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Pictures....Senior pics...

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I'm going to go CRAZY about graduation pics!


I started out looking at private photographers for graduation pics. I can't afford that.


So then I looked at places that offered Senior portrait packages. This went a little better but is still very pricey.


I even looked at Glamour Shots but they are out of reach.


Then I thought maybe I could find a portrait collection or portrait special I could live with. These are MUCH less expensive as most parents know just from baby pics and such. But coming up with just the right combination is HARD.


I'm just ready to SCREAM! My mom wanted me to do it this week. We're probably looking at next week at earliest.


But I wanted to see if anyone had any ideas. I figured maybe I'm missing some easy option. The idea is just that there are pics, not stress!

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Sears? I took my ds to Sears. You get to preview the pictures and select the ones you like and choose the sizes and number you want before you pay for them. The pictures came out nice. I take my kids there every year for a "class picture" too (my blog has this year's class picture on the top left). You can even get a cd with a digital copy of all the pictures.

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Can you set up your own photo shoot? We do this every year. I love the candid shots over the overly posed photos. Maybe do a couple of days, go to a park, do some more formally, maybe something using their hobbies.


Then commit the time to go have them printed in different sizes.

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Do you have any friends that are good amateur photographers? Tons of people own SLR cameras these days, and if they know how to use them can probably get pictures that are much better than Sears, if not comparable. If you can't get someone to donate their services, you could offer them a trade. I would personally be thrilled to take pictures for someone who was willing to trade a couple hours of housecleaning services. :)

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I don't know how the prices compare to the places you've already checked, but we took my daughter to The Picture People for her graduation pictures. She wasn't happy with the first batch, so they re-shot the same day until we got a few she liked.


I think we paid a little over $100 for them and ended up with more than we needed, just because we wanted at least one copy of each pose we liked.


The other option, as someone else said, would be to just do them yourself. I always take my kids' headshots for theatre auditions. We have the best luck taking them outside, usually on a sunny afternoon. I have a digital camera, so we can take lots and lots of pictures to get one or two that we like.


We've gotten lots of compliments on them, and people often ask where we had them done. So, it's definitely do-able to get something nice.


And I like that the ones you take at home allow for more personality.

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I would highly recommend it. They take a lot of pictures and and you can even change clothes multiple times. Then you can look at them on a big screen and pick the ones you want. You can choose your favorite photo for the package which starts at $9.95. You can totally customize how many photos you get based on how much you want to spend. Then you have your pictures in an hour. You also get a photo CD for online applications.

The only stress is only ordering what you can afford, but just go in there with a budget and stick to it:001_smile:


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Have someone good take them...and then trade with someone who can do Photoshop. My husband has done photoshop with our friend's daughter, and they look professional! Then, they ran them off at Walmart or something. They had to get a letter of release because they look so good. He's going to charge $30 for each photo to be retouched...around here that's a good price. I'd aim for one or two photos to be touched...and take the pics with a nice borrowed camera. Also, of course, you can try to aim for a few different poses and then choose the best one...as "the one".


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Heh!...you don't want to know what I did. I'm a total cheapskate. Took dd to the park. It was a wet semi-rainy cloudy day. Had her dressed decent (black sweater with her jeans), did some natural poses with my 4mp point and shoot.....and there you are (or, if you're from down under...."Bob's your uncle"). They came out fine for me. One of them will be in our ISP's yearbook, one will be in the graduation slide show. The look nice, and are certainly suitable for framing or enlarging. But then....I'm not excessively picky either ;).


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I have to second using Portrait Innovations if you have one near you. Both of my boys did standard graduation sittings at a photography studio. Each time I paid about $400 for their pictures. That was cheap compared to some of their friends, especially girls who had multiple outfit changes. I took my younger dd's in for school pictures at Portrait Innovations, it was just like the graduation photography studio, but cost a whole lot less. The photographers can move around with the camera like the pricey studio and you can change your outfit as many times as you like. They have a one pose special that is $9.95, I spent about $60 for both of my girls, and got many of the poses.




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We were just at Fair Park yesterday and it is gorgeous there right now! Would you be able to find, like a pp said, a friend with a really good camera and go there and take some pics?


My sis takes pictures for friends and she *might* be able to do this as a favor (her work schedule is crazy right now)...pm me if you'd like me to ask her. I'm going to ask her to meet us at FP to take pics of our dc! She's not a professional, but she takes wonderful portraits.

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Thanks y'all.


I actually set up an appointment with Portrait Innovations yesterday afternoon so imagine how happy I am to hear good things about them!


Our budget is $120 including graduation announcements (I considered just using their photo cards, but I'll decide for sure later).


The only thing I was disappointed about was that they couldn't give me the price of the 3 and 4 pose collections when I called (on the first call, I had been able to get the price of teh 6, 9 and 12 pose ones). Also, they don't have a cap & gown prop. That would have been nice.


Anyway, so dd is going to find a casual and dress outfit. We might do a 3rd. They said they can only do one clothing change on weekends, but we are going on the 21st (a Tuesday).


We probably should take more general pictures (at the park and such). I know we'll take quite a few tomorrow night (The Memorial of Christ Jesus).


Anyway, so thanks again y'all :)

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Have you checked with any of your local homeschool groups? I think many will organize a group time with a photographer/company for doing shots at discounted rates (since it's a group). Even if you don't normally use the homeschool group for other activities, surely they wouldn't mind you jumping in on pics since it can usually lower everyone's rates, the more they can get involved.


Good luck!

- Stacey

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I would highly recommend it. They take a lot of pictures and and you can even change clothes multiple times. Then you can look at them on a big screen and pick the ones you want. You can choose your favorite photo for the package which starts at $9.95. You can totally customize how many photos you get based on how much you want to spend. Then you have your pictures in an hour. You also get a photo CD for online applications.

The only stress is only ordering what you can afford, but just go in there with a budget and stick to it:001_smile:




I agree with this! One caveat: if the best photo looks dark on the computer screen (because the flash didn't go off or something), don't believe them when they tell you they'll print it lighter and it will be fine. It will be *okay* but it won't be the terrific shot you really want for a senior pic. When it's on the wall, it will look dark unless there is a really bright light shining directly on it; if it's near any other photos, it will be obviously darker. Other than that one problem, we've been very pleased with Portrait Innovations!

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We love JCPenney's.

We do birthday pictures there every year.

They always have coupons for $3.99 portrait sheets, (you get to pick the different poses) a free sitting fee (for 1 person) and a free 8x10. They will let you bring any props that you want. I have seen the coupons in magazines and if you check their website they may have some too. I think it is jcpportraits.com.

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I realize this is very anecdotal, BUT I will share anyway. We USED to use JCP b/c their prices were so decent compared to reasonable quality. But last year, they lost or accidentally destroyed my family pictures TWICE. Not once, but TWICE! I had to re-iron all of the clothes (which weren't new any more), I had to take a whole other Sunday afternoon (time my family usually cherishes) to do a re-take. The only thing they offered me was a free 8x10. Didn't even say SORRY. I was so furious!! FWIW, the 2nd round of pictures didn't come out as good either.


The other time was was my baby's 12mo. pictures. By the time we knew what was going on, he was already 14 or 15 mon.'s and bigger, and... it just wasn't the same. Again, they didn't offer much as an appology. And again, I was totally crazed. Needless to say, we don't go there anymore....wouldn't consider it ever for free....



Thanks for letting me share....

:-) Stacey in MA

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