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Conservativ, non-violent, non-romance books for girls??


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Anyone have any suggetions or lists?


Something wholesome and hopefully character-building. Even many of the Christian kids books have romance in them.

My Dd 13 LOVES horse books but they too have mention of romance in them. Are there any out there? Some mention of general old-fashioned courting is OK.


It seems in order to find anything, we need to get books on a much lower grade/reading level.


Wouldn't it be nice if there was a site out there that lists and rewiews/rates books based on things like violence, romance, language?





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Shepherd of the Hills by Harold Bell Wright, talks about courtship but only in the right way.


Books by Gene Stratton Porter.

I am assuming that she has read L.M. Montgomery including the "Pat of Silverbush" series, "Emily of New Moon" series and "Magic for Marigold", Louisa May Alcott ( I love "Eight Cousins" and "Rose in Bloom" even more than "Little Women") books, and "Hans Brinker" by Dodge.



I always advise parents to read the books before their kids do so I would recommend that you do that as well.

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I am reading the Little House books by Laura Ingalls Wilder with my daughter. I loved them so much that I secretly read ahead after she had gone to bed. hehe Maybe Nancy Drew too if she likes mysteries?? Oh, the Life of Faith books are good too. My daughter likes them as well and they are all Christian and teach history too. :)

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Caddie Woodlawn - Brynk

Anne of Green Gables - Montgomery (already mentioned)

Gone Away Lake - Enright (mystery)

Ballet Shoes - Streatfeild (realistic fiction)

Hitty: Her First Hundred Years - Field (fantasy)

The Good Master - Seredy (adventure)

Esperanza Rising - Ryan

Mandy - Julie (Andrews) Edwards


I'm guessing you've read all the Marguerite Henry horse books?


I have not personally read all of these but have heard they are great and live up to what you are looking for. My dd is only 8 so we haven't made it to these yet but many are on my shelf waiting for her!

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Heidi (There are actually several by the same author)

Anne of Green Gables, Ballet Shoes and Gone Away Lake are also parts of series.

Sue Barton, Student Nurse (and the next six. There are several old series for girls that would qualify: old Nancy Drews, Dana Girls Mysteries, Cherry Ames, etc)

Lots of the Landmark books are non-violent

Cheaper by the Dozen and Belles on Their Toes

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Castleberry Farms!!! We are loving all these books! They are written by a homeschool family. The Farm Mysteries are about the children solving mysteries around the farm - very sweet.


They also have a courtship series. This might not be what you are looking for. They are NOT romance and the author is very careful to present the books well. In fact, in one of the books, the dd does not marry.


Cherry Ames nurse series

Nancy Drew

Little House

Bronze Bow

Twice Freed

Peanut Butter Friends in a Chop Suey World

Mik Shruk (about life in Alaska - a series of 3 books)


BJUP's Journeyforth Press has a nice collection of books for this age that are not romance. We have read a few mysteries, some adventures, and biographies.

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I echo the L.M Montgomery books and Marguerite Henry (esp. her book about mustangs) suggestions. Not sure what you mean by "non-violent"--does that include books like The Red Badge of Courage or The Killer Angels (both set in the Civil War) or The Lord of the Rings trilogy?


Jane Austen's Pride and Prejudice, Emma, Sense and Sensibility. (my favorite is P&P)

Gary Paulsen--Hatchet

C.S. Lewis' Narnia books (e.g., The Horse and His Boy)

A Confederacy of Dunces--I don't think there are any curse words, it's been awhile since I read it, though

The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn

Fahrenheit 451 by Ray Bradbury

Number the Stars

The Upstairs Room

The Hiding Place by Corrie ten Boom

The Last Unicorn by Peter S. Beagle

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I haven't read them - but the original James Herriott books?


Swallows and Amazons series (may be too young).


I would think there would be appropriate adult books - travel books, horsemen, etc. that would be content appropriate.


The Lamplighter ones look great too. Get your DD writing - my girl will need some stuff in a few years, too! :)

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Thanks everyone!! Wow, looks like I will be busy! We have read many of the books mentioned but there are also others I haven't heard of and we havent' read. I will check them out.


I am excited about the Facts about Fiction site. Thanks, Amy! Will save that and check it out!


My girls loved the 4 book series by Sarah Maxwell, who is/was homeschooled. They have their own business/website called Titus 2.

My younger Dd was especially inspired by the Christian character, kindness and obedience portayed through the family in the book.


Thanks again everyone!


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Anyone have any suggetions or lists?


Something wholesome and hopefully character-building. Even many of the Christian kids books have romance in them.

My Dd 13 LOVES horse books but they too have mention of romance in them. Are there any out there? Some mention of general old-fashioned courting is OK.


It seems in order to find anything, we need to get books on a much lower grade/reading level.


Wouldn't it be nice if there was a site out there that lists and rewiews/rates books based on things like violence, romance, language?






Ballet Shoes

Family Shoes

Theater Shoes

Circus Shoes

Dancing Shoes

Skating Shoes - all by Noel Streatfeild


Hind's Feet on High Places-allegory by Hannah Hurnard


Whipping Boy-the prince and his whipping boy are kidnapped and they change places. Teaches about hard work and responsibility.


Star of Light

Rainbow Garden

The Secret of Pheasant's Cottage

Treasure of the Snow- all by Patricia St. John-preread these...they are Christian books but deal with poor children getting mistreated, visiting a jail, etc.


Mrs. Frisby and the Rats of NIHM- does deal with genetically altered animals-not like "The Giver" altered but like animal-tested, altered.

Washington's Rules of Civility and Behavior

The Girl of the Limberlost

The Borrowers

Bronze Bow

Golden Goblet


I can't remember any romance in these books and we are extremely strict in regards to that especially. But please pre-read just to make sure our standards are the same as yours.

For example: I think someone had recommended Narnia to you , but for us The Silver Chair was way too dark.

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These may have already been all mentioned, but the top half are all non-violent, non-romance classic books with female protagonists. The rest of the list has books with both boys & girls in them, in different genres. BEST of luck in finding some great books! Warmest regards, Lori D.




gr. 3/4 and up

- Mountain Born (Yates)

- The Hundred Dresses (Estes)

- Understood Betsy (Fisher)


gr. 4/5 and up

- Plain Girl (Sorensen) -- Amish girl

- From the Mixed Up Files of Mrs. Basil E. Frankweiler (Konigsburg)


gr. 5/6 and up

- Family Under the Bridge (Carlson)

- The Wheel on the School (de Jong)

- In the Year of the Boar and Jackie Robinson (Lord)

- Island of the Blue Dolphins (O'Dell)

- The Wolves of Willoughby Chase (Aiken)

- A Little Princess; The Secret Garden (Burnett)

- Anne of Green Gables (Montgomery) -- and sequels

- Treasures of the Snow (St. John)


gr. 6 and up

- Hitty, Her First Hundred Years (Field)

- The Princess & the Goblins; The Princess & Curdie (MacDonald)

- The Ordinary Princess (Kaye)

- Alice's Adventures in Wonderland; Through the Looking Glass (Carroll)

- Golden Key, Light Princess, Wise Woman (George MacDonald) -- short stories

- The Tombs of Atuan (Le Guin)






gr. 4/5 and up

- Mrs. Piggle-Wiggle series (Betty MacDonald)

- Chronicles of Narnia (Lewis)

- Half Magic; Magic by the Lake, Knight's Castle; Time Garden; Seven Day Magic (Eager)


gr. 5/6 and up

- Five Children and It; The Phoenix and the Carpet; The Amulet; The Book of Dragons (Nesbit)

- The Father Christmas Letters (Tolkien)

- Smith of Wooten Major; Farmer Giles of Ham; Leaf by Niggle (Tolkien) short stories






gr. 4 and up

- Sarah Plain and Tall; Skylark; Caleb's Story (MacLachlan) -- US - pioneer times

- Caddie Woodlawn (Brink) -- pioneer times US


gr. 5 and up

- The Journeyman (Caldwell) -- Colonial US

- Calico Bush (Field) -- Colonial US






gr. 4 and up

- Naya Nuki: The Shoshone Girl Who Ran -- friend of Sacajewea

- Behind Rebel Lines (Reit) -- teen girl disguised as a boy / Union spy in Civil War


gr. 6 and up

- Indian Captive (Lenski)

- Story of My Life by Helen Keller




ANIMALS (real)


gr. 4/5 and up

- Chucaro: Wild Pony of the Pampa (Kalney)

- Daughter of the Mountains (Rankin)-- Tibetan girl tries to recover her dog

- Shiloh (Naylor)


gr. 5 and up

- The Black Stallion, The Black Stallion Returns, Island Stallion (Farley)

- horse books by Margariete Henry

- Rascal (North)

- Ginger Pye (Estes)




ANIMALS (talking)


gr. 5 and up

- The Rescuers, Miss Bianca, Miss Bianca in the Orient (Sharpe)

- Mrs. Frisby and the Rats of NIMH (O'Brien)

- Wind in the Willows (Grahame)

- The Reluctant Dragon (Grahame)

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I don't know if these are too young for her, but we really enjoy the Edith Nesbit books.


The Wouldbegoods

The Story of the Amulet

The Magic City

The Five Children and It

The Story of the Treasure Seekers

The House of Arden


Also, has she started any Jane Austen yet?



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If I remember correctly, Nancy Drew has romance or at least all three girls do have boyfriends. I don't remember where in the series, the boys entered the picture.


A book we liked that I don't see mentioned is Mandy by Julia Edwards (formerly Julia Andrews who played Mary Poppins). No romance of any kind, very sweet and one of my childhood favorites.

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Hattie Big Sky is one of my recent favorites (I love children's and YA lit.). It is an old-fashioned story about a teenage girl who becomes a homesteader. There is a HINT of romance in that she writes letters to her best friend (a boy) who is in Europe fighting in WWI. You can read my review of it here on my blog. I was also privileged to interview the author; you can read the interview here on my blog.


By the way, this book won a Newbery honor a few years ago.


It looks like you've gotten many great recommendations. I'm bookmarking this thread!:D

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