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I just want to cry...

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So, last Wednesday I really hurt my right thumb... making daily life more difficult.


Thursday, my dh takes the 3 oldest to DC -- I have a quiet, but non-productive day due to my hand. I get nothing I want to accomplish (laundry, picking up). done.


Friday, oldest daughter starts complaining of a really bad sore throat. Later that night, oldest son starts to throw up.


Saturday, dd goes to doctor to check for strep (as there are no cold/flu symptoms), oldest son continues to throw up, younger son begins to throw up. 2.5yo daughter starts getting sick around midnight.


Sunday, we spend trying to care for the 4 sick kids, changing barf-buckets, serving popsicles, water... keeping fevers around 101 (vs. 103+).


Sunday night, 5yo son starts the croup fits. DH and I are up every couple of hours trying to ease the symptoms. We get symptoms to calm down 3 times... fourth time, nothing is working -- call triage nurse and get referred to the ER.


Arrive at ER, taken in immediately for triage due to ds stridor. Two breathing treatments, and one Epi shot later, (about 4 hours), ds is admitted to the hospital.


Spend night at the hospital, where son's stridor finally subsides -- but, get no sleep (again).


While at hospital, get referral to orthopedist for my hand, since there is no visible break (I'm wondering how long before they can see me).


Also, while at hospital, get phone call from my doctor telling me they want me to start cholesterol meds as soon as I can stop bf baby girl.


Home again, I start looking at the cholesterol diets and just want to cry. Most Legumes make me ill (since babyhood). I already eat LF/NF dairy, and for, the most part, follow the diet (always have). Yes, I can lose some weight... and have lost 20#, and could stand to lose another 20#.


Mind you, cholesterol is the ONLY risk factor for heart disease I have. the ONLY one. My "normal" BP is 100 over 50. My resting heart rate is 52bpm, no known heart disease in the family, stroke or anything. I'm not a smoker.


I do NOT want to go on meds. Words cannot express how much I do not want to go on meds.


And dh? Who eats all of the stuff you "aren't supposed to? His cholesterol is pristine.


UGH. I know I'm mainly just tired. Too tired. Oldest son is still throwing up, I have to get 2 kiddos to 2 different doctors, plus myself, and then there is horseback riding on Sunday, and we are 2 weeks behind on laundry, and the house is a WRECK.


Anyone out there I can hire for a week? For laundry and cleaning... PLEASE? I can wash, but folding pretty-much one-handed is more than tedious. Plus, when I try, I almost always inadvertently hit my thumb, causing incredible pain.


I'm a hopeless case, and I can't call for my mommy, because she's helping HER mommy!



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:grouphug: Wow, you are really having a tough time. I wish I was close by - I would come handle the house and laundry for you. I'm great in a crisis!


Is there anyone at all you could call to come in and help?


Go ahead and cry if you want. Sometimes it really does help.


Remember - "This too shall pass."

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Oh, man. That is a lot to endure in such a short time! Are your babies all better now?


About the cholesterol meds...any way you can get a second opinion? Or get one of those more specific c-reactive protein tests? (hs-CRP. Can you tell I read Prevention?) I know it's not uncommon to have no other heart disease symptoms except high cholesterol and be told you need drugs. Sometimes doctors are quick to want to medicate...just make sure you make an informed decision. As in, what are the risks if you don't take drugs? It's your body and you don't have to. (Though easier said than done for me, being one of those people who would jump out a window if the doctor recommended it).


Soo...hang in there. Being under such stress lately might not be a good time to make an important medical decision like that.

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I would be curious to know the cholesterol levels of other people in your family. (parents, siblings, etc). If they also have relatively high cholesterol but no history of heart disease, then I think you get a pass on the medication, at least until menopause. I have always had high cholesterol, as has my entire family, but since everyone lives till a ripe old age and doesn't have heart problems, I finally had a doctor say, "You know, we don't know everything about the heart or cholesterol. It's not irresponsible under those circumstances to avoid it."


I would NOT wean your daughter to go on cholesterol lowering medications. Besides, I remember from somewhere that breastfeeding increases cholesterol, and that cholesterol tests in breastfeeding mothers are not terribly reliable. (Since babies NEED the cholesterol in breastmilk.)

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My dad's fasting cholesterol is about 170 (non-fasting, he'll hit 200).

I have no idea what my mom's currently is, but when she had it tested 10 years ago (around 53 yrs), her fasting cholesterol was 180.


My fasting cholesterol, at 25, VERY active, on a low-cholesterol diet (I was consuming about 1500 calories a day, and less than 200 g grams cholesterol a day), weight well within healthy range... I was 220.


Of my 3 brothers, 2 do not have high cholesterol and one is not known.


Now? Mine is 347...


My grandparents (okay, who I believe my grandparents to be) on both sides, have no history of heart disease. My grandfathers both died of cancer (dad's father, bone cancer -- mother's father, lung cancer -- he was a smoker). My dad's mom is believed to have died from a stroke at 83. My mom's mom is 85 and still kicking (almost literally, as dimensia is making her pretty ornery.


Anyhow... I'm just down.


Thanks for the encouragement.


Looking for a GP who doesn't want to treat high-cholesterol, but will instead look for something else as a cause.

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Awwwww, you poor baby! (Said very seriously--no snark intended.)


I'm now wishing that I still lived in King George and could offer to pop over to your house and help you get things under control!!!


Sigh. Now I live on the west coast. But if I could, I would be there!



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Your baby is VERY little. Cholesterol skyrockets when you are pregnant and stays high while breastfeeding. With your blood pressure and pulse and and no family history, honestly, I think you need to relax. Tell the doctor you'll retest in two or three years when you wean. I'm not a doctor, but the breastfeeding raising mom's cholesterol research is NOT well known. I did a lot of research when mine tested at 350 a few months postpartum. I was freaked out, but I talked to some lactation consultants who said, "Oh yeah. Nursing moms shouldn't even be tested. The results are NOT reliable." It's still high ish but not astronomical anymore. Also, for some people, even on a low cholesterol diet, fasting vs nonfasting makes a huge difference in the number. Premenopausal women are statistically not at high risk, and your other factors are low. It's ultimately your decision. You might need to have your doctor talk to a lactation consultant. This is not something that must be decided today or this month or even next year. If it's still high when you're done having kids and nursing, then that might be something to talk about. But now is not the time.

Edited by Terabith
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Sorry you're having a rough time! My mom swears that her low cholesterol is because of fresh whole wheat bread ...and basically no white... SO, maybe if you can only get it for just you...you could try that until you'd be willing to wean..and then have it tested again? Sorry...try to enjoy nursing...it flies by..... I'd try some natural helps before quitting ....




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Your baby is VERY little. Cholesterol skyrockets when you are pregnant and stays high while breastfeeding. With your blood pressure and pulse and and no family history, honestly, I think you need to relax. Tell the doctor you'll retest in two or three years when you wean. I'm not a doctor, but the breastfeeding raising mom's cholesterol research is NOT well known. I did a lot of research when mine tested at 350 a few months postpartum. I was freaked out, but I talked to some lactation consultants who said, "Oh yeah. Nursing moms shouldn't even be tested. The results are NOT reliable." It's still high ish but not astronomical anymore. Also, for some people, even on a low cholesterol diet, fasting vs nonfasting makes a huge difference in the number. Premenopausal women are statistically not at high risk, and your other factors are low. It's ultimately your decision. You might need to have your doctor talk to a lactation consultant. This is not something that must be decided today or this month or even next year. If it's still high when you're done having kids and nursing, then that might be something to talk about. But now is not the time.


I agree! A nurse ordered a cholesterol test as part of routine panel (I have an underactive thyroid which is linked to high cholesterol so I am tested regularly) and my cholesterol numbers were really high (they are usually in the low 200's). I expressed concern to my doctor and he said the nurse shouldn't have tested my cholesterol. He said he wasn't concerned with my cholesterol numbers while I was breastfeeding and said he would retake the test after I weaned my baby.


I am so sorry that you have had such a rough week! I wish I still lived in VA so I could lend a hand.

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My friends dd, age 17 now, has always had high cholesterol. The most recent doc. tried to tell the mom that her dd needed to stop eating red meat, fats, etc. My friend nodded while the doctor talked, then noted that

her dd, skinny as a rail, has been a vegetarian for YEARS already - does strenuous sync. swimming several times a week, and does not eat junk food.


The mom (my friend) also has a very good diet yet high cholesterol. It simply runs in her family and diet,etc. alone can not deal with it. My friends brother, mid-40's, DIED two years ago of a sudden heart attack.


Some folks just need the meds. Take them. The alternative can be far worst. High cholesterol is not your fault!!!


I hope everyone feels better soon at your place. Do you have your thumb/wrist in a splint so you do not move it???

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Your baby is VERY little. Cholesterol skyrockets when you are pregnant and stays high while breastfeeding.


That's what my OB told me, too. Sure enough, my last cholesterol test, now that my children are waaay beyond bfing, was perfect. BTW, I've seen that not eating sugar apparently can lower cholesterol, too.

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I just don't have it in me to fight with a doctor over the issue... I'm hoping I can find someone who might guide me through a more natural path via phone/e-mail.


We have started eliminating a lot of processed foods and sugar, but until we're in our own home, my ability to really cook is somewhat compromised. So, I just try to watch labels. Baby Steps are better than nothing.


Exercise, well until all the children got sick, we were swimming an hour 3x a week (it's a start, anyhow). We'll go back to that NEXT week.


I have my appt. with the orthopedist for my hand on Monday (the earliest I could be seen). Most likely, it is a bad sprain, possible stress fracture. I will hopefully get a removable splint, which I can wear 90% of the time, and protecting it from every-day life, and will help get this thing healed.


I am just NOT going to worry about the cholesterol right now. My #s are actually DOWN from what they were 6 weeks ago (371 now 347). I have a feeling that if I just really watch my sugar intake, take my Mona Vie, add my Psyllium and Fish oils back into my diet... and add a Cinnamon supplement, I could level out my blood sugar, reduce my cholesterol, etc.). I can't do a cleansing diet right now -- it would be horrible for the baby!


There is just no history of heart disease on either side of my family. None of my brothers have it... so unless something in my family history changes, or I discover something new -- it's all I've got.

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I belive sleep would really put things in perspective for you. Is there anyone that could give you a break so that you could get some sleep?


Put the cholesterol worries on the back-burner for now. Especially if that is your only red flag.


After you get some rest, then tend to the kiddos and help them get better. Once the family is up and on their feet, things will look better, you'll see. You'll be able to get your work done and things won't seem so overwhelming.


I'd push for getting a splint that you can still use your hand. Especially if there is no break. You need that hand.


As far as the cholesterol goes (and this would be the last thing on the plate), I have had high cholesterol since my early 20's. Sometimes, it's just in the genes. I had it when I was thin, when I was heavy, when I was preggo, when I wasn't. I too have put off taking meds,have done the diets, all of it. Sugar intake will lower it, but not if you are in the 300's (that's where I am at). Generally, that level is genetic. At some point,you are going to have to go on meds. You will have to find a doctor that will listen to you. It's not just about high-cholesterol. What about your good cholesterol? Is that good? Triglicerides? Are they low? If the other two factors are good, you can usually put off meds longer. A good doctor, especially one that knows that you are breastfeeding would take all of this into account.


I wish you all the best during your trials this week.

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Have you ever tried a low-carb diet?


It's not easy to do given your current living/cooking conditions, but it might help.






I just don't have it in me to fight with a doctor over the issue... I'm hoping I can find someone who might guide me through a more natural path via phone/e-mail.


We have started eliminating a lot of processed foods and sugar, but until we're in our own home, my ability to really cook is somewhat compromised. So, I just try to watch labels. Baby Steps are better than nothing.


Exercise, well until all the children got sick, we were swimming an hour 3x a week (it's a start, anyhow). We'll go back to that NEXT week.


I have my appt. with the orthopedist for my hand on Monday (the earliest I could be seen). Most likely, it is a bad sprain, possible stress fracture. I will hopefully get a removable splint, which I can wear 90% of the time, and protecting it from every-day life, and will help get this thing healed.


I am just NOT going to worry about the cholesterol right now. My #s are actually DOWN from what they were 6 weeks ago (371 now 347). I have a feeling that if I just really watch my sugar intake, take my Mona Vie, add my Psyllium and Fish oils back into my diet... and add a Cinnamon supplement, I could level out my blood sugar, reduce my cholesterol, etc.). I can't do a cleansing diet right now -- it would be horrible for the baby!


There is just no history of heart disease on either side of my family. None of my brothers have it... so unless something in my family history changes, or I discover something new -- it's all I've got.

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