they wished "these kids" (I assume they meant the students at the local college) would realize that making money isn't worth putting other people's health at risk, and that restaurants should be avoided, since that's a good spreading ground for colds/flu. Yikes! I don't know what they have seen (if anything) but that was good enough for me! We're home for the weekend!


Gosh! Sorry this turned into such a long post! Just being my usual rambling self, I suppose! Hope it all works out for you, Happy!



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We are due to leave in 15 min and just talked to df who was at our ped this a.m. with her kids w/ ear infections-the waiting room was PACKED! She said everyone was just sitting there and not speaking-no playing with toys, etc. She said it was weird. Our pediatrician is not concerned about the swine flu at this point-not sure if that's good or bad!


I'm going to just ask to be put in a room right away if it's crowded. I'm not going to worry-I have to focus on the asthma questions I need to ask.

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making me feel better is that it is not a big practice-very tiny-one doctor. In 9 years I've never seen more than one other family in the waiting room besides us, and more often, it's empty. (This is during the school year-the only time we've been there.) Plus there is no (confirmed) swine flu in our area. Because of all this, and the $50 charge, dh says go ahead. We really need answers about dd's asthma, and dh says better to go now than later when things could possibly be worse. Also it is in the back of our minds that on the very, very slight chance we did contract swine flu by going there, maybe it's almost better now than later, if things get worse and follows a pattern like 1918 where there's a mild wave and then a worse one. (Not that we WANT to get it, just trying to look on the bright side!) Now if I were Lori in TX, who is in a huge hot spot, I would NOT be going at all!


But you all have made me feel a LOT better that I was not just being a paranoid idiot about it!


Not paranoid.


I would go, and take my sanitizer - and talk with the kdis about not playing in the waiting room this time.


I have a ds with asthma - and if he needs to get meds, he NEEDS to be seen asap. If the swine flu is in your area, it would be worse to not go to the doc and get the sw. flu elsewhere, not having the asthma meds. OR, I could see a child having a major asthma attack, and then having to rush to the ER.....(and catch the sw.flu there:glare:)


I'd go.

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Truthfully, I would be annoyed that they said they would charge you for the visit if you canceled your appointment, as it would seem prudent for healthy kids to stay out of doctor's offices right now, and a child with asthma would seem to be at higher risk for flu complications than many other kids would be.


I wouldn't go to the appointment, and would demand to speak with the doctor about being charged for the appointment.


You are regular patients, and should not be treated this way.




Edited to add: Does this doctor have separate waiting rooms and examining rooms for the well-child visits? If they do, I might be better able to understand their position -- although the doctor and nurses may have already been exposed to the flu, I would hope that they are taking every possible precaution.



I completely agree with Cat. You should talk to the doctor directly. A lot of times the staff does not take special circumstances into consideration they just reply with standard answers. Try again.

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In your case the benefits seem to outweigh the risks. Asthma can be deadly too if not properly controlled (I have an asthmatic who has seem the ER too often), and the risk of getting SF is still very low. My kids have never gotten sick from the peds office, so I would have gone without hesitation. If we had to go to another peds office in our area where they are not nearly as 'clean', then I may have thought twice but still gone for the sake of the asthmatic.


Get some N95 masks at Lowes or somewhere on your way and sanitize hands several times during the visit.

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Well, I weighed benefits/risks, and we went. My prayers were answered and there was NO ONE ELSE there at all the whole time we were there! The only possibility of infection would be if they touched infected things, but we were taken in and seen immediately, and we did hand sanitizer right after, and I really probably have now given my kids OCD because I made them wash hands when we got home, AND take a bath after that! AND I washed all our clothes-way overkill probably!


I'm glad we got it over with. It made me realize how blessed we are to not have our kids exposed in school all the time! I am continuing to pray for others who are at risk of exposure, and about the epidemic in general. Thanks to everyone for your reassurance!

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Truthfully, I would be annoyed that they said they would charge you for the visit if you canceled your appointment, as it would seem prudent for healthy kids to stay out of doctor's offices right now, and a child with asthma would seem to be at higher risk for flu complications than many other kids would be.



Ours charges if you cancel less than 24 hours before a set appointment. It's a policy and they adhere to it in all circumstances.

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Well, I weighed benefits/risks, and we went. My prayers were answered and there was NO ONE ELSE there at all the whole time we were there! The only possibility of infection would be if they touched infected things, but we were taken in and seen immediately, and we did hand sanitizer right after, and I really probably have now given my kids OCD because I made them wash hands when we got home, AND take a bath after that! AND I washed all our clothes-way overkill probably!


I'm glad we got it over with. It made me realize how blessed we are to not have our kids exposed in school all the time! I am continuing to pray for others who are at risk of exposure, and about the epidemic in general. Thanks to everyone for your reassurance!


I took my 17 mo for her well visit yesterday. We don't have swine flu in our state yet, but I was nervous. I put both kids in a stroller, didn't let them touch a thing, did sanitizer wipes plus wash cloths with soap and one with water. Then I washed their hands and gave them a bath at home. Phew! I'm still pooped from all that stress.

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I'm glad all went well, HappyGrace!


Was the doctor able to answer all of your asthma-related questions?




PS. I would have done all of the same things others are mentioning -- all the way down to washing the clothes when we got home! I'm glad I'm not the only one.

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This has nothing to do with the thread...I just had to say that I love seeing pics of your significant other and little one...and the top of (I'm guessing) your head, LOL!


I haven't been on for a while, so it may not be new (just to me)...but I love it when I finally get to "see" someone I've "known" for a while, here.


Lovely family.

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Thanks, Cat-yes, she did help with the asthma-related issues. Asthma can be a scary thing! It is so new to us, and she was good in so many ways-including reassuring dd by relating some of her own asthma incidents! She is such a good doctor-we're blessed to have her.

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This has nothing to do with the thread...I just had to say that I love seeing pics of your significant other and little one...and the top of (I'm guessing) your head, LOL!


I haven't been on for a while, so it may not be new (just to me)...but I love it when I finally get to "see" someone I've "known" for a while, here.


Lovely family.


LOL! Yes, it's my head, as there is no picture anywhere on the net of ME, and won't be anytime soon :lol:. I put that up about a month ago. The pic of dh and dd was just put up a couple of days ago, so you haven't missed anything! :D

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