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My chicken died last night :(

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My daughter heard it fluttering around in her cage.....and I went out to check on her....and she was on her back....dead. My daughter was so upset....it took a couple of hours to calm her down. The whole ordeal was awful.....I had to go out in my yard at 1am to bury the poor thing.


Now I only have one chicken left.....


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My daughter heard it fluttering around in her cage.....and I went out to check on her....and she was on her back....dead. My daughter was so upset....it took a couple of hours to calm her down. The whole ordeal was awful.....I had to go out in my yard at 1am to bury the poor thing.


Now I only have one chicken left.....



It is traumatic.

We once had chickens.

Sorry to hear this.

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My daughter heard it fluttering around in her cage.....and I went out to check on her....and she was on her back....dead. My daughter was so upset....it took a couple of hours to calm her down. The whole ordeal was awful.....I had to go out in my yard at 1am to bury the poor thing.


Now I only have one chicken left.....




I had hoped for a better ending to your story, but alas....


It is hard when we lose the critters we care for. Please know that birds, not unlike other animals (cats ranking at the top of the list), are very good at disguising their illnesses. By the time we humans notice anything's amiss, it's often too late to respond. Plus, her "illness" has probably been coming on for quite some time (you said she stopped laying maybe 10 months ago, right?). Try to remember that you gave her a good life, and that you did all you knew how to do in caring for her. As I mentioned before, it's not terribly uncommon, what happened to her.


Chickens are social creatures, for the most part, and are probably happiest in a flock. Would you want to consider adding two more? That way, if something happens to another one, you've always got a partner in the mix. JMHO.



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I'm sorry. It is so hard to lose animals. One morning we woke up to what looked like battlefield carnage. Thirteen dead chickens. A mother fox had quite a night in the hen house. Somebody forgot to lock them in. My dh had the pleasure of burying them before he left for work. My Buff Orpington hen survived, but she never laid another egg and started crowing. That poor thing was so traumatized. School was canceled that day.



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That isn't why I got them in the beginning. They were a birthday present for my son, LOL. Then the eggs were just extra. But...the chicken that died had quit laying for a good while now....so maybe....as Doran said....something has been wrong with it for a long time. The other chicken I have does still lay eggs.....and was the most friendly of the two. This chicken will follow you around....try to get in your lap....I think she thinks she is a dog, LOL.

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So sorry to hear about your loss. We have 5 hens and a rooster and thought we lost 3 of them last week in a dog attack. I was running around the yard and neighborhood, bawling, looking for them. I hadn't realized I had become so attached to them! It will be a very sad day for me when that finally does happen.

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So sorry to hear this! One of ours mysteriously disappeared last week amid much squawking from the other two. The result is that we are down to two from a high of nine. Between foxes, coons and apparent chicken nappings by flying creatures, it's been sad.


Will you get some more?

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