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Who has Warts? Want to be in a HS study?

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My dear little 4 yod has warts. She has them on both hands, some are conglomerates of 4 or more warts together. We have tried: OTC meds, duct tape, freezing, tea tree oil, blistering, salex, retanoic acid, thuja, and even aldara (skin cancer drug, $138).


Recently, I heard about using apple cider vinegar to treat warts (Raw, Unfiltered, with the mother-haze at the bottom). The instructions were to wet a cotton ball and bandage it on overnight. (Take it off in the AM and wash well!) After just 2 treatments, even the huge conglomerates are blackening and drying. I'm not SURE it will work, but nothing has ever shown this kind of results.


At dinner tonight we were talking about how wonderful this was, and ds 10 asked, "Why didn't the doctors tell us about this?" My dh (who is a scientist) said (in a nutshell), "Doctors only tell us about things that have been studied scientifically, and no researcher is going to study apple cider vinegar, 'cause there's no profit to be made." This lead to a discussion about how trials are set-up, and ds decided that he wants to set up a trial to test the efficacy of apple cider vinegar as a treatment for warts.


Want to be in his trial? If you plan to try the treatment, please send us an email answering the following:

Do you have warts?


How many?


We will follow up in 2-3 weeks to log your results.

You have nothing to lose but your warts!! :D

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I think this would be cool. My 6yo has an old one on her foot that is driving us crazy. Does it have to be raw and unfiltered or is plain apple cider vinegar good? I'm guessing to have a good trial, we should all use the same vinegar. What brand did you buy and where did you get it?



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I'm in! I've had one on my finger for at least 5 years....drives me nuts! And I think I've got a couple of new ones on my thumbs.


Your dh's assertion that scientist only do trials where there is money is intriguing to me as my best has a rare form of cancer and this subject is very dear to my heart.


And I hate my warts.

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My dear little 4 yod has warts. She has them on both hands, some are conglomerates of 4 or more warts together.


Recently, I heard about using apple cider vinegar to treat warts (Raw, Unfiltered, with the mother-haze at the bottom). The instructions were to wet a cotton ball and bandage it on overnight. (Take it off in the AM and wash well!) After just 2 treatments, even the huge conglomerates are blackening and drying. I'm not SURE it will work, but nothing has ever shown this kind of results.

You have nothing to lose but your warts!! :D


I'm in- dd has about 5 warts on each hand now. A girl at gymnastics had a whole bunch last summer and didn't tell anyone, so now a bunch of girls have them. Everyone has to cover up warts before practice so they don't spread more, but I can't get rid of them!:mad:


I have some Bragg's apple cider vinegar, so I put some on cotton gauze and taped her hands up- we'll see how this works!:confused:

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Dh just got home, and he has a few suggestions.


First, there are some more questions (things like age, gender, how long the warts have been around, what type of wart, what treatments have been tried) I'll email out a standard survey when you contact me.


Second, we have been thinking about a treatment regime. Based on his background in immunology, dh would like to try 3 days on, 3 days off, 2 days on, a week off, then start again if the warts are still there.


Also, as to the type of vinegar. The original blurb I read specified raw, unfiltered apple cider vinegar. Possibly, the live enzymes are part of the efficacy, so Don't Use Pasteurized. I got Tree of Life brand at our local health food store (it was on sale), but as brands vary across the US, I think any product that is raw, unfiltered, with the sediment (mother) and 5% acidity would work (but I'll have you note what brand you're using).


One last bit. I mentioned using a cotton ball, as they are widely available. However, I didn't have any on hand, so I'm using strips of old flannel sheet folded into a little pad. Dh thinks that more ACV is in contact with the warts with the little flannel pad, and that this too is something to standardize (in the name of science!)


Wow, ds and I are going to learn a lot with this one!

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I love stuff like this. My ds has something on his foot - we're not sure if it's a wart or not (he's constantly barefoot so the top of whatever it is is never there) but we'd be willing to join your "study." I don't have any flannel - would the flat cotton pads I use to take off eye make up work? Send us a schedule and any other details and sign us up. If you want I'll check with my sons' friends to see if there are "loose warts" floating around.

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My beautiful daughter had face and hands covered in warts at age 3. Tried every holistic, herbal, homemade and homeopathic remedy out there. Finally took her to Children's Memorial to an epidemiologist, who admitted that there was no effective treatment available, as warts are systemic, live in/on all of us and break out under certain unknown conditions. Surgical methods only postpone outbreaks (they almost always recur) and are traumatic to little kids. He did prescribe some ungodly chemical which UPS would not even deliver as it was too hazardous - I had to pick it up myself at the lab. It was supposed to trigger an immune response and kick out the warts. Well, I stared at the container for about a week and then took it to a local hospital for disposal. No way was I going to put that poison on my kid! Okay, long story short: we went on vacation and swam in the pool for a week. Warts ALL disappeared within two days. Daughter is 12 and has never had a recurrance. So what do you think - was it the chlorine, or the relaxation/stress relief? Now my son (age 8) has one - time to go on vacation... :D Why don't you have your kids make up a survey/checklist? Kids love those. We would be honored to participate - I'll start looking for the vinegar.

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Well, I have to disagree that doctors only mention things that are studied or that scientists only study things that are going to make money. There was acutally a study done on duct tape ( http://www.aafp.org/afp/20030201/tips/8.html) that was published a few years ago.


The vinegar does make sense as it's acetic acid which is in some of the OTC wart removal meds. I searched but couldn't find out which one. I did search and couldn't find any mention of vinegar and warts in the medical studies (except for visualization fo genital warts). So you could tell your ds that his study could be ground-breaking. :) For a follow-up study you could see if the vinegar works better than the OTC wart med with acetic acid...


Another thing that works well is to use make a paste using a crushed aspirin tablet and a little water and put that on the wart and cover with duct tape. Then change every few days. The aspirin is salicylic acid which is what's in most OTC wart meds.


Other good home remedies...olive oil for ear infections and Vit E for mouth ulcers.

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and it did NOT work. We wanted it to work, but it didn't:mad:


However, his is a plantar wart and those seem to be stubborn. We may end up seeing a doctor as nothing seems be helping. The duct tape wouldn't stick because his feet are too sweaty (yuck!) and the Freeze-Off from the drugstore seems ineffective, as well.

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When I was a child my dad burnt my little, simple, smoothish warts off in his doctor's office. It worked very well, but stunk like crazy. When I was about 30 I had plantar's warts. The Rx by the MD was a very, very strong, paste version of Duofilm, but it started to make my body sick. I no longer have any warts, I'm thankful to say.

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I'm in- dd has about 5 warts on each hand now.


I have some Bragg's apple cider vinegar, so I put some on cotton gauze and taped her hands up- we'll see how this works!:confused:


So- we left this on all night, and this morning the warts just looked how they look when wet- swollen and weird. But by 3 this afternoon there were little black dots in the middle of them. I sure hope this works!

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Thanks to all who have replied - We're pretty excited, and have been talking alot about warts and experiments (when the kids are not playing in the foot of snow we've received :))


PiCo, this is exactly what we've had happen with dd's warts thus far. The dermatologist told me to watch for black spots (with our other treatments). I think this indicates the blood supply is dying. Boy, I hope this works!


Periwinkle, my MIL just sent me a clipping recommending scraped fresh turmeric root for plantar's wart (a piece the size of a pea bandaged on at bedtime - cover with a sock as the turmeric stains). Don't ask me where to find the fresh turmeric root, but it might be worth trying.


We're trying to find at least 25 people to participate, so if anyone else wants to join in, they're welcome.

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This is not a joke, I promise. Our pediatrician recommended DT years ago and it has been our method ever since. All you do is cut a piece large enough to fit over the affected area and change it every day until the warts are gone. Evidently they just smother and die.


No vinegar, no garlic or other herbs, no ointments or exotic potients. Just good ol' duct tape.






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I wasn't going to go buy unprocessed acv since I already had regular acv in the cupboard, and I didn't figure it would work because of it, but a bazaar thing happened.


Ds13 had a small, flat, planters wart on his hand for several months. He has had them frozen off before but he didn't want to do that again because it hurt and he is a swimmer. An open sore in the middle of his lower palm, chlorine and band aides....not going to work.


So, I dropped a few drops of acv on a band aid that seals on all four sides. Sent him to bed, and when he woke up the spot had faded to almost nothing. Another day, a few more applications...the wart is GONE! You can't even tell where the wart was unless you really, really look for it.


We will keep applying it for 3 days to make sure, but it is amazing how quick it worked.

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I've been doing more research online, and I've found accounts of white vinegar, plain acv and (or course) raw, unfiltered acv all working. The first blurb I found indicated that the author felt that the enzymes in living acv were responsible for the wart killing activity, however, this doesn't seem to be the case.

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