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Another WTM baby on the way

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Yep, the year my eldest goes into high school, the year my "baby" turns 10, the year I decided finally that I'm over the baby stage, suprise! This baby is due at the end of October. I'm still not quite over the shock but the rest of the family is thrilled to bits :) So those of you who had "surprise" packages like this one, feel free to share your happy stories with me. You know, the ones that will convince me I can still have a normal life with a teenager AND a baby :001_huh:

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First, congratulations! How wonderful for you.


I had adopted a little girl and started adoption proceedings for our second girl when I got my little surprise, so I wasn't out of the baby stage. I did end up with three children 28 months and under, a 6yo, an 11yo, and a 13yo all at once. Surprises are good! I wouldn't take anything for my fourth little boy.


It is hard to have toddlers and teenagers at the same time, though. They are very similar.:001_smile:


It is also harder to have a 9yo, 10yo, 11yo, and 15yo at an older age when I have less patience and energy. I'm still running them around to all their activities, but it was much easier when I was younger. I just don't have the stamina I used to (I'm 45). In some ways, I think having this last "crop" has kept me young, though. I wouldn't change it for anything.

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Congratulations! Relax and enjoy!

I am 60 and our two youngest are 8 & 9(adopted). Our oldest lives with us as he is in a power chair. He and our two youngest are best friends. Now I know he isn't a teen ager but I have heard many stories of the teen of the family being the best friend to the little one. It will work and you will find your balance.

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Congratulations! My youngest was 8 when my 2 year old was born, and now we have an 18 mo. old, too. It's like having 2 "pairs" of kids, and yet they're all still a group somehow, singing along to Veggie Tales in the van and playing on the driveway. Well, the little one can't sing yet, but he tries! It'll be great! Congratulations again!

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My daughter was almost 12 when my son was born. While it wasn't the spacing I would have chosen, it has turned out to be great for our family.


You will get to experience your older ones interacting with the baby, and that's a very precious thing. Your sons will have a little one looking up to them and admiring everything they do; it's a great ego boost for the older children. :)


The hardest thing for me has been stretching my mind and emotions to deal with two very different stages of life at the same time. When DS was a toddler and getting into everything, DD was struggling with high school subjects and needing to have long angst-filled discussions about her life. Switching back and forth was a bit dizzying sometimes, but it was good for me, too.


I've also found it a challenge sometimes to remember how to teach the early grade subjects! :) My brain is saying "Algebra, Geometry, Literature Analysis...addition? phonics? What up?!" :tongue_smilie: But I also have my daughter as a great resource. She remembers details about her early school years that I've forgotten, and she gives me ideas and encouragement when I start to think I'm never going to get her little brother through his school years.


You will probably wonder in a few years, as I have, what your family would ever have done without this little one!

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Congratulations, Lucy! My SIL had a baby when her two kids were the same ages as yours, and she is loving it. Also, my mom had my youngest sister when I was 13 and my other sister was 9, and we all adjusted just fine! Just think, you have 2 handy-dandy babysitters already. You're a pro - you can do this! :hurray:

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My children were 16, 15 and 10 when our youngest was born. We had NO baby stuff in the house and had to start all over. It has been the BEST thing we ever did! BTW: Ours DD was NOT a surprise, just a long awaited decision. DH was unsure about more until one magical day when he said "YES!" Everyone in the family adores her. She is a happy and very mature child and gets along with people of all ages, though she kinda thinks kids her age are "babyish". Here is a poem I wrote just after my DD was born.




Ten years waiting


Then finally I knew

You were coming,


Round and hard as a basketball

My belly became

Under my pink sweater set

I prayed

Be happy, healthy

I made a room

Pale and peaceful

I sang to you

Soft and lovely

And finally one day

You came

Out of your hiding place

And into my arms

No more wishing

Only singing,



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Thank you so much for sharing all your stories. I know God knows what He's doing - I just don't always feel that I'm up to the challenge :rolleyes: Looking back, though, I realise He was preparing me a while back. I met a Christian mum (our sons played cricket together) and we clicked straightaway. She shared a lot about her faith, included the trial of losing her eldest child, a 10-year old daughter in a car accident. When I found out I was pregnant, my first reaction was, "Oh, no, I don't want a baby now!" And immediately I thought of this dear family who had their child taken away and I realised we were getting a gift, not a burden.

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